in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful
I arrived safely at Kulim at 7 pm. It was a trouble free journey, though heavy rain at Gunung Semanggol slowed me down a little.
If I am not mistaken, I did mention that I would be celebrating raya here in Kulim. Surprisingly, it was rather unexpected that boss came to us and said ' Kamu semua cuti je la sampai Ahad'. So I packed up, so quick as if a master was whipping me at the back!
Raya this time around was relatively eventful. How can it be uneventful when you had diarrhoea on the 1st day? lol..I also received an invitation to go a friend's place in Kajang, to observe a slaughtering, but politely I had to say no. I just couldn't.
Anyway, I have made a booking for my 1st ever car, using my money. Alhamdulillah. Should there be no problem, the car will be ready in January. Alhamdulilah again.
In short, it has been a good weekend. Liverpool managed to TRASH(yeah right) Everton, and hopefully Internaziole, Bayern Munich and Barcelona will also pick up 3 points tonight. 1 thing that has spoiled the weekend was Roger Federer's exit in the semi final. Boring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have I mentioned I had my first futsal in the last 9 months last night? It was a good run out, and I know I still have what it takes to survive amateur level. Impressive!!
I'm out.
till next time,
p/s: joke of the day
BTN courses inculcate sense of patriotism, says BN leaders
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah! Good one UMNO/BN
nk tumpang gelak gak.haaahahahahha.
yg tak tahan tu, bsb look alike???funny
aku kan mcm nick carter bukan? lol!!
ha'ah..nick carter selepas dilanggar oleh lori tractor lalu dipatuk ayam. ihh..sebijik la. wahahaha!
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