Sunday, October 02, 2011



in the name of Allah theMost Gracious the Most Merciful

In life as a Muslim, you'll be tested from time to time. Your resilience and its outcome are indicators of how strong is your faith towards Allah.

Allah tests His servants in a possible thousand and one ways.

One of them is happiness. Happiness on its own is a test. Many supplicate to Allah in the times when things are not going their way. We tell them to be patience. More often than not, we forget Allah when everything is in good terms.

We turn to Allah when the gift of happiness is taken back.

How ungrateful are we as a human being. When you become a boss to your employees, you want them to love you just like how much you love them. Have we done justice to ourselves now?

I'd love to write more, but I can't.

till next time,

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