Wednesday, June 04, 2008

haih, minyak naik lagi


in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

I'm sure everyone is aware of the very newly announced increased price of fuel. I had to go to Petronas twice for petrol, and the queue was just terrible.

Whatever it is, there is not much that we can do to stop this from coming. Every other part of this world is also affected. If you don't have any knowledge regarding to this issue, it's better to keep quiet or maybe come up with ideas on how to minimise its impact. Commerce and economics are not my majors, so don't expect too much from me.

talking is cheap. Everyone can spend hours talking about this in warong/mamak stall, it's easy.

What I would like to suggest here goes specifically to smokers. 1 box of 20 can cost you rm7 each. In total approximately rm200 monthly will be spent on cigarettes. If there are for e.g. 1 million smokers out there, RM200m will be saved monthly. It's a huge number. This money now can be used for other beneficial reasons.

Without using 1 million smokers for an example, that rm200 saved is perhaps sufficient enough to cover the 80cent rise in fuel.

When it's analysed in just slightly deeper, one can expect more than rm200 will be saved. Smoking-related diseases will go down, less money paid for medication, less cancer, less heart attacks and so many other things will be prevented.

Smoking related diseases are not just affecting yourselves, many kids are suffering from things like asthma from secondary smoking. More money will now also be saved here.

Having mentioned all these, we still have to remember that talking is cheap. Smoking is extraordinarily addictive. The number is very small for one to quit smoking after one attempt. On average in Western countries is 4 attempts before one will successfully quit smoking.

Any attempt to quit smoking should now be regarded as a success. It takes a step forward before you reach the victorious end of the road.

The question now is, what can we do for the non-smoking majority?

till next time
p/s Complaining alone won't solve any problem.


Anonymous said...

Weh, ade mesia ke skarang? call la aku, aku keje kat ttdi skrang.No aku ade lagi kan?

Unknown said...

aku ada kat ko xde aa passing no lu kat sini ke..

Anonymous said...

alahai...sori bro, susah skit nk OL skrang. sampei ati ko xde no aku..hahaha..0129843334, tp aku keje mlm la skrang..weekend la kalo nk setting k? chow.