Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Genius


in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

Has anyone had a read at Tun Mahathir's Social Contract 3 and Snippets? Here's the preview. 

19. Dato Seri Abdullah has tried to placate everyone. He has given one billion Ringgit here, one billion Ringgit there; he has given unknown sums of money to Tun Salleh Abbas and the other judges who had been dismissed in order to placate the Bar Council, he has promised billions of Ringgit for numerous corridors, billions for transport, lower oil prices etc etc. But no one believes him because the promises and fund allocations have not materialised. The fact is that nobody believes him or trusts him. No one has been placated.

3. We seem to find more reason for not working. If the holiday falls on a weekend, then have a long vacation beginning the day before Saturday and the day after Sunday - four days in all. 

7. I believe, but I may be wrong, that when you are trying to catch up with someone running ahead of you, you must run faster than him. We have this great ambition to become a developed country. If we move slower than our objective can we catch up? I think we cannot. 

8. A developed country today and a developed country in 2020 is not the same. In 2020 it will be far more advanced and richer than in 2008. The developed status is not static. It is moving. 

If you still remember an entry that I wrote on Palestine-Israel issue, specifically on boycotting Israeli products.  I still believe to win is to outplay your enemy, and to win against Israel is to strengthen the Muslims and not to weaken Israelis. Tun Mahathir has directly or indirectly echoed that sentiment, as above. 

The Israelis have long successfully associated themselves to the economy of Muslim countries.Could you take Coca Cola and McDonalds out of Malaysia? If you could, would you be able to secure new jobs for those Muslim workers. It is always possible to defeat them, but the probabilities are close to impossible. Thus, strengthening the economy of Muslims +/- boycotting are probably the best way.  There is no need to ask how, you probably already know the answer. 

We don't have to resort to Al-Qaeda-like activities after all now, do we?

Sho has just informed me that my face is in Utusan today. I am cool, I know. lol!

till next time,
p/s: Liverpool will play Man Utd this weekend. Any prediction? Liverpool to trash Man Utd 4-0? Hehe, yeah right. 


rough_U_deen said...

Salam bro, abaikan verdict bola tuuu.... Hahah akhirnye masuk gak dlam salam perantauan.. dah la final year.. kalo x.. kempunan la kite... kes kes kes.. Hav a gr8 last days as undergrad medical stud... N jika musuh unite (in this case israel n d gang), kite kenela unite (atas dasar yg betul la kan), x leh sensorg.. x gitu.. yeszaaa.. Nice post.. Wassalam

Anonymous said...

Salam, mintak2 la x kan terjadi lagi mcm 13 Mei, bila2 pun. Semua org pun rugi.

Anonymous said...

1. 13 mei insyaAllah xkan terjadi lagi, sebab racial integration rsnye sudah capai tahap yg membolehkan rakyat berkomunikasi dgn baik. Ada banyak sebab aku appreciate sama member cina & india aku berbanding melayu. Banyak sebab.

2. Tun Dr Mahathir join semula Umno, i believe this is sth big...x ke?

3. Jgn la dok bangga ngn Utusan tu Azri oiii.....da la. citt. Next year oversea stdnt pi la apply melalui Harakahdaily or Keadilan news la pulak kalau ade (kalau menang bentuk kerajaan)....

4. I hope the next kerajaan will be more Islamic (everyone including non-muslim shud feel happy,if they know), but this seems to be contradict with TDM. x ke?

Anonymous said...

1. 13 mei insyaAllah xkan terjadi lagi, sebab racial integration rsnye sudah capai tahap yg membolehkan rakyat berkomunikasi dgn baik. Ada banyak sebab aku appreciate sama member cina & india aku berbanding melayu. Banyak sebab.

2. Tun Dr Mahathir join semula Umno, i believe this is sth big...x ke?

3. Jgn la dok bangga ngn Utusan tu Azri oiii.....da la. citt. Next year oversea stdnt pi la apply melalui Harakahdaily or Keadilan news la pulak kalau ade (kalau menang bentuk kerajaan)....

4. I hope the next kerajaan will be more Islamic (everyone including non-muslim shud feel happy,if they know), but this seems to be contradict with TDM. x ke?

Penanam Sayur said...

Caya lah bro, masuk paper tuuuu..slamat berpose

Unknown said...

rafi: point penting aa ko bg.mana2 option yg kita pilih sebenarnya bergantung kpd perpaduan.good point!

amir: bukan selalu tu.jarang dak kelas K masuk suratkhabar.slmt pose bro!

Unknown said...

anon(dua): x fikir 13 mei akan berlaku lg. ramai ikut saluran yg btol sbb kemudahan ada. maksud sy melalui proses undang2.

2.sama ada kemasukan Tun tu significant utk anda, sy kurang yakin. pandangan sy, ia lebih cenderung akan berpecahnya UMNO kpd beberapa puak lg. dan orang Melayu secara amnya lg akan berpecah. Baik buruk mana kemasukan Tun, akan dpt dilihat bila dia dah masuk.

3.Bukan sy hantar pun gambar tu.

4. mana2 kerajaan yg hendak melaksankan Islamic, hendaklah sesi education tu dijalankan dulu. Seperti yg sy tulis dulu, Islam dah dicampurkan dengan adat2 di Malaysia, sehingga yg adat tu dikatakan Islam dan yang Islam tu dikatakan adat. Hmm..

Anonymous said...

no 4 tu betul. yes

Anonymous said...

no 4 tu betul. yes