Sunday, August 31, 2008

Needing help


in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

Let me begin with by saying 'Selamat Menyambut Hari Kemerdekaan yang ke-51'. I wish for prosperous and glorious Malaysia for years to come.

I was surfing around on net and youtube, I came across a video that provides this link.

Who is Teresa Kok?

She is the MP of Seputeh. She defeated a BN candidate with a thumping majority of more than 35 000 in March GE.  Whether she is a Christian or Buddhist, it should not even be a question in the first place. That is a right granted by the Federal Constituency. 

My question below is never meant to create any tension. Neither it is intended to hurt anyone. A clarification is what I needed. I don't know if it's even a chapter in the Bible. It is mentioned in that link, 

In the book of Leviticus, chapter 11, v. 7, it is recorded that God declares the pig to be unclean for believers. Then, in verse 8, God says: “You must not eat their meat or touch their carcasses; they are unclean for you”. This command is repeated in Deuteronomy 14:7-8. Then, in Isaiah 65:2-4, and 66:17, God issues a stern warning against those who eat pork.

so is that true? or is it specifically meant to some sections?

to my Muslim friends, we have a great and challenging month coming ahead. As a start, I would like to suggest that each and everyone of us take your Quran with you to work/class. I believe we have a good 1 hour break in lunch time. So, together with 'iktikaf', get a short afternoon nap(15 mins) and good 10 mins on a page or two of the Noble Quran. 

Please ensure your Quran comes with the translation too okay.  Let's start a generation that knows what Quran is all about.  We are done being stupid. 

Practical, isn't it?


till next time,
p/s: kami di NZ mungkin mula puasa hari selasa...malam ni tgk anak bulan.


Thursday, August 28, 2008

Dilema Melayu Muslim


in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

Ramadhan is just around the corner. .1, 2, 3 ready, go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Isu hari ini ialah KETULENAN ilmu. Melayu secara umumnya mula mempelajari ilmu secara rasmi 50 tahun lepas. Rata-rata generasi pra-merdeka hanya bergantung kepada ilmu lisan yang secara langsung atau tidak mencemarkan ketulenan atau kesahihan ilmu itu. Generasi sekarang juga mengalami kesan2 akibat warisan budaya itu. Akidah dicampurkan dengan percaya bomoh, nombor bertuah, cincin, azimat dan lain2. 

Islam mengajar ketulenan ilmu. Islam juga mengajar cara menyebarkan berita. Islam juga cukup disiplin dalam aspek2 lain.  Islam itu cukup ringkas, yang jika diamalkan maka tidak akan wujud senario politik yang cukup kacau-bilau seperti sekarang. 

"Cukuplah untuk seseorang itu dianggap berdusta dengan dia menceritakan setiap yang dia dengar" - Riwayat Muslim

Rasulullah bermula secara bertahun-tahun di Mekah dengan konsep akidah yang tulen. Kita sama sekali tidak dapat menerima Nabi Isa/Jesus sebagai tuhan. Bagaimana mungkin kita dapat menerima tuhan yg bersifat seperti manusia, boleh mati dan dihidupkan kembali. Bagaimana mungkin kita dapat terima Maryam itu sebagai sebahagian daripada Allah? Bagaimana mungkin kita dapat terima Jesus sebagai tuhan sedangkan generasi-generasi yang diterangkan dalam Quran dan Bible hanya diutuskan Nabi di kalangan manusia. Bagaimana mungkin kita boleh terima Nabi Isa sebagai tuhan kepada asalnya nabi untuk bani Israel sedangkan bani Israel sebelum itu hanya diutuskan Nabi Musa yang diangkat daripada manusia?

Akidah ini dirosakkan oleh campur aduk syirik2 masyarakat2 tidak bertamadun.  Itulah akibat ilmu yg tidak berteraskan bukti(evidence based). 

Sebab itu bila kita terangkan amalan2 seperti baca yasin malam jumaat, baca yasin malam nisfu syaaban, baca Qunut dalam subuh dan doa beramai2 selepas solat itu tiada, ramai yang tidak berilmu akan menentang. Menentang dan lebih lagi terus melabel, hanya kerana tidak suka mereka dibuktikan salah. Sebab itu golongan-golongan pro-sunnah sekarang pun masih dilabel seperti dipanggil orang Wahabi. Golongon2 ini tak ubah seperti Abu Jahal, apa tidak dapat membuktikan dia betul, dia melabel Rasulullah sebagai tukang sihir dan lain2 lagi. 

peliknya, bila ditanya e.g. Wahabi itu apa? mereka sendiri pun tak tahu. jawapan mereka, kebanyakan mulut di luar sana kata sesat, jadi mereka pun ikut kata sesat.  

Ustaz Sofwan Badree berbicara tentang Dilema Melayu Muslim, 

till next time,
p/s jika ada kesalahan harap dapat dibetulkan

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Next Big Thing


dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Mengasihani

selesai sudah pilihanraya Permatang Pauh. tolak ke tepi siapa pemenangnya..

Harus diingat bahawa sama ada PAS atau UMNO atau PKR atau DAP atau mana2 parti sekali pun, parti politik itu hanyalah sebagai wadah perjuangan/ideologi yang berhak dipilih oleh mana2 pihak. Yang wajar ditekankan disini ialah TIDAK harus wujud kesetiaan membabi buta dan kesetiaan terhadap mana2 parti wajar disingkirkan jika prinsip perjuangan tidak lagi ditepati. Tidak salah untuk ahli2 umno memilih untuk masuk PAS, dan tidak juga salah ahli PAS utk masuk UMNO jika dirasakan perjuangan pihak satu lagi itu sudah tidak sesuai lagi. Yang penting keutamaan agama wajar diletakkan jauh lebih tinggi daripada memperjuangkan bangsa.

31. Mereka menjadikan orang-orang alimnya dan rahib-rahib mereka sebagai tuhan selain Allah[639] dan (juga mereka mempertuhankan) Al Masih putera Maryam, padahal mereka hanya disuruh menyembah Tuhan yang Esa, tidak ada Tuhan (yang berhak disembah) selain Dia. Maha suci Allah dari apa yang mereka persekutukan.     At-Taubah ayat 31

[639]. Maksudnya: mereka mematuhi ajaran-ajaran orang-orang alim dan rahib-rahib mereka dengan membabi buta, biarpun orang-orang alim dan rahib-rahib itu menyuruh membuat maksiat atau mengharamkan yang halal. 

Sekarang mungkin ada yg akan persoalkan kenapa saya begitu kecewa dengan Ezam. Bukan kerana dia masuk UMNO yg menjadi isu. Yang kita persoalkan kenapa zaman pre-UMNO dia begitu lantang bicara isu rasuah dikalangan pihak BN, tp sekarang begitu petah menyerang pihak yg dulu dia angkat tinggi.

tolak sekali lagi isu atas ke tepi...

Sekarang kita ada agenda yg lebih besar drpd Anwar Ibrahim. Isnin/Selasa depan bermula hari pertama bulan agung dalam Islam, satu2 nya agama yang diterima Allah. Ayat yg mewajibkan puasa x perlu diulang, sebab budak2 kecik x sekolah pun dh tau wajib puasa. 

Begitu juga amalan2 yg digalakkan, saya yakin ramai yg dah tahu. 

Halangan untuk kebanyakan drpd generasi kita ialah sibuk dengan akademik/kerja. Itu normal dan kita tak disuruh pun tinggalkan dunia. Pilihan yang baik untuk mana2 pihak yg mempunyai kelapangan hendak mengambil kesempatan untuk sentiasa menyampaikan sedikit peringatan(tazkirah). Anda mungkin sibuk keesokan hari, dan tugas menyampaikan peringatan boleh dipikul oleh pihak lain pula. 

38. Hai orang-orang yang beriman, apakah sebabnya bila dikatakan kepadamu: "Berangkatlah (untuk berperang) pada jalan Allah" kamu merasa berat dan ingin tinggal di tempatmu? Apakah kamu puas dengan kehidupan di dunia sebagai ganti kehidupan di akhirat? Padahal kenikmatan hidup di dunia ini (dibandingkan dengan kehidupan) diakhirat hanyalah sedikit. [at-Taubah 38]

Begitu juga saya, sentiasalah hantar sms/email/ym/blog kepada saya sebagai peringatan. 

kegembiraan berbuka puasa =)

bersama menuju Ramadhan yang lebih baik!!

till next time,

Monday, August 25, 2008

Ulasan terakhir


in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

In less than 48 hours the winner of Permatang Pauh by election will be announced. It's hard to predict this time. Given the current situation, I rely a lot on online news. I had the chance to finally give a call to my family yesterday, n they were saying the 1st half of many evening news is purely constant attack on DSAI. I wonder at the end who really buy those news?

the most explosive news at the moment has to be none other than Ustaz Ramlang Porigi. Who is he you ask? He's the imam that conducted Saiful's sumpah not so long ago. 

Imam Masjid Wilayah Persekutuan, Ramlang Porigi memohon maaf kepada seluruh rakyat Malaysia kerana kehadirannya secara tidak sengaja dalam majlis sumpah Saiful Bukhari Azlan 15 Ogos lepas menimbulkan banyak fitnah.

Katanya, beliau langsung tidak terbabit dengan pengaturan sumpah tersebut, sebaliknya diajak menghadiri suatu majlis yang telah diaturkan pihak tertentu secara tidak dirancang.

Beliau yang dijemput memberikan penerangan sempena Solat Hajat Perdana bersama Menteri Besar Kelantan, Dato' Nik Aziz Nik Mat di Masjid Bandar Perda malam tadi mendedahkan, kehadiran beliau di situ secara kebetulan menikahkan orang bukanya mengatur program jahat tersebut.

"Saya bukan Imam besar di situ saya cuma imam biasa sahaja. Imam besarnya ialah Haji Abdul Malek Saleh. Di televisyen mengatakan saya Iman Besar di situ salah sama sekali kerana kehadiran saya di situ untuk menikahkan pasangan pengantin.[source]

In my subjective opinion, this makes the sodomy case not a case anymore.  It's ridiculous, it really is. It's just an opinion, of course it is subjective. 

This sumpah should not be made a culture. It will be misused if it is not explained well to the public. One day, if one gets caught stealing a car for instance, he does not to the court anymore because he can exploit this sumpah.  Of course, li'an is a different case. When the time and place is right, we leave it to Allah for the final result. 

Let's have a recap of these 3 candidates. It's tough to pick the best

1) Anwar Ibrahim - track record says it all. The fact that he lives in KL does not mean he can't serve his constituency well. He has been PP MP since 1982(or 1985?) remember? 

2) Arif Shah - Being a BN member does not necessarily mean he is a bad candidate. Dr Asri wrote once that a candidate is chosen by individual capabilities, not party. 

3) Hanafi Hamat - will never be near the top of my list. The story on him today really turns me off. He most likely did not mean it, but a Muslim's faith towards Allah should be purely just Allah. Not the smallest amount of syirik should ever be incorporated to our faith. 

All the best MALAYSIA!!

till next time,

Sunday, August 24, 2008

2 more days


in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

I do not know if I have unintentionally transformed this page to a political blog. The purpose of having several entries on Malaysian politics is to broaden the horizon, so that each and everyone of us will be more wise in choosing.  Some do not like what I write. You just can't please everyone, can you? 

I am not selective in the sources that I read. My latest entry, I talked about the funds that fund the campaign of both parties. KJ commented on Anwar, and I had to copy-and-paste the statement from Dato Yong Teck Lee. 2 sides for each coin remember? What is so selective about that? UTUSAN MELAYU would not have been labelled MELOYA if they were reporting fairly. For the record, I still visit the page every hourly whenver I can, but I can't help it if you still want to think Utusan is the BEST and FAIR. 

Re sumpah issue, I came across a video by Dr Danial. I have never heard his name so I do not know if his view is one sided or not. I don't think he is, judging from the way he answered the question. In his reply, he answered the question of sumpah in 3 aspects according to Quran n hadith: 
1) civil court
2) syariah court
3) li'an(sumpah laknat)  

I hope some of you will learn how to debate intellectually. I am a million miles from being the best, but I don't like emotional sentiments being used to justify your thoughts. 

2 interesting articles,
Why European Women Are Turning to Islam -By Peter Ford | Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor

till next time,

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Duit duit, dimana kau duit?


in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

I feel attracted to a statement made by Khairy Jamaludin(MP of Parliament),

Khairy, who is the son-in-law of Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, also asked Anwar to reveal the source of his election war chest.

"I am afraid that if Anwar is elected as a MP and forms a new federal government, our country will be sold to the United States. I want to know where his (election) fund comes from," he said.

Now goes my question,

where does the money that you use come from?

the question does not come 100% from me, it's inspired by Yong Teck Lee's statement 

SAPP asked Umno and other Barisan leaders whether it was in their conscience to waste the Sabah peoples’ money in such an extravagant way.

“The costs of travelling, accommodation, food and campaigning will definitely amount to millions of ringgit. Where will this money come from?” Yong said.

“The money will not come from the national Barisan because it is already near bankrupt, unable to settle the (High Court) judgment debt of RM218mill arising from unpaid election bills in the 2004 general election.”

we also wonder why the rm300k award giving ceremony to our hero Lee Chong Wei must be made in Permatang Pauh?

this verse below is not related to the article above, but wouldn't it be nice to be reminded sometimes, especially to overseas students

47. Dan janganlah kamu menjadi seperti orang-orang yang keluar dari kampungnya dengan rasa angkuh dan dengan maksud riya' kepada manusia serta menghalangi (orang) dari jalan Allah. Dan (ilmu) Allah meliputi apa yang mereka kerjakan.

till next time,


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Berbicara Soal Moral


in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

just as expected, widespread personal attacks and slandering are currently taking place there in Permatang Pauh. 

they promised 'tiada serangan peribadi', yet Saiful's swearing on the holy Quran was played on a giant screen at 9pm August 17. Later, they talked about Pakatan Rakyat's supporters being rude and rough towards them. 2nd video will show what did not come out in mainstream newspapers(only 15 seconds).

what kind of attitude is this? I do not condone this, even if it comes from PAS. This fanaticsm must stop. 

till next time,

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Saiful Saiful Saiful


in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

isn't the dialogue below funny?

Saiful: Sodomy wasn't consensual(Saiful's press conference 2 days ago)

The timing of your swearing is very close to the nomination date for the Permatang Pauh by-election. Please explain.

It's all a coincidence. We don't know that Anwar is going to contest and I wish to stress here that I need strength and God has given it to me now. It so happens that it is Friday today.

taken from Saiful's blog way way long time ago(August 1 2008),
Kepada DSAI, saya mengucapkan selamat bertanding.

who's lying here? 

I have no knowledge to determine who's the one telling the truth. There are just too many 'coincidences' in this case. I won't talk a lot, find it yourself okay. 

the funniest of all,

Were you ever in love with Anwar?



till next time,


Wednesday, August 13, 2008



in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Merciful

"We will convince the voters that Anwar is an American stooge (baruah Amerika) who had forsaken the principles of the nation's founding fathers to achieve his premiership goal," Umno member Ezam Mohd Noor told Malaysiakini.

what is this Ezam? If he was indeed a barua, why did you not say a word 10 years ago? I wonder if people still have respect for you, after what you have done over these 2-3 months. 

Sigh, why must both parties(BN and PR) keep finding each other's faults? 

Why can't you prove you are better than the other. You go to Mamak Restaurant A because it serves better food than Mamak Restaurant B. You are weird if you go to Mamak Restaurant A because the food in B is worse. 

We are Muslims, and slandering is strictly prohibited. They know, yet they still do it. Why must we be at the losing end everytime?   

Dari Ibnu Mas'ud r.a. dari Nabi s.a.w., sabdanya: "Sesungguhnya
kebenaran - baik yang berupa ucapan atau perbuatan - itu menunjukkan kepada kebaikan
dan sesungguhnya kebaikan itu menunjukkan ke syurga dan sesungguhnya seseorang itu
niscaya melakukan kebenaran sehingga dicatatlah di sisi Allah sebagai seorang yang ahli
melakukan kebenaran. Dan sesungguhnya berdusta itu menunjukkan kepada kecurangan
dan sesungguhnya kecurangan itu menunjukkan kepada neraka dan sesungguhnya
seseorang itu niscaya berdusta sehingga dicatatlah di sisi Allah sebagai seorang yang ahli
berdusta." (Muttafaq 'alaih)

someone please come up with a good answer.

No no, that's not good enough. Or even better, somebody please come up with a solution. 

That is precisely what we need. 

till next time

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Two faces


in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

If I have all the time in the world, I'll want to elaborate more. Time does not permit that at the moment, and I am deeply sorry for that. 

taken from Rocky's Bru( Mukhriz - Will Anwar Sell Us All Out) , 

If Anwar Ibrahim has nothing to hide and hasn’t committed any offence against the laws of Malaysia, then he has nothing to worry about.

It is that simple to you, isn't it? Many times we have talked about how cheap is talking. Let's get it simple, if he did really commit the crime, why would police want the blood sample so much when they could have actually taken it from other sources e.g. hair, saliva. He was detained by the police, remember? If you followed closely the trial which started in 1998, I'm sure you would understand. 

and from Malaysiakini, 

"It is a jihad because this individual should not be given the chance to destroy the country's political stability and prosperity," women's wing deputy chief Shahrizat Abdul Jalil said according to The Starnewspaper.

hehe, the choice of words is weird but strong nevertheless. As I said, time is limited now. I will be writing more later. 

till next time,

Monday, August 11, 2008

Progressive Muslims


in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

Muslims were once world leaders. In every discipline, significant contributions were made by Muslims. Long after we have been ruled by the Western powers, to a decreasing degree we are still stranded behind in terms of knowledge. The colonists can still be proud with their invention of 'divide and rule' because it still does work.

We are picking up now. Some still believe we are relatively going down. Considering the facts the Malays started their formal education 50 years ago, I believe we are on the right track. 

It is a huge leap of PAS to organize an event like this.  This is absolutely marvelous. Muslims are at its best strength when united. It was unity that led to great achievements of Muslims. No need to state any examples, I try to keep my article short this time. CONGRATULATIONS PAS!!

positive minded will go oh, this is perhaps small, but it is something. Negative minded, no need lah, you already know. 

Nowadays everybody wanna talk like they got something to say
But nothin comes out when they move they lips
Just a buncha gibberish - Marshall

Only one thing that bugs me is the conservative-dominated Pas Youth body. Honestly, I am a big fan of Avril. I am not bothered by their call to cancel off her concert, but PAS Youth is constantly going around the country asking authorities to bend to their request, as if they have no other jobs. A great mind does not think of ways to weaken the enemies, instead he thinks of the best way to be a step ahead of the enemy. My point is, PAS should provide alternatives to the rakyat. 

I hope there is no misinterpretation here. I support any moves to strengthen Islam. I only have issues with the way it is dealt. 

and I leave you with a video of Ezam again, 

one of the comments posed - inilah pengkhianat bangsa. --> that is for you to judge. 

rindu plak kat yah(tengah2 tu)

till next time,
p/s: EPL nak start dah. Go Liverpool!! 


Saturday, August 09, 2008

Malaysian Doctors


in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

yesterday, I thought nobody in the world happier than I was.

my colleagues from IMU have graduated from medical school yesterday. Congratulation guys!! My group study mates, never-lost-a-single-match-in-3-years football friends and everyone, I know there is no better thing now than to be announced 'congrats, you won't be in med school anymore next week'. By all means, passing med school is no mean feat. I wish I was there with all of you yesterday.

While you are out there celebrating, do not forget to express your gratitude towards Allah. He has given you everything till what you have achieved today, which had He decided to fail you yesterday, you would be sitting in your room crying now.

While it is beyond doubt the culture in Malaysian medical professional is rough, one needs to be fair in judging. It goes without saying really that it's hard for any single man/woman to work continuously 34 hours in on call days. However, a friend of mine just had her elective in the US, said that there is not much difference in that sense. On call once a week and they have to work 28 hours non stop. Don't talk about money, some people with materialistic genes have a 1000 points to argue with. You will never win.

On top of everything, I still harbour some hope that I will be able to meet these guys again in the future. By November, they will be everywhere in Malaysia.

every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end - Semisonic

till next time,
p/s: korang pn doakan gak aa semua kita berjaya. banyak lagi yg kat UK, Canada, Oz and NZ.

Thursday, August 07, 2008



in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

i thought this was interesting,

Anwar is represented by a seven-member legal team headed by Sulaiman Abdullah. The other defence lawyers are R Sivarasa, Sankara Nair, Saiful Izham Ramli, Amer Hamzah, Edmund Bon and Leela J Jesuthasan.

There are also other lawyers who are holding watching brief for Bar Council and Washington-based Human Rights Watch, Paris-based International for Human Rights and Bangkok-based Forum Asia.

but this is twice more entertaining,

The police have put the entire court complex under heavy security, with police personnel lining up along the roads leading to the complex, as well as within the complex itself. At least seven police and Federal Reserve Unit trucks are seen in the court parking area. Similarly the police have also mounted several roadblocks in certain parts of the city, causing massive gridlocks in all main arteries that enter the city centre.

what a coincidence eh? the day after the public debate of Anwar-Shabery, he was treated like a criminal when 15 police trucks full of police with balaclavas came to arrest him. Now on the day after SPR announced the days of nomination and vote casting, he was charged barely hours after that.

picture courtesy of some website( can't remember)

after all, everyone would agree he did not commit any crime like al-Maunah did. and pretty sure, al-Maunah did not get this kind of 'special' treatment although they were a threat to national security many years back. or, maybe did he drop a bomb to anyone this time?

I agree when Pak Lah said,

“Don’t forget that there is another person, Saiful. You seem to forget Saiful and you think Anwar is more important. This is the issue of the law,”

He gets it right, there. Undeniably,there is no better way than to take him to the court. Only the biggest doubt is the time to charge him. Still, it is the best way, aye? Otherwise, more and more speculations will arise if delayed. For instance, if the medical report from HKL was positive, long ago he would have been charged. Why did the police take so long this time? p/s : you never thought of that?

and I can only laugh if you think I am the biggest fan of Anwar Ibrahim. Sigh.Please, can you not think like a wise and neutral person? Even if I was, then why must and should you be allowed to support BN? Akta University dan Kolej University does not permit that, does it? to be clear, I am a neutral.

As Interesting as it is, it remains to be seen how the public confidence towards our judiciary system will be restored this time. I hope whatever the outcome is, justice must be placed back to where it belongs. I love Malaysia.

till next time,

Monday, August 04, 2008

Jam Pasir


in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

as I was writing a comment/testimonial on a friend's friendster, my attention was distracted by the comment/testimonial below,

1) Dari bujang-kahwin No 1 ---- no.2 ----- DLL.
2) Dari pakai moto kap EX-5--- My vi-wira --- Honda EG-9---- seterusnye..
3) Badminton ----- Golf ----
4) Rumah sewa---- rumah murah ---rumah teres --- banglow...
5) Technician ----supervisor ----- engineer --- manager...
6) Tv 14' --- 21" --- 29" ---- Home theather...
7) Sg Danga --- Tanjung Leman --- Langkawi ---- Hadnyai --- Bangkok ..
8) Dalam semua segi kita mau kan perubahan kearah yang lebih baik dan glamour...
9) mancing kat parit /longkang ---- sungai --- kolam (bayar punye)----laut dalam (sewa bot mewah)......



to be walking down the aisle, and up to the stage, collecting your scroll, one success takes us closer to the 'final chapter'. how ignorant are we to take everything for granted.........

it's less than a month before Ramadhan..

till next time,

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Hail All Blacks


in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

Hail the mighty All Blacks!!The disappointing Wallabies will not be going home with happy faces[=)] this was too late already when I knew about the All Blacks-Wallabies game. very very unfortunate to miss it tonight.

pictures of All Blacks - Ireland in a friendly match 2006,

pic 1 - national anthem NZ, before Haka

pic2 - that s how close I was!

pic 3 - Richie McCaw

pic 4 - New Zealand All Blacks!

InsyaAllah murah rezeki, ingat mau datang World Cup 2011 kat NZ...kumpul duit dulu.

till next time,

Friday, August 01, 2008

Secret weapon


in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

I wish to congratulate Abdul Sani Abdul Jalal, he is now can be called a 'university graduate'. 50 years ago, the whole kampung would be on the doorstep to shake hands with you, but nowadays...... lol! nanti balik aku salam hang gak..

Every Malaysian is aware that DSAI will be contesting for a seat in Permatang Pauh. Many leaders have expressed their thoughts, but I like a comment by Tan Sri Khalid the most ;

Khalid: Unleash Ezam against Anwar, "We in PKR are requesting Umno to let Ezam contest against Anwar in Permatang Pauh because this will bring a new wave in national politics,"

for Khairy Jamaluddin, maybe you start helping out the BN machinery, rather than giving out a time wasting and stupid comment.

they whole world would be surprised if DSAI lost this time. Even if he decided to contest Bandar Tun Razak and Kulim, it would be the 8th wonder of the world to see BN wins. to oveturn 13 000 majority? it is very close to impossible.

as I was growing up, Ezam was somebody that the youngsters looked at. He was charismatic, (appeared)mentally strong and firm in his struggle. He was the younger version of "DSAI". Once(lepas SPM kot), I attended his ceramah at Taman Melewar. Now, he is nothing less than for example seeing Steven Gerrard putting on the disgrace shirt of Man Utd. Disgusting....

Malaysianews has come up with new Ezam video again above..ayat Ezam : demi perjuangan ini, demi memegang ayat Allah, saya bersumpah dpn teman2....that was years ago, he's now a changed man..

for narrow minded individuals out there, many have taken a step forward for a better Malaysia. if u think my entries are too one-sided, I suggest you read them twice.

serih : ada cita baru tak, selain cita2? duh, kena maju sket bro..hahaha..
mazree: nasihat sket doe member ko tu, sume nanti hidup sepi je kang...hahahaha

till next time,