Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Reckoning


In the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Merciful

I'm pretty confident many have heard of Sir Elton John's first ever( and likely his last) in Malaysia. His ads can be seen in many daily newspapers.

That is normal. What is abnormal is Pas Youth seems to be making headlines as well. The way they work is the moment an event is announced, they will be among the first to protest. They seem to excel very well here. Excel in protesting, of course.

Many are disappointed with the current leadership of current Pas youth. Some may disagree, but that's alright.

I don't mean to intervene in their work, but in my opinion, the focus should be turned on to improving the Muslims. Protesting here and there does not make Islam more attractive. What they need to do is to constantly provide alternative entertainment to the youth. Make them attracted to you.

Let the non Muslims do whatever they want. They are entitled to it. We must now focus on strengthening the faith of Muslims. Come whatever may, our resilient will be as strong as ever.

PAS Youth really needs to improve.

till next time.



in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

It is 1 am to be precise. I finished my locum at 12 midnight, and got into talking with friends in ward for some time before finally reaching home.

So what is new in life?

I reckon I still have issues to this so called group 'Himpun'. In my opinion, they have been misled in their objectives. I won't go into details in this entry, because you know, it's 1 am.

To those who are expecting my presence in the next Raya Haji, it is sad to announce that I won't be making my way back home. I really can't. The weekend after I have a course to attend in Universiti Malaya, which coincides with my birthday too, so I had to decide what is best for all.

Of late, I have had difficulty in falling asleep. It runs in the family, unfortunately. It really stresses the hell out of you everytime you wake up feeling tired. It is a test from Allah to test if patience is really one of your virtues. Do I own one? Yes, you, tell me.

Apart from those above, I have less than 8 weeks before I finally tie the know with the special one. Kind of my feelings really. You feel scared moving into another stage of life, but you can't deny the excitement too. My counterpart says she feels lucky not to be a man, because of the responsibilities and all.

Lol! Gibberish eh?

till next time,

Wednesday, October 26, 2011



in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

It is 12 midnight, and I can't seem to settle down on my bed. My brain is preoccupied with things that I have no answers to its respective questions.

In between 2 people with obvious differences in character and personality, how do you find compatibility between them? You handle things your way, and so does she. They may not suit your way, and vice versa.

Occasionally a fight erupts between these couples. A fight can be a simple and trivial one. It the big one that makes you lose your sleep. A lot of theories invented including one that asks you to keep it low until the mood of your counterpart cools down.

Really it is down to the differences that determine the way you handle a fight.

You may wonder why am I writing on this.

I don't have the answer.

till next time,

Monday, October 24, 2011



in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

My application for a transfer to my beloved hometown was approved last week. I was informed through a telephone call, and there is no black and white yet at the moment.

Should the letter be here by anytime soon, I will leave this place with mixed feeling. It has been a memorable 2 and a half years. Kulim was already known as Kulim Hi Tech way before I knew I would be transferred here. Back then Kulim was a far quieter place compared to now.

Everytime I am here I feel content with life. All the basic necessities are easy to find here. There is no traffic jam, and the spirit of neighbourhood is well felt. People can recognise me and at times, honestly I have to pretend that I know who they are. You hardly get people pretending you are not there, when you actually are.

But whenever I am back home, it is always home sweet home.

So I have had a few homes now.

I need to settle down I reckon.

till next time,

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Himpun - My Side


Dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Mengasihani

Tujuan saya menulis adalah untuk menyuarakan pendapat mengenai 'HIMPUN'. Secara kasarnya, ia merupakan perhimpunan yang dianjurkan oleh pertubuhan bukan kerajaan (NGOs) dengan objektif-objektif tertentu.

Secara umumnya, penganjur dan penyokong adalah golongan orang yang berilmu.

Di samping menyedari ancaman pendakwah agama lain yang semakin jelas, satu hakikat yang kurang disedari sebenarnya masyarakat Melayu adalah jahil terhadap agama Islam itu sendiri. Mata pelajaran agama pun ramai yang tak lulus, dan bukanlah satu perkara yang mengejutkan bila kita mendengar belia berumur 25 tahun tidak tahu membaca al-Fatihah.

Saya tidak menentang pendekatan mubaligh agama lain, kerana itu memang tanggungjawab yang dipikul oleh mereka.

Jika saudara pernah mengikuti tulisan saya sebelum ini, saya juga antara orang yang tidak bersetuju dengan kempen boikot Israel.


Saya melihat perjuangan pada zaman dahulu, Rasulullah tidak membuat demonstrasi atau mengajak rakyat berkumpul untuk menyuarakan bantahan terhadap orang yang menentang Islam. Sebaliknya apa yang dilakukan ialah penerapan berterusan akidah orang Islam.

Apa yang harus ditekankan ialah suara bersepadu untuk mengukuhkan akidah umat Islam.

Jika kita berkeras hendak memprotes golongan Kristian sebagai contoh, bagaimana pula jika golongan bukan Muslim juga berkeras untuk membantah pengislaman kaum-kaum bukan Melayu. Jika kehendak kedua-dua pihak dituruti, maka kita akan menemui jalan buntu, di mana hanya Melayu akan menjadi Muslim dan golongan bukan Melayu terus dengan agama mereka.

91. Allah sekali-kali tidak mempunyai anak, dan sekali-kali tidak ada tuhan (yang lain) beserta-Nya, kalau ada tuhan beserta-Nya, masing-masing tuhan itu akan membawa makhluk yang diciptakannya, dan sebagian dari tuhan-tuhan itu akan mengalahkan sebagian yang lain. Maha Suci Allah dari apa yang mereka sifatkan itu,

92. Yang mengetahui semua yang ghaib[1019] dan semua yang nampak, maka Maha Tinggilah Dia dari apa yang mereka persekutukan. Al-Mu'minun ayat 91-92

Golongan-golongan agama juga agak konservatif, dan ramai pula yang senyap bila golongan-golongan berilmu dinafikan mengajar di Selangor dengan alasan tiada tauliah. Tujuan pengajian ialah untuk memantapkan kefahaman tentang Islam.

Tapi yang menariknya, apa yang ditumpukan ialah ilmuan agama lain dilarang untuk mendekati umat Islam.

Golongan pengajar Islam yang hendak mendekati orang Islam pula dilarang. Ironis, dan di manakah keutamaannya?

Saya pernah menulis beberapa artikel yang sedikit sebanyak ada kaitan dengan topik yang saya bincangkan di atas.

Klik di pautan(link) di atas.

till next time,

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Beautiful Weekend


in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

In less than 3 days, one of the most important weekends in the history of mankind will take place. It is a weekend that almost everybody really looks forward to.

First of all, I need to be at Malacca this Friday. Lots of matters need to be sorted out, for the important upcoming once-in-a-lifetime event soon.

Secondly, Liverpool to play Man United on Saturday. Fingers crossed but I still have hopes that the victory will belong to us. Judging by the current form, Man Utd are the clear favourites.

Thirdly, the celebration of 35th wedding anniversary of my parents'. I feel delighted for them. I envy them really. Modern society has resulted chaos to many couples, but to weather the storm like what they have achieved, it is not easy. Therefore, Mama and Papa, Happy 35th anniversary! May you be blessed by Allah always.

Following right after this, is the match between the All Blacks and Wallabies. If your hair never stood still after watching this video, I really don't know what to say.

We can plan, and I hope Allah will grant me the chance to enjoy this beautiful weekend.

till next time,

Saturday, October 08, 2011



in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

So everyone has got their own say on the 2012 Budget presented yesterday in the Parliament. In any budget presented by any respective government of the day, there will be good and bad points.

So whatever that is deemed to be right, nobody should condemn it, just because they are on the opposite party. Vice versa, the ones on the same boat ought to not be a yes man, so that the boss will be pleased with his actions.

I have yet to analyse experts' reviews on this matter, and so many have you too.

So how do you tell whether this a good or a bad one?

One has to compliment the liberalisation of the government sectors. Pay rise, no new tax and this and that, we are thankful to God and the government.

What many find as troubling is the number of one-off packages. Scary. Do we actually have the means to implement this?

Do we always need to give the fish, rather them teaching how to fish?

If this RM500 is finished, are we back to square one, complaining that cost of living is very high? If there was to be another course of war in Iraq, will the people be denied the right to complain the rise is petrol price?

While I am thankful for the goodies, I cannot help but think that this is an Election Budget. My prediction is middle of next year, a couple of months after all of these goodies have been distributed.

Fingers crossed, but I think my prediction could be right.

Till next time lads,

Sunday, October 02, 2011



in the name of Allah theMost Gracious the Most Merciful

In life as a Muslim, you'll be tested from time to time. Your resilience and its outcome are indicators of how strong is your faith towards Allah.

Allah tests His servants in a possible thousand and one ways.

One of them is happiness. Happiness on its own is a test. Many supplicate to Allah in the times when things are not going their way. We tell them to be patience. More often than not, we forget Allah when everything is in good terms.

We turn to Allah when the gift of happiness is taken back.

How ungrateful are we as a human being. When you become a boss to your employees, you want them to love you just like how much you love them. Have we done justice to ourselves now?

I'd love to write more, but I can't.

till next time,