Saturday, June 07, 2008

My Bad


in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

I felt guilty for what I did few days ago.

I was at TESCO Mutiara Damansara 3 days ago. On my way to car park, there was this Chinese guy waiting at the entrance holding a donation box for Sizchuan earthquake victims. I chose to ignore him. I went away to where I parked my car.

Somehow, I felt guilty. It's ironic because I had donated twice before. I was thinking, as a Malay and Malaysian, I have let Malaysians down. Firstly, because I am a Muslim. Secondly, I am not helping towards the formation of Bangsa Malaysia.

I could have made the man thinking why is this Malay dude not helping these Chinese people? What if, one day, Malaysia is hit hard by Tsunami for instance. Worse case, it happens in Malay dominated area? Maybe these Chinese and Indians will go 'why should we help these Malays, they did not help us when we were suffering?'

It's a mistake. I hope it won't happen again in the future. Sorry

p/s : Euro 2008 to start within 1 hour. Yahoo!

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