Monday, December 21, 2009

Panggilan Illahi


in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful


That is precisely how I feel at the moment. Sisters and my parents are leaving for Mekah for Umrah tonight. Long have they planned this, and I was part of it. Sadly, working as a junior doctor won't permit me a long holiday.

As you get older, your love towards your family goes deeper, very rightly proportionate to time. I gave my mother a call, and finished with "insyaAllah jumpa lagi tahun depan'.

I am appropriately emotional now. I will miss them.

Selamat beribadat.

Selamat pergi dan pulang.

Semoga amalan diterima kesemuanya.

Yang Ikhlas,
Azri Fikry

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