Thursday, May 31, 2012

Komplen bro!


I am now in my on call room. I could be called to see a new patient anytime. I've had my lunch so I thought, why not spend some time writing?

Ever since I started work in Banting, the longest streak of being away at home was 3 days and 2 nights. This time, this is my second night, with 2 more nights to go. 5 days away, and it is like one of the longest period of waiting I can recall.

I was in Kulim before, and returning home once a month is a bless before, I shouldn't be complaining, should I?

Long have I yearned to settle down in 1 place. Go to work, then home, some exercise, prayer and spend time with the family before calling it a day. I really want that. My life is like a nomad. 1 day I am in Banting, the next day in TTDI, and Melaka the day after.

Patience is the key. Patience is a virtue.

Today, one of my colleagues left us for a greener pasture. She's currently pregnant for the third one. She admits that it is a sacrifice that she has to make for the family. Husband is pursuing his studies to become a Oromaxillofacial specialist.

I reckon the only to stop becoming a slave is to gain as much knowledge as possible. Then climb the ladder up before you can eventually start giving orders. The climb is the most difficult part, once it is overcame, the greener pasture will be more green that the greenest you could ever imagine about.

Even when you reach the top, you will still be ranting of this and that. A complaint makes you plan what is better for you, doesn't it? So complaining is not really bad after all!

till  next time,

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