Saturday, September 06, 2008

Don't be hasty


in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

Nabi SAW pernah bersabda: Sesiapa yang berperang di bawah rayah ‘immiyyah (bendera kebutaan) dan menyeru kepada ‘asabiyyah atau marah kerana ‘asabiyyah maka kematiannya adalah jahiliyyah. (Riwayat Muslim, al-Nasai dan Ibn Majah).

2 things in my opinion that will hasten the downfall of BN government are
1) Datuk Ahmad's refusal to apologise
2) widespread corruption

if you want to challenge things on every ground, Datuk Ahmad is not guilty until proven otherwise. That if you want to use the same principles as applied to the previous/current case of Anwar Ibrahim. He should not be judged in the media trial. Let him defend himself. If there is evidence, bring him to the court.

If he was found guilty in the court, I believe he should appear on national television to publicly apologise to the Chinese community. If he was indeed guilty, he should also be punished, as he would have destroyed the long awaited solid formation of Bangsa Malaysia.

Yet we still choose to believe only in things what we want to believe in. Datuk Ahmad has been found guilty already by YOU and the media. Many of you practice double standards.

Because of the phenomenon above, UMNO's downfall is much hastened than expected, contributed by his refusal to apologise.
1) for political survival - Come out and apologise.
2) Stand by his principles - and let the judge prove him right or wrong.

Be fair. If I wanted to be biased, I would have gone bashing out Datuk Ahmad. I chose not to, why?

I am a Muslim. Being fair and just are part of Islam.

till next time
p/s: Tun Mahathir's comment is somewhat interesting. I strongly disapprove racism. I stand on the fence. Nobody is guilty until proven otherwise. 


Anonymous said...

Aiyah...tentulah orang melayu membantu orang melayu...takkan orang melayu membantu orang cina pulak...usahlah kata berdiri di atas pagar tidak menyabelahi mana mana pihak.....tak lihat najib kj hisamuddin bermain isu perkauman...kata membasahi keris dengan darah orang cina. mana tindakan???!!! Seditious act cuma digunakan terhadap orang bukan UMNO untuk 50 tahun sejak kemerdekaan ini. Pernahkah kita lihat budak laknat yang mengapi-apikan isu perkauman ini dikenakan tindakan?!! Tidak!!!Kata keluar dari mulut sudah. Akhbar cuma melanjutkan apa yang dikatakan oleh dia. Buat apa akhbar mahu membutar-belitkan kata dia? Siapa dia?! Memang betul ada pihak yang bermain isu perkauman semasa kempen pilihan raya kecil PP. Kata hak orang melayu akan hilanglah...itulah inilah..Poster pun buat supaya jangan sokong DSAI kerana dia akan memmansuhkan hak orang melayu. Lepas kalah tak mahu pulak mengaku apa yang dikata semasa kempen..

Anonymous said...

Kata belum habis.. Sekiranya orang bukan melayu yang melakukan tindakan ini...dan berkata orang melayu cumalah penumpang...apakah perasaan orang melayu akan jadi..Lihatlah Meng Chee...Cumalah seorang pelajar yang tidak menyebelahi mana mana pihak meluahkan rasa tiday puas hati dia terhadap Malaysia..Menteri kata mahu melucutkan kerakyatan la ini la itulah. Dan Polis mengambil tindakan segera dan membawa ahli keluarga ke polis standard hari esok. Siapa yang double standard sekarang?!!! Budak Ahmad ini lepas pilihanraya lari kat Bangkok 2 minggu dan lepas balik rumah berlindung di bawah UMNO kata dia tidak bersalah..Kata orang Cina sememangnya penumpang di Malaysia

Anonymous said...

I have been in UK for almost 4 years now and yet I havent heard any people in U.k that would opens ceramah everyday accusing the foreign immigrants that they are attempting to steal the wealth of the company from the original citizen. But yet ini Malaysia what we are seeing is that politicians from the ruling political party talks in ceramah everyday in a threatening tone that they have to always be aware with the Chinise and Indians that they have their own agenda and things like that. That didnt happen once but it has been there for 50 years since independence!! Talking about being Muslim. I have seen Malaysian Chinese who have embraced Muslim but yet the local Malay still treat them indifferently. Dont be fancied by the thought that even all Chinese in Malaysia become Muslim, they will be treated indifferently. I tell you this country is an utter racism!!

Unknown said...

anon(1): sabar2..saya berkata secara kes spesifik.ada bukti bawak ke mahkamah, tu je.saudara ada tidak puas hati terhadap isu lain, jgn lepaskan geram di sini.saudara boleh tulis blog sendiri.

saya ulangi, sy kata kalau ada bukti bawak ke mahkamah.seperti dalam tulisan2 saya sebelum ini, saya berkali2 katakan bawak DSAI ke mahkamah kalau ada bukti, jgn main tuduh sahaja. anda sendiri pun tidak mendengar kata2 yg dikeluarkan individu itu, bagaimana anda begitu yakin dengan sapa yg salah sapa yg betul.

mungkin anda tidak sependapat dengan saya, itu hak individu. pihak2 yg anda sebut diatas semakin ditolak oleh masyarakat malaysia secara umum kerana tidak mahukan politik berasaskan kaum.saya juga sama seperti saudara, saya dah baca n tgk banyak kali video2 yg pasal keris dan lain2, saya juga x setuju.cume saya tidak zahirkan dalam tulisan atas alasan2 saya sendiri.

Unknown said...

if you wanna talk about inequality, it happens every second everywhere. That's what we are opposing. I do not condone any unjust attitude. I have reiterated that many many times in my previous entries. I love my Chinese Muslim brothers as much as I like the Arab Muslim brothers. Yet, I treat my Christian friends equally.

As I have written before, majority Malays received their formal education approximately 50 years ago. There are faults in academic institutions in most countries, and here in Malaysia it is reflected by some conservative minds that still seem to think that Malay is the only race. I think that is wrong.

We see Malay Muslims getting imprisoned for crimes, but we also realise that Christian Americans and probably pagan Somalians do that too. That is why we hate Al-Qaeda for portraying bad images of Muslims.

We can see racial based politics are getting rejected by more and more Malaysians. They voted for change in March 2008. Hopefully in many years to come these will be improved.

Specifically to this issue, what I want to stress here is, if there is evidence, bring him to court. If he is guilty, we want him to be punished. I mentioned this in my entry.

Anonymous said...


Islam itu lengkap dan semua yg menyakitkan itu adalah dr muslim. Islam vs Muslim.

I rally hope that non-malay in Msia really understand this. Plus, India and China have millions of Muslim long before Malaya know about Islam.

Dulu orang melayu berjuang kerana hanya Melayu yg pegang Islam, skarang kita dah ada sahabat2 saudara2 India, Cina dan lain2 bangsa yang cinta dan amal agama ni lebih dr Melayu.

Psl perkauman...negara ni khusus untuk malay yg tidak ekstream, dan non-malay yg memahami.Please understand that, even the original framework was, to protect the indeginious ppl' right, without disadvantaging the others. We are talking about maximizing the cake, and we did that really well for the past 50 years.

I suppose that we should change the term to " protect the unfortunate" rather than "protect the indeginious " right Dr Azri?
That is more Islamic, zero oppressive, and fair!

Think with open heart.

Anwar aku malas komen, sori dude, aku stillll xleh pcaya dia...

Unknown said...

anonymous: saya bukan Dr. saya student..=).

Imam kat Auckland crita Bilal bin Rabah dipandang tinggi oleh Rasulullah w'pun dia seorg Ethopia yang berkulit hitam di tengah2 kalangan orang Arab. Kedudukan agama jauh lagi tinggi drpd perjuangan bangsa.

Tapi secara umum untuk negara berbilang kaum seperti Msia, pengukuhan Bangsa Malaysia sangat penting.

itu hak saudara, nak percaya atau tidak itu hak saudara. tak perlu bgtau saya pun.