Sunday, February 20, 2011

Do we dare to change?


in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

It is true I suppose the domino effect has kicked in. Now it has spread to Libya, Algeria and Bahrain.

People are getting discontent with how their respective government are treating them. They manifest it, and it is their right to express it.

Regardless of whether you are an UMNO supporter or Pakatan Rakyat, it is widely accepted that the leaders in third world countries are the most corrupted ones. Stating the obvious examples are Hosni Mobarak and Ben Ali.

Sometimes this happens right under your nose and you pretend that it is never there. For example, Taib Mahmud, the Chief Minister of Sarawak. How much wealth has he amassed it beyond my knowledge. The amount is not important, but what must be made public is he is a corrupted man.

Sarawak, being Sarawak, we can foresee they will be still under BN rule for years to come. We plead for a change, and for us, who have no money and power, we rely on the educated ones to relay the info to the Sarawakians. We want change. 51% from Peninsular Malaysia voted for PR.

What differentiates Malaysia and other states are we we love peace. Not many are willing to go down the stress to protests. For us, for whatever that we want, we will let our votes do the talking.

I urge my fellow friends, to step up in your efforts to read, read and read more. I am 98% sure not many from you know what is happening in Bahrain and others. For instance, doctors were beaten to near death, Algerians machine-gunned and many more.

Do not sit down in warung and read Utusan, and start talking like you know everything. Reading Utusan and Harian Metro brings you, your race and the nation backwards. You can't disagree with this can you?

till next time,

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