Saturday, September 27, 2008



in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

saya mulakan, dengan mood raya yang makin bersemarak, saya ingin mengucapkan kepada semua rakan2 Muslim, 


kat sini gak, saya nak mintak maaf kepada yang mengenali, dengan ucapan maaf zahir dan batin sepanjang perkenalan, kalau ada terkasar bahasa ke, terbuat silap sana sini, tersimpan apa2 dalam hati ke..kalau ada yg perlu sy minta maaf, datang bgtau la ye. n kalau ada sapa2 yg saya hutang tu bgtau la ye, mana tau xde rezki Ramadhan depan. n yg berhutang, ehem2...=)

zaman 1st year kat Auckland

Banyak dah tempat saya merantau untuk belajar


linkungan rakan saya cukup luas. Tak larat nak tulis sume, n rasa x adil plak kalau tertinggal siapa2. Yang paling utama, untuk family SELAMAT HARI RAYA. MAAF ZAHIR BATIN kalau ada salah silap.

zaman 2nd year raya kat Auckland - ada gaya rockers x?

kepada kengkawan yg termasuk atau tidak dalam group2 tempat belajar di atas, insyaAllah ada rezeki kita jumpa lagi. kalau ada yg nak tulis apa2 kat sini, jgn la guna anonymous ye. =).

zaman ?????3rd year, rambut sudah sweet..kihkihkih...

lagu raya antara yg favourite-Lebaran Ini

lagu iklan raya yang feveret masa kecik2.iklan raya EON.lirik dia sama je..

sori2.saya x pernah antar gambar kat utusan online ataupun mana2 website lain.sbb malas.n sbb saya ada page sy sendiri. bila lagi kan?

till next time, 
xde mood la nak menulis 4-5 hari ni. 

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Lozenges like effect


in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

وعن أبي ذر رضي الله عنه قال : قال لي رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم : ولا تحقرن من المعروف شيئا ، ولو أن تلقي أخاك بوجه طليق )رواه المسلم(

Daripada Abu Zar r.a berkata : Rasulullah SAW telah berkataku : “Janganlah kamu memandang rendah (mencela) sesuatau kebaikkan, sekalipun kamu berjumpa saudara kamu dengan muka yang bersei-seri”.

Senyum seindah suria
Yang membawa cahya
Senyumlah dari hati
Duniamu berseri

Senyum umpama titian
Dalam kehidupan
Kau tersenyum ku tersenyum
Kemesraan menguntum

Senyum… kepada semua
Senyumanmu amatlah berharga
Senyum… membahagiakan
Dengan senyuman terjalinlah

Very very soothing indeed..reminds me of my childhood somehow...

aku pun tersenyum, walau x seindah suria..hehe.gila lame

Ramadhan is very near to its Sheikh Rafat said, let's enjoy the month together.5 more days to go.

a quarter of a century draws nearer to me.

till next time

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Relative Subject


in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

America is no doubt most countries look onto as a model in many fields, e.g. politics, human rights, economics, sports. 

Lehman has been declared bankrupt and AIG is given a bail out of 85 billion USD. 

Sheikh Fahmi meanwhile, wants to Man City the best club in the world. They are even willing to pay 135million for Christiano Ronaldo. From what I know, only Selangor and Kelantan FA have the ability to compete with Man City now. Go Dollah Salleh!

Here in Malaysia, talk of the takeover of the federal government has been making headlines. One party accuses another of lying, to which this reply has been made

"If he wants to see the details (of the list), then convene an emergency session of parliament and he will see...," he said.

“If he doesn’t believe me, then go to Parliament."

Whatever the situation is, we are still thankful that Malaysia is nowhere near like Zimbabwe and Thailand. =)

“Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, hendaklah kamu berdiri kerana Allah, menjadi saksi dengan keadilan. Janganlah kerana kebencianmu terhadap satu kaum, sehingga membuatkan kamu tidak berlaku adil. Berlaku adillah, kerana keadilan itu lebih dekat kepada taqwa dan takutlah kepada Allah. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha mengetahui apa-apa yang kamu kerjakan.” (Al-maidah : 8). 

“Maka tetaplah kamu pada jalan yang benar, sebagaimana diperintahkan kepadamu dan (juga) orang yang telah taubat beserta kamu dan janganlah kamu melampaui batas. Sesungguhnya Dia Maha melihat apa yang kamu kerjakan.” (Hud : 112).

till next time


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Pening pening


in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

I'm confident to say a big segment of Malaysians were disappointed that takeover plan Sept 16 did not really take place. There were, of course, who felt the opposite way. I have no statistics to back my statement though. Maybe the expectation to have a lower oil price was too high. 

DSAI in his press conference yesterday mentioned the next step after meeting Pak Lah is to go to Agong. Now that Pak Lah has publicly refused to meet up with Anwar, the public is left wondering when Pakatan Rakyat will pursue the plan to seek audience with Agong. 

As everyone is aware, the Finance Minister portfolio is handed today to Dato' Seri Najib Tun Razak. 

Interestingly, several interesting developments have also happened today, 

4) Zaid Ibrahim's persistent to quit his post

One bombshell after another. I suppose the trend will continue to be worse over the next few days. 

Malaysiakini has speculated ISA might be used against Anwar. Again? 10 years ago, everyone was scared of Tun Dr Mahathir. This time, many would be ready to be down on the streets anytime. The more mistakes committed by BN this time, the quicker they lose their jobs. 

I wonder if indeed Anwar was lying, why would PAS and DAP back him all this while? Maybe he's not. 

An interesting report by The Star here,

above all issues above, I find it ironic sometimes people turn to me, asking for opinions on political matters, as if I have insider's information. lol!

will write again,

till next time,

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Half time


in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

Hari ini hari ke-15 umat Islam berpuasa di NZ. Di Malaysia, hari ke-16 dah. Cepat masa jalan kan...

saya sendiri x berapa sihat hari ni. Nak gi kelas pun tak larat. Apatah lagi nak kerah otak nak menulis yang berat2 kat sini. Saya pendekkan cerita, sekadar nak kongsi ayat al-Quran dari Surah Ibrahim

31. Katakanlah kepada hamba-hamba-Ku yang telah beriman: "Hendaklah mereka mendirikan shalat, menafkahkan sebahagian rezki yang Kami berikan kepada mereka secara sembunyi ataupun terang-terangan sebelum datang hari (kiamat) yang pada bari itu tidak ada jual beli dan persahabatan.

Bak kata orang, bukan kuantiti itu yg penting. Tapi kualiti. Bukan jumlah duit yg disedekah itu perkara terpenting, tetapi niat itu yg Allah nilai. 

Daripada Amirul Mukminin Abu Hafsin 'Umar ibn al-Katthab r.a. beliau berkata: Aku mendengar Rasulullah SAW bersabda: Bahawa sesungguhnya setiap amalan itu bergantung kepada niat, dan bahawa sesungguhnya bagi setiap orang apa yang dia niatkan. Barangsiapa yang hijrahnya menuju kepada Allah dan RasulNya, maka hijrahnya kepada Allah dan RasulNya. Barangsiapa yang hijrahnya kerana dunia yang dia mahu mencari habuannya, atau kerana seorang perempuan yang dia mahu kahwininya, maka hijrahnya ke arah perkara
yang ditujuinya itu.

Hadis ini diriwayat oleh dua orang Imam Ahli Hadis; Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Ismail ibn Ibrahim ibn al-Mughirah ibn Barzirbah al-Bukhari dan Abu al-Husain Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj ibn Muslim al-Qusyairie al-Naisaburi dalam kitab sahih mereka berdua yang merupakan antara kitab yang paling sahih. Sumber:Hadith 40 Imam Al-Nawawi

Saya yakin saya pernah terbaca ayat Quran yang benarkan sedekah dibuat secara terang-terangan, dengan tujuan ia dijadikan tauladan. Saya mmg x igt langsung ayat mana. Siapa2 bole tolong? Kalau salah tolong ingatkan. 

insyaAllah, akan menulis lagi
p/s: Doa yg diajar dalam Quran,

Ya Tuhanku, jadikanlah aku dan anak cucuku orang-orang yang tetap mendirikan shalat, ya Tuhan kami, perkenankanlah doaku.(Surah Ibrahim ayat 40)


Sunday, September 14, 2008

Critical Thinking


in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

In most instances, when it come to political and religious matters, I prefer to go with critically analysed articles. The same approach I use when I write things.  However, sometimes some things are so obvious and clear that if you can't see the message, you will fall into a category called 'relatively' not so smart. Stupid is politically incorrect. 

Straight to the point; these quotes tell you stories. 

De facto Law Minister Zaid Ibrahim today threatened to resign if the government continues to use the Internal Security Act, which allows detention without trial, against political dissidents.

Commenting further, Zaid said: "I am very sad that people like Teresa (right), whom I know personally, can be seen as a threat. I can't see how a journalist doing her duty, or even Raja Petra, can be seen as a national threat.

A candlelight vigil was also held to protest against the use of the draconian ISA.
Scores of politicians from the state’s ruling party DAP, PAS and even Gerakan and MCA arrived at the scene to condemn the arrest.

Every time somebody is arrested under the Internal Security Act, it gives rise to a perception that the government is doing it because it is unable to charge and convict the person under existing laws in the country, said Human Resources Minister Dr S Subramaniam.

"Do we need such a false perception?" asked the MIC secretary-general in a statement today.

You see, what's the point of critically analyse this matter?

till next time

Saturday, September 13, 2008



in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

Another surprise! 3 individuals have been detained under ISA. Starting with RPK, and Teresa Kok is the latest. 

Personally, I have not heard of Teresa making any headlines over the past few weeks. So it's a bit shocking to hear that.  Majority of the public would not lose their sleep over RPK, but the additional of 2 more have made them restless.  

On what basis was the reporter detained? She was just doing her job, reporting what needs to be reported. The person that she covered meanwhile, is only suspended for 3 years.  I suppose to 'some' eyes, this action is deemed fair, to most it is NOT.  

RPK perhaps is the least surprising of these 3.  If indeed what he writes is wrong, charge him. Where has it gone 'innocent until proven otherwise'?  

However, although he is good when it comes to writing political matters, and in my opinion he is probably okay - below average in religious matters.  For instance, 

Debat Tudung Muslimah: Bidasan Terhadap Raja Petra Malaysiatoday

Wanita diperintahkan untuk menutup dada mereka. Itu sahaja. Ini sama dengan petikan Surah Al-Ahzab ayat 59 di atas di mana kaum wanita diperintahkan untuk melabuhkan pakaian mereka. Tiada langsung disebut kepala (ru'usa), muka (wujuh) atau rambut.(tulisan RPK di jawab Ustaz Zaharuddin[source])

Is it because of religious matters he is detained now? If anyone can still recall what Tun Mahathir commented on Hudud. He was not even investigated, let alone charged!

Put aside that issue, I personally think Tan Sri Muhyidin Yassin's call on Pak Lah  to resign is correct. Personally. TSMY said it is now difficult for the current government to convince to public on many things. They don't trust the current leadership anymore. 

This situation is made worse by Tun Mahathir's constant attack on Pak Lah. 

6. I hate to make this comparison but in Israel the Prime Minister has been accused of corruption and the police carried out an investigation and found there was a case for the Prime Minister to be charged. Will we see this in our Malaysia?(source)

i dare not go into details of every news above. Everything is commented SUPERFICIALLY. Maybe the Government would be able to justify their action in the next few days. Fingers crossed. 

till next time,

p/s: haven't heard of Ustaz Zaharuddin? He is/was one of the top economics lecturers in IIUM. He also has in depth knowledge of Islamic matters.  His website has received more than 1.6 million visitors as for today.  Minda Mufti's is close to 1 million now.  Me? 25 k baru..kuikuikui. 

Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Genius


in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

Has anyone had a read at Tun Mahathir's Social Contract 3 and Snippets? Here's the preview. 

19. Dato Seri Abdullah has tried to placate everyone. He has given one billion Ringgit here, one billion Ringgit there; he has given unknown sums of money to Tun Salleh Abbas and the other judges who had been dismissed in order to placate the Bar Council, he has promised billions of Ringgit for numerous corridors, billions for transport, lower oil prices etc etc. But no one believes him because the promises and fund allocations have not materialised. The fact is that nobody believes him or trusts him. No one has been placated.

3. We seem to find more reason for not working. If the holiday falls on a weekend, then have a long vacation beginning the day before Saturday and the day after Sunday - four days in all. 

7. I believe, but I may be wrong, that when you are trying to catch up with someone running ahead of you, you must run faster than him. We have this great ambition to become a developed country. If we move slower than our objective can we catch up? I think we cannot. 

8. A developed country today and a developed country in 2020 is not the same. In 2020 it will be far more advanced and richer than in 2008. The developed status is not static. It is moving. 

If you still remember an entry that I wrote on Palestine-Israel issue, specifically on boycotting Israeli products.  I still believe to win is to outplay your enemy, and to win against Israel is to strengthen the Muslims and not to weaken Israelis. Tun Mahathir has directly or indirectly echoed that sentiment, as above. 

The Israelis have long successfully associated themselves to the economy of Muslim countries.Could you take Coca Cola and McDonalds out of Malaysia? If you could, would you be able to secure new jobs for those Muslim workers. It is always possible to defeat them, but the probabilities are close to impossible. Thus, strengthening the economy of Muslims +/- boycotting are probably the best way.  There is no need to ask how, you probably already know the answer. 

We don't have to resort to Al-Qaeda-like activities after all now, do we?

Sho has just informed me that my face is in Utusan today. I am cool, I know. lol!

till next time,
p/s: Liverpool will play Man Utd this weekend. Any prediction? Liverpool to trash Man Utd 4-0? Hehe, yeah right. 

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

He Did It Again


in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

Datuk Ahmad has come up with a new statement(Chinese told not to be American Jews). This time he has gone far too far. Why would anyone resort to this after 51 years of independence. 

PM needs to take immediate action. 

till next time

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Don't be hasty


in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

Nabi SAW pernah bersabda: Sesiapa yang berperang di bawah rayah ‘immiyyah (bendera kebutaan) dan menyeru kepada ‘asabiyyah atau marah kerana ‘asabiyyah maka kematiannya adalah jahiliyyah. (Riwayat Muslim, al-Nasai dan Ibn Majah).

2 things in my opinion that will hasten the downfall of BN government are
1) Datuk Ahmad's refusal to apologise
2) widespread corruption

if you want to challenge things on every ground, Datuk Ahmad is not guilty until proven otherwise. That if you want to use the same principles as applied to the previous/current case of Anwar Ibrahim. He should not be judged in the media trial. Let him defend himself. If there is evidence, bring him to the court.

If he was found guilty in the court, I believe he should appear on national television to publicly apologise to the Chinese community. If he was indeed guilty, he should also be punished, as he would have destroyed the long awaited solid formation of Bangsa Malaysia.

Yet we still choose to believe only in things what we want to believe in. Datuk Ahmad has been found guilty already by YOU and the media. Many of you practice double standards.

Because of the phenomenon above, UMNO's downfall is much hastened than expected, contributed by his refusal to apologise.
1) for political survival - Come out and apologise.
2) Stand by his principles - and let the judge prove him right or wrong.

Be fair. If I wanted to be biased, I would have gone bashing out Datuk Ahmad. I chose not to, why?

I am a Muslim. Being fair and just are part of Islam.

till next time
p/s: Tun Mahathir's comment is somewhat interesting. I strongly disapprove racism. I stand on the fence. Nobody is guilty until proven otherwise. 

Thursday, September 04, 2008



in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

165. Dan mengapa ketika kamu ditimpa musibah (pada peperangan Uhud), padahal kamu telah menimpakan kekalahan dua kali lipat kepada musuh-musuhmu (pada peperangan Badar), kamu berkata: "Darimana datangnya (kekalahan) ini?" Katakanlah: "Itu dari (kesalahan) dirimu sendiri." Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Kuasa atas segala sesuatu.  165-Al-Imran

Mungkin ia kerana terlalu kerap berlaku, kita tahu tetapi kurang sedar tentang kewujudan fenomena ini.  Di mana kita lihat Islam sedang naik di negara2 atas angin dan Kristian meningkat di negara2 membangun, penganut2 mereka melakukan perintah agama dengan bangga dan rasa segan itu mungkin kurang wujud. 

Berbeza dengan kita, Islam sudah berada di Malaysia beratus tahun lamanya. Islam juga sudah diMelayukan, sehingga mereka yang terlalu bergantung kepada ilmu 'lisan' dan ilmu 'ustaz itu dan ustaz ini' tidak dapat membezakan yang mana adat dan yang mana agama. 

Melihat kepada perspektif realiti sekarang, pemilihan rakan juga banyak secara langsung mempengaruhi keperibadian kita. Ramai daripada kita tidak minum arak ataupun ke kelab malam. Tetapi seakan akan kita segan sebagai contoh utk solat kalau kita kuar dengan kawan2 yang tidak solat, walaupun kebiasaanya kita bersolat 5 waktu tiap2 hari. 

Segan, mungkin itu perkataan yang betul. Kena dengan keadaan? Mungkin tidak betul 

Tanpa melihat jauh, kita lihat pada Ramadhan yang berada di depan mata. Kita dianugerahi minda yang cergas dan cerdas. Memang kita sibuk dengan hal itu dan hal ini, saya sendiri juga begitu. Tetapi kita sentiasa boleh bermain dengan keadaan. Kita mungkin tidak dapat turun solat berjemaah, hadiri ceramah atau segan menyampaikan peringatan kepada rakan2. Tapi banyak alternatif yang bukan saya yang beri, bukan Ustaz anda atau ustaz saya yang bagi, juga bukan Imam mazhab yang bagi, 

"Barangsiapa memberi minum kepada orang yang berbuka puasa, niscaya Allah memberi minum kepadanya dari air kolam-Ku dengan suatu minuman yang dia tidak merasakan haus lagi sesudahnya, sehingga dia masuk ke dalam surga." (HR. Ibnu Huzaimah).


barangsiapa yang memberikan juadah berbuka buat orang yang berpuasa maka baginya pahala seperti orang yang berpuasa itu tanpa kurang sedikit pun" ( Riwayat At-Tirmidzi, 3/807; Hadith Hasan menurut Imam At-Tirmidzi). 

itu hanya sekadar satu contoh. seperti yg saya sebutkan diawal artikel, kita tahu tentang hal ini. Kita mungkin sibuk untuk ke terawih dan lain2, tp kita masih boleh 'mencuri' pahala orang lain. Dermakan saja semana mampu di masjid2 dan surau, kalau ada makhluk yang betul2 puasa pada hari itu, saham dia akan anda 'curi'.

Kenapa saya cadangkan yang diatas? Saya sendiri ada 3 shift malam minggu dpn. Hidup memang sibuk skrg. =)

till next time,
shift start kol 4pm-1130pm.gile tertekan kalau buke pose ngan brunch bar je..hehe.

Monday, September 01, 2008

Let's enjoy this month together


in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

truly, in more than 24 years of life, today was the first ever time to hear 'let's enjoy this month(ramadhan) together'. Indeed the Imam was absolutely right in flaming the spirit,

65. Hai Nabi, kobarkanlah semangat para mukmin untuk berperang. Jika ada dua puluh orang yang sabar diantaramu, niscaya mereka akan dapat mengalahkan dua ratus orang musuh. Dan jika ada seratus orang yang sabar diantaramu, niscaya mereka akan dapat mengalahkan seribu dari pada orang kafir, disebabkan orang-orang kafir itu kaum yang tidak mengerti[623]. [Anfaal-Ayat 65]

that's how you play with words..the more you read Quran, the better person you become. There are no words of wisdom that stand as tall(as Quran)

this advertisement below is solely meant to support my friend, Musa. I have promised to help him promoting many days ago, so here it goes

Musa is still taking orders. 

My muslim friends, if I may suggest again,

lunch hour= 15 min nap, 10 minutes reading 1-2 pages of Quran(with translation),

let me know if it works,

till next time,