Sunday, January 26, 2014

Burnt out


in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

This is only Day 3 of my 5 day break. Break from work, it is supposed to sound fun. Mentally I'm only few stages yet from reaching equal-to-leukaemia-spent-phase. I feel so burnt out.

Exams are months away. 4 months to be exact. Oh, I forgot to mention that I've spent 3 days reading Nelson Textbook of Paediatrics.

It's thickness is probably 5-6 cm. I can deal with that. What is killing me is the text is so wordy.

Nevertheless, I'll give my best shot for this upcoming Year 1 exams. I can imagine what's life going to be like in the next 4 months.

Studying as a medical student wasn't that hard. You have no other commitments other than your books and exams. It is different this time, especially having your family around. You need to have allocated time for them, for them being the most precious possession forever. 24 hours is not enough for your studies, your own family, your extended family and football definitely.

Allah is the Most Fair of all. He knows what is best.

Tomorrow will be the same old routine.

On LFC related matter, has anyone come to realise that we have not signed any new player yet? The only signature that we have secured is Dunkin Donuts. How lame is that? I can't complain though. We can at least be proud to have succeeded, since 2 of our targets were stolen by CFC and Spurs.

Can't get any lame than that, huh?

I'll try to come up with something fun. Or something provocative. I've been picking up unnecessary fights on Facebook. Lol!

till next time,

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