Thursday, August 07, 2008



in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

i thought this was interesting,

Anwar is represented by a seven-member legal team headed by Sulaiman Abdullah. The other defence lawyers are R Sivarasa, Sankara Nair, Saiful Izham Ramli, Amer Hamzah, Edmund Bon and Leela J Jesuthasan.

There are also other lawyers who are holding watching brief for Bar Council and Washington-based Human Rights Watch, Paris-based International for Human Rights and Bangkok-based Forum Asia.

but this is twice more entertaining,

The police have put the entire court complex under heavy security, with police personnel lining up along the roads leading to the complex, as well as within the complex itself. At least seven police and Federal Reserve Unit trucks are seen in the court parking area. Similarly the police have also mounted several roadblocks in certain parts of the city, causing massive gridlocks in all main arteries that enter the city centre.

what a coincidence eh? the day after the public debate of Anwar-Shabery, he was treated like a criminal when 15 police trucks full of police with balaclavas came to arrest him. Now on the day after SPR announced the days of nomination and vote casting, he was charged barely hours after that.

picture courtesy of some website( can't remember)

after all, everyone would agree he did not commit any crime like al-Maunah did. and pretty sure, al-Maunah did not get this kind of 'special' treatment although they were a threat to national security many years back. or, maybe did he drop a bomb to anyone this time?

I agree when Pak Lah said,

“Don’t forget that there is another person, Saiful. You seem to forget Saiful and you think Anwar is more important. This is the issue of the law,”

He gets it right, there. Undeniably,there is no better way than to take him to the court. Only the biggest doubt is the time to charge him. Still, it is the best way, aye? Otherwise, more and more speculations will arise if delayed. For instance, if the medical report from HKL was positive, long ago he would have been charged. Why did the police take so long this time? p/s : you never thought of that?

and I can only laugh if you think I am the biggest fan of Anwar Ibrahim. Sigh.Please, can you not think like a wise and neutral person? Even if I was, then why must and should you be allowed to support BN? Akta University dan Kolej University does not permit that, does it? to be clear, I am a neutral.

As Interesting as it is, it remains to be seen how the public confidence towards our judiciary system will be restored this time. I hope whatever the outcome is, justice must be placed back to where it belongs. I love Malaysia.

till next time,


Anonymous said...

Aku sebenarnya kasihan pd anwar, psl apa yg berlaku pd dia.

Dan aku juga kasihan pd kerajaan krn xde satu manusia pun yg boleh 'bawak' govt ni ke track yg spatutnya, mcm TDM.

considering the fact of history, religion, economy, and many other 'taboos' that we (esp Malay) have, is this person (Anwar)can bring the solution? I mean, can everything become better when he become the next PM? How better could it be? Minyak?


I x argue very good but pls read this blog:

"pemimpin Malaysia"

I also love Malaysia.

azzahra said...

hm menarik jugak

Unknown said...

anonymous : ada yg sy setuju ada yg tak..

kita x akan tau pun sama ada mana2 individu tu akan berjaya bg penyelesaian..semasa kempen, sume banyak bergantung kepada manifesto..

juga bergantung kpd track record..penilaian yg bersifat subjektif tu hak masing2..BN punyai rekod yg baik selama 50 tahun, tp ada juga kemungkinan pihak lain yg bole membuat kerja lebih elok juka diberi peluang..

dan kalo dia sia2 kan peluang, peluang untuk tukar pemimpin2 lain sentiasa ada setiap 5 tahun kan.

Unknown said...

azza: trimas2, harap2 point nye sampai..=)

Anonymous said...

Aku harap orang melayu benar2 matured bila pilih dan bukan hanya ikut emosi bila pilih.

Dan trima kasih kerana meangakui 50tahun ini kerajaan dah buat yg paling baik, dan berkesan untuk msyrkt majmuk di Malaysia. Bukti kejujuran, ketulusan, dan mungkin juga luasnya pengetahuan anda.

Persoalan2 kompleks ni hanya akan berakhir bila Melayu menilai diri sendiri, kerana masalah xkan selesai kalau kerajaan suap duit ke mulut melayu setiap masa.

Pemimpin yg rosak perlu diganti, tp rakyat juga mesti baiki diri.

Isu minyak ni hanya kecil jika dibandingkan masalah budaya dan dara fikir orang Melayu ys rata2 masih syok sendiri, dan gagal mencari punca kekuatan dan penyelesaian yg sebenar.

Kerajaan datang dan pergi, pemimpin pun begitu, tp akibatnya rakyat yg tanggung.

Percayalah, manusia yg fanatik yg mencerca2 itu akan bertindak serupa walau sesiapa pegang kerajaan dan melakukan kesilapan.

Inilah minda kelas ketiga yg boleh dijual beli dan diperbodoh2kan oleh suasana. Todak mahu membaca fakta, menilai dan membuat pengakuan jujur dlm satu2 isu. This apply to both sides, either govt or opposition.

Am off either sides...

Anonymous said...

Plus, aku juga kecewa dgn anwar, yg bagaikan x sabar2 mau jadi PM.

Bukankah 13th election akan menjelang. Bukankah sekarang masa untuk bekerja dan buktikan apa yg telah dijanjikan? Maaf, tp dia nampak gelojoh. Dan PKR bukan lagi berteras Melayu, apatahlagi Islam.

Sukar untuk aku terima pemimpin ini. Bagai langit sgn bumi kalau dibanding dgn TDM.

Apapun, dia ada hak untuk berjuang, silakan.

Unknown said...

trimas atas pandangan..

ingin sy perbetulkan sedikit hujah sy, w'pun sy kata rekod 50 tahun adalah baik, ia tidak bermakna terbaik..utk membandingkan dua pihak, satu pihak lagi mestilah diberikan peluang untuk menjadikan relatif yang mana baik dan mana yg lagi baik berlaku..

samada PKR tu x berteras melayu, tu bukan masalah..kerana semakin ramai yg meninggalkan sentimen bangsa skrg utk pembentukan bangsa Malaysia..itu adalah berita baik..melayu bukanlah satu2 nya kaum di malaysia..banyak lagi..

juga mengenai anwar, itu pastinya keputusan yg diambil selepas mesyuarat.dia mgkn ada sebabnya sendiri..

berdasarkan hujah saudara,kalau anwar menang 26 ogos ni..kita sume ada pilihan untuk tolak mereka balik dalam 2013..

apa2 pun, kita sume ada pendapat sendiri..biarlah rakyat tentukan samada dia diterima atau tidak..