Saturday, December 19, 2009

Paradigm Shift


in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

I reached home 5 minutes ago, from the surau. It still amazes me to see people nodding heads to the left and right for tahlil. The speed and intensity were on the increasing rate as they reached towards the end of tahlil.

Doesn't it make you wonder whether it's ibadah or another traditional custom?

Ibadah berdasarkan dalil yang sahih/benar(Part 1/11)

As 1 of the top scholars put it, we are so concerned with originality of Levi's, but we care so little of our daily obligations'? For instance, tahlil and yassin on Friday night.

It's been emphasised many times that it is not this custom above that frustrates me. It's the same for many thinkers I suppose. There is no delight in seeing blindly followers, where you move to wherever the wind blows you.

It is sufficient to spark a new way of thinking by saying

-tiada bacaan yasin dan tahlil malam jumaat
-baca doa awal tahun
- tidak wajib membaca qunut,
- tiada tahlil untuk orang mati
- kebanyakan ini adalah adat orang melayu/arab/nusantara/afrika sahaja

Let us take these matters intellectually. Prove to me these were part of Rasulullah's practices. Prove its source. Show me the genuine evidences.

Islam starts very well indeed with the submission to Allah. Next what follows is to obey orders from Allah through His messenger. Don't make 'kembali kepada Quran dan Sunnah' as simply another rethoric

We rely too much on the veterans of our generation. Once they go away, who's the one to lead us on religious matters?

Let's get up to speed and march forward. This malaise has brought to the downfall on Palestine, and the majority of Muslim-majority countries.

Israel grows vegetables on Palestinian soil and uses as workes. How humuliating more could it be?

Step up and get up to speed. I hate being left behind.

Mari membaca!

till next time,


farah said...

slm=) maaf, tp sy pikir, if it's a good thing, then why not..mmgla not part of rasulullah's they are good practices..x salah kan..i'm referring to bc yassin and tahlil mlm jumaat, bc doa awal n akhir tahun..not the nodding heads petty thoughts anyway..

Unknown said...

if you would like to have a look at the hadith at the top of this page..
ibnu Umar pn pernah berkata bidaah itu adalah salah walaupun ia dipandang mulia.

xpela,sume orang wat silap, tp sume orang perlu belajar tiap2 ari kan

Iza said... pun br nk bersetuju dgn farah. sbb dulu ustaz aku kata tade bidaah dlm melakukan kebaikan. cth cam baca yassin mlm jumaat tu..elok la baca drpd tak buat apa2 langsung. tp jd salah kalau ade org me"wajib"kan bacaan yassin tu. cam "ohh takley, kita kena baca yassin mlm jumaat,mana bole kalo tak baca", kata org yang jahil.