Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Berbicara Soal Moral


in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

just as expected, widespread personal attacks and slandering are currently taking place there in Permatang Pauh. 

they promised 'tiada serangan peribadi', yet Saiful's swearing on the holy Quran was played on a giant screen at 9pm August 17. Later, they talked about Pakatan Rakyat's supporters being rude and rough towards them. 2nd video will show what did not come out in mainstream newspapers(only 15 seconds).

what kind of attitude is this? I do not condone this, even if it comes from PAS. This fanaticsm must stop. 

till next time,


Anonymous said...

U, they, can say a thousand words

the fact is,

1)High possibility that Anwar is winning the election. Enough said.

2)Anwar have no guts to face Saiful.

Sumpah is very important dude. accept it. dont play around the bush. stop politicking, straight to the liwat case.

Unknown said...

hi anonymous(whoever you are),

please correct me if im wrong,

1) I never mentioned sumpah is not important in any of my entries. Sumpah here is one of many debatable options that we have here. There are many school of taughts(mazhab) here, why are you so confident as if that is the only option?

What I have been trying to say in my last 3-4 entries is, we are Muslims, thus slandering and lies should not be even the smallest part of our political campaigns.

I suggest you have a second read. Sorry, I do not mean to be rude here.

Anonymous said...

Erlo,nk join sket pasal isu sumpah-menyumpah ni.Saya rasa la kan,ape jadahnya nk percaya sangat pasal sumpah Saiful tu?Kalu kita percaya bulat2 sumpah dia sbb tu cara Islam,saya rasa kita silap.Sebab ape silap?sebab apa harga sumpah nye kalu org yg buat sumpah tu pun exploit agama utk dia sendiri.aku bukan cakap saiful ni munafik(mane aku tau dia batul ke tak)tapi check la dulu peribadi dia.And then kalu exploit sumpah sbb nk suruh org Islam percaya,oh senangnya kita ni diperdaya.Boh je org pakai songkok,lafaz sumpah kt masjid,dgn tok imam kat tepi then ayat2 sikit,trus kita percaya dia ckp betul.Sbb kita ingat dia takkan nak dia sendiri dilaknat sbb sumpah dia.Tapi kalu pada Saiful sendiri sumpah ni takdak harga sbb dia bukan percaya pun(tapi boleh beli kepercayaan orang Islam) apsal kita ndak percaya bulat2 sumpah dia pulak?Political game,nuff said man.Org deal benda depan mata dulu, pastu deal ng Tuhan later,unless religiously religious.Susah nk jumpa.Sbb power corrupts di bawah sedar.Human nature.It's all coming to picture now.Saiful case not linear with proofs,sumpah time by-election,DNA act soon time by-election,deputy PM's clashing statements and many others.
P/S:What a wonderful Malaysia.Is this the country I am living in?

Anonymous said...

Bro, i am not talking about ur entry (the sumpah2 thingy) an as u r so pro perubahan, jadi ade baiknya buat kite berfikir dengan isu2 yang agak bercanggah dgn pendirian Dr azri.

Otherwise, xde orang nama mulia sperti 'fikri'...yakni meletakkan keupayaan bfikir dan analisa tu di tmpt mulia.

Kalau x boring la blog ni. Naiknya layang2 tu sebab ada angin yg btiup kan? got it?

Sumpah itu satu tool untuk meleraikan kemelut sangsi, sila baca risalah DR Asri.

Bukan untuk jatuhkan hukum, jauh sekali mau menghalang Anwar jadi PM. Hello~...

Bersikap jujurlah. Anwar sepatutnya tampil dan bersumpah.

DAN, x semestinya yg nampak x pro anwar adalah anti-perubahan. UMNO musti berubah! muktamad itu.

Unknown said...

anony(1): hehe..susah gak sume org ada pendapat sendiri..lagi susah bila sume org rasa dia je betul.Islam ajar kita beramal dan berhujah ikut bukti..tp ada yg x ikut.bila didatangkan hujah contoh x ada qunut subuh, terus dia nak lawan kata x betul..x kira hujah, yg penting sendiri rasa betul..susah org mcm ni.

Unknown said...

anony(2): bro, jgn panggil sy doc please. mungkin saudara patut dengar hujah dr danial di link ni


sy 1st time dgr nama dr tu, sy xtau dia ada pro parti mana2, n sy rasa dia x minat pun isu anwar ni, tp dia menjawab soalan sumpah saiful di akhir kuliah dia..

mgkn saudara kene faham di mana kedudukan sumpah tu mengikut dalil dan hujah yg sahih. dia terangkan nilai sumpah tu dr sudut mahkamah sivil, dari sudut datang saksi dan dari sudut hukum 'lian'(sumpah yg digunakan skrg).'lian' yg dipakai zaman nabi tu utk suami isteri, n dua2 pada akhirnya bersumpah laknat n Rasulullah kata kpd mereka, salah satu dpd kamu berbohong.

mungkin dia bole bersumpah disini, tp sumpah tu hanya akan meredakan ketegangan sahaja.

get back to me n tell me what you think.

hujah terakhir saudara tu, saya x pernah kata sapa x pro anwar tu anti perubahan.tu mgkn andaian saudara..sy setuju dgn kata2 tu memang btol..UMNO atau PAS atau PR atau BN, tu hanyalah wadah perjuangan.atas masing2 untuk memilih.