in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful
Ramadhan is very close to the end of 1st 1/3rd. time flies very fast, so fast that you can still remember clearly how u started the Ramadhan this year 8 days ago. I have been blessed with a new nephew last week, the 3rd newborn in the family this year.
Few friends have been asking what is atheism. Defined by Wikepedia Atheism, as a philosophical view, is the position that either affirms the nonexistence of gods[1] or rejects theism. In simpler words, they believe in nothing.
All of us, regardless of what religion you might embrace, have always been bombarded with questions ,
-who created us
-why do we live, grow up and eventually die?
-if God does exist, where is He?
We the Muslims believe in Allah the Almighty as the One and Only. 25% of the world population are Muslims. The rest, the emptiness in their restless hearts made them began to look for the answers for the above questions, which unfortunately had lead them to create God in thousands of forms. The rest here includes those those who do not believe in God, but still they believe in something though they never portray it. Some believe God presented in a human form, God has son and endless other forms which of course are ridiculous.As said by Dr Asri(Minda Mufti)
Hingga mereka yang mendakwa tidak mempercayai Tuhan dan bebas dari sebarang peraturan manusia pun, mereka tetap menjadi hamba nafsu dan pemikiran sesat yang akhirnya merobohkan nilai keinsanan mereka yang sebenar.
Islam, what differentiates it to other religions is Islam is a complete way of life. Comparatively, other religions they stress only/mostly the spiritual side of a human being. Therefore, we see them going to their so-called holy places at one time and the rest of the week they live as if they will never die, taking alchohol and practising free sex for instance. Islam is different, it is a system that covers from the very basic life chores up to the rules and laws of a country.
Yes, the non-Muslims might be laughing at us now. The Malay's saying ' cakap tak serupa bikin' is perhaps not far from being true. Islam as proven by history reached the top of the world when It was truly practiced by the Muslims. I'm urging my fellow Muslims, as stated in the Quran,
24. Maka apakah mereka tidak memperhatikan Al Quran ataukah hati mereka terkunci?
25. Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang kembali ke belakang (kepada kekafiran) sesudah petunjuk itu jelas bagi mereka, syaitan telah menjadikan mereka mudah (berbuat dosa) dan memanjangkan angan-angan mereka.
33. Hai orang-orang yang beriman, taatilah Allah dan taatilah Rasul dan janganlah kamu merusakkan (pahala) amal-amalmu. Surah Muhammad 24,25,33
to question where is God, why is the world unfair and why your loved ones die of cancer and others that deserve to die(subjective) live happily in this world is part of human nature. Islam has set the path, yet this path seems so blur to us because of our laziness in seeking it.
4. Katakanlah: "Terangkanlah kepadaku tentang apa yang kamu sembah selain Allah; perlihatkan kepada-Ku apakah yang telah mereka ciptakan dari bumi ini atau adakah mereka berserikat (dengan Allah) dalam (penciptaan) langit? Bawalah kepada-Ku Kitab yang sebelum (Al Quran) ini atau peninggalan dari pengetahuan (orang-orang dahulu), jika kamu adalah orang-orang yang benar" Al-Ahqaaf, ayat 4
On another heavy note, I would like a heavy penalty/punishment to be sentenced to the rapist of Nurin. A death sentence would be the preferred option to most of us(i guess). You are a sick animal! Even an animal would never do that!
Today, we had an iftaar with the majority of Malaysian Muslim students. More pictures will be uploaded later.
till next time
p/s : I have received more than 10 000 visitors until today. Thanks for all the comments and constructive opinions. n correct me in any mistakes made.
If non-Islamic religion such as Buddhism is the example that you have listed as 'kekafiran' and 'kesesatan' then I will probably think that you are thinking along the extremist path of Islam. Good luck terrorist!
now thats unfair.1st of all, I did not mention any specific religion.
a terrorist never reveals his/her are the one who mentioned Buddhism here, you will cause lots of troubles with this.are u on ur way of becoming one?
u have to understand Arabic n BM are not the same.everything in BM is a direct translation, even for a Muslim we always let the scholars interpret all these verses.
i was talking about atheism anyway, imagine you would have caused the Buddhists become angry, sad to see a terrorist-like comment from an anonymous especially.think again bro
'We the Muslims believe in Allah the Almighty as the One and Only. 25% of the world population are Muslims. The rest, the emptiness in their restless hearts made them began to look for the answers for the above questions, which unfortunately had lead them to create God in thousands of forms.'
What do you mean when refer to this phrase?
'The rest here includes those those who do not believe in God, but still they believe in something though they never portray it. Some believe God presented in a human form, God has son and endless other forms which of course are ridiculous.'
Are you referring this to Hinduism and Buddhism?
I am not accusing without proves or evidence. What you have written on the blog really mean what it is.
'Islam, what differentiates it to other religions is Islam is a complete way of life. Comparatively, other religions they stress only/mostly the spiritual side of a human being. Therefore, we see them going to their so-called holy places at one time and the rest of the week they live as if they will never die, taking alchohol and practising free sex for instance.'
More prophet Muhammed caricatyres from this blog
Take part to anti prophet pedofile Muhammed caricatyre contest in Finland
There are good eatable pig prices for winners;)
Finn people think that all muslims fuck alike prophet Muhammed with pigs. Is it true?
Olemme sananvapauden rajoja tutkiva yhteisö. Siksi julkaisemme e-mailiimme tulleet pilakuvat mm. profeetta Muhammedista.
Karikatyyrikisa on yhdenvertainen kaikille olit sitten neekeri, somali, suomalainen, valtionsyyttäjä, lehtineekeri tai koululainen Tervetuloa profeetta Muhammed pilakuvakisaan.
Tämä blogi on luvattu linkittää eteenpäin sivustolle.
Joten siellä lisää asiaa;) Let`s hope so;)
Greetings from Finland
25% of the world population are Muslims.that is to simplify things, otherwise it would be too long to write the Jews,Christians etc..
hey,Im 24 this year and coming from KL, I have lived with Chinese and Indian friends for so many years. I lived with a Chinese fren for 2 1/2 years and went to camping with so many Chinese and Indian friends.DO u really think I dont know how to maintain the racial tolerance here?
I wasnt referring to Hinduism or Buddhism to be honest. n certainly I cant stop your subjective thoughts.
when I said Arabic and BM are not the same,I really mean it. That's is a fact u dont wanna to digest,isnt it?. Many arabic words are incorporated into BM. for instance kafirun=non Muslims, fitnah = fitnah. we do not change the words because we read Quran everyday and feel it's easier to just use the words there. we read the translations in BM, but the interpretation is always by the scholars.
strictly speaking, I wasnt referring to any specific religion.
I am deeply sorry for the misinterpretation
to the last comment, im not gonna stop what u doing. I do not know u and I did not insult your religion. May u find peace whatever your religion is..whoever wins the competition, the 1.5 billion Muslims will remain Muslims..whatever makes u happy bro.
you know what i really hate, people who comment anonymously. benci sangat-sangat!
the problem with that guy is that he thinks we are going to kill them all just because we disagree with their beliefs and concepts of God.
he should really visit Malaysia, kan? we really do "agree to disagree". we disagree with the many gods of Hinduism, but we are still friends with Hindus.
anyway, enough about him. hang tau tak yang Eugene (TTDI) akan berkahwin akhir tahun depan? Kau bila lagi? Eh, jap, kau kenal Eugene, kan? :p
shah andrew
salam shah,
eugene yap?mesti la kenal..serius ehh?ngan orang ttdi gak ke?aku igt lg eugene pakai 'aku' ngan cikgu azhar time pengakap dulu.
tu la..dont think that guy is a malaysia - based on his 1st comment.totally agree with u..kita pengakap dulu pun ramai je non-muslims tp ok x prnh ada masalah pun..
n that anonymous keeps on talking about hinduism which was never the subject of this entry..pelik gile..
ello azri!! merepek sunggoh kalau aku tak ingat kat ngkau, sedangkan ngan your mom pun aku dok borak-borak, hahahahah...
(( I'm not back-up-ing Mr. Azri,instead I'm dropping lines of comments that I feel like countering you, the anonymous ))
Quoting Anonymous #1 @ 9:34 AM:
"Anonymous said...
I will probably think that you are thinking along the extremist path of Islam. Good luck terrorist!"
This is the MOST unacceptable statement. How can you actually classify some1 that talks about his/her religion for being a terrorist? And how do you define the so-called 'extremist path of Islam'? Is it just because he wrote something related to his religion, that made him extremist-minded? Or is it because of the Islamophobia that you have inside yourself; that each time you get the word 'Islam' slipped to your ears and shone into your eyes, that the only think that pop-up into your mind is EXTREME & RADICAL? Ahaks. Think back peep!
Quoting Anonymous
"Are you referring this to Hinduism and Buddhism?
10:44 AM"
"Anonymous said...
I am not accusing without proves or evidence. What you have written on the blog really mean what it is.
10:59 AM"
Ohohoho. 1st of all, this is Mr. Azri's blog. He's the ruler, and he reserves the rights to voice out his thoughts. As what Mr. Azri mentioned at the above comment, no specific religion has been mentioned. It's you that manipulate things around and made things complicated than what it seems to be. Well, if what you said/ commented about is true, then, those religions that you've mentioned above really bear those characteristics mentioned in his entry. Ahaks. Now, see who's linking some religions to those characteristics~ It's you pal!
To Mr. Azri.
Tahniah dpt nephew. Tambah stok sedia ada lagi. hehe.
Btw, you have the rights to delete comments yg tak sptutnya been displayed like the 'cartoon contest' ntah hape tu.
Allah knows best
Salam Alaykum
yeah, eugene yap.
budak ttdi? tak rasanya. i think they met in australia. the wedding will be held there as well.
azri, entah apa lah yang raje dok borak-borak dengan mak kau? hahahaha :p
raja : tu la..kawen jgn lupa jemput okes.bole jumpa dak2 kelas lama..camna la rupe sume skrg..heheh
Nabihah : thanks.xyah delete pun.let the Finnish be happy for once.doesnt affect the Muslims at all.Islam literally means peace, Im not sure what the Finnish government has done to their ppl that they are now acting like Paleolitic
Shah: mak aku n mak dia kawan dh lama.kebtulan jumpa la kot..kira eugene nye wedding xde sapa pegi la ni..duss...rugi nye jauh2..
siapa kata tak gi?!
aku tengah simpan duit nak gi jalan2 kat australia...mana lah tau, kalau cukup duit, boleh gi auckland for a few days...muahahaha
geng rajen, dinesh, ong, fua dan lain-lain semua tengah plan nak gi ;)
serius ehh..kalo datang tu make sure time aku cuti..kalo nak gi tmpt LOTR tu kat south island NZ..
or just bgtau date awal2 mgkn aku join skali kat sana ke..
Well in my book, there are only Muslims and not-yet-Muslims.
The word 'kafir' has been loosely used and now brings the meaning 'non-Muslim', which is a misconception.
Kafir in its true definiton means 'someone who rejects the truth'. In order to reject, one has first be presented with something.
A person who stays in suburb deep deep deep in the ulu of America like Winshestertonfieldville, and has never heard of CNN, can't really be considered as Kafir.
Thus, kekafiran dan kesesatan can only be said to those who have been given the message of Islam AND rejects it.
Anon, if you've not given such message, go to the nearest Muslim and give a hard knock on his/her head. It's their responsibility to do so.
wow, ur blog has an avid commenter who comes again and reply ur msgs..why is anon so offended?why comment anonymously..weird..
yea, and u never mentioned any specific religion..and cud u translate the text in red
and cute baby!
there u go anon, Dr. Azman has kind fully explained it to you.Should u have any question again, feel free to ask.all of us here are super frenly..=)..n dont go anon anymore, please.
Man, aku sedang melalui apa yg ko lalu sem 9 dulu..pening2..
Azza : thats the price u have to pay when u r so famous(so lame)...mgkn dia minat ngan Islam ke..n thanks,thats a trait inherited from his uncle..hehehhe..tu lg lame..
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