Wednesday, August 13, 2008



in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Merciful

"We will convince the voters that Anwar is an American stooge (baruah Amerika) who had forsaken the principles of the nation's founding fathers to achieve his premiership goal," Umno member Ezam Mohd Noor told Malaysiakini.

what is this Ezam? If he was indeed a barua, why did you not say a word 10 years ago? I wonder if people still have respect for you, after what you have done over these 2-3 months. 

Sigh, why must both parties(BN and PR) keep finding each other's faults? 

Why can't you prove you are better than the other. You go to Mamak Restaurant A because it serves better food than Mamak Restaurant B. You are weird if you go to Mamak Restaurant A because the food in B is worse. 

We are Muslims, and slandering is strictly prohibited. They know, yet they still do it. Why must we be at the losing end everytime?   

Dari Ibnu Mas'ud r.a. dari Nabi s.a.w., sabdanya: "Sesungguhnya
kebenaran - baik yang berupa ucapan atau perbuatan - itu menunjukkan kepada kebaikan
dan sesungguhnya kebaikan itu menunjukkan ke syurga dan sesungguhnya seseorang itu
niscaya melakukan kebenaran sehingga dicatatlah di sisi Allah sebagai seorang yang ahli
melakukan kebenaran. Dan sesungguhnya berdusta itu menunjukkan kepada kecurangan
dan sesungguhnya kecurangan itu menunjukkan kepada neraka dan sesungguhnya
seseorang itu niscaya berdusta sehingga dicatatlah di sisi Allah sebagai seorang yang ahli
berdusta." (Muttafaq 'alaih)

someone please come up with a good answer.

No no, that's not good enough. Or even better, somebody please come up with a solution. 

That is precisely what we need. 

till next time


Anonymous said...

Azri, if u ever think want to join any political party (ull be free in 2-3 months time!), to serve for rakyat, i hope u will choose PAS instead of the other, because it is more clean, clean and just, but still lack of ideas...well, other negri is not like klantan...

Anonymous arent that bad huh. haha.


Anonymous said...

PAS = clean, clear, just, proven!

azzahra said...

ive bee wonderin for a while now what barua means.. i looked it up in wiki but all i got was this

Unknown said...

anon: that decision is to be made way in the future. I don't know to be honest. I like politics, but as mentioned before I have no intention to be a politician. =)..

don't be too critical to Kelantan. I have Kelantan blood running in my body, and I never have and never will think Kelantan is the worst state in Malaysia. Sabah, Sarawak and 3 other states sit well below Kelantan in the poverty rate.

i believe that never came out in the newspaper.Hardly we hear any Chinese and Indians complaining in Kelantan.

Unknown said...

azza: some words have no meaning. for instance poyo..=)..guna je bila2 suka..hehe.