in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful
It is true I suppose the domino effect has kicked in. Now it has spread to Libya, Algeria and Bahrain.
People are getting discontent with how their respective government are treating them. They manifest it, and it is their right to express it.
Regardless of whether you are an UMNO supporter or Pakatan Rakyat, it is widely accepted that the leaders in third world countries are the most corrupted ones. Stating the obvious examples are Hosni Mobarak and Ben Ali.
Sometimes this happens right under your nose and you pretend that it is never there. For example, Taib Mahmud, the Chief Minister of Sarawak. How much wealth has he amassed it beyond my knowledge. The amount is not important, but what must be made public is he is a corrupted man.
Sarawak, being Sarawak, we can foresee they will be still under BN rule for years to come. We plead for a change, and for us, who have no money and power, we rely on the educated ones to relay the info to the Sarawakians. We want change. 51% from Peninsular Malaysia voted for PR.
What differentiates Malaysia and other states are we we love peace. Not many are willing to go down the stress to protests. For us, for whatever that we want, we will let our votes do the talking.
I urge my fellow friends, to step up in your efforts to read, read and read more. I am 98% sure not many from you know what is happening in Bahrain and others. For instance, doctors were beaten to near death, Algerians machine-gunned and many more.
Do not sit down in warung and read Utusan, and start talking like you know everything. Reading Utusan and Harian Metro brings you, your race and the nation backwards. You can't disagree with this can you?
till next time,
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Sakit gigi
in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful
I've just come back from Kuala Lumpur, the city where everybody knows my name. It was for only 2 1/2 days, but joyful nevertheless.
The only negative from the journey was the recently started never ending toothache. My goodness, Panadol can only provide temporary relief. After some, the pain returns faithfully to me. Why oh why?
I can't complain though. So little grateful have I given back to the Almighty. So little have I obeyed the rules and regulations of Islam, yet so many sins have I committed, continuously.
The time will come when this pain goes away, and good and bad moments will come, albeit continuously or alternately.
I am thankful for everything.
till next time,
in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful
I've just come back from Kuala Lumpur, the city where everybody knows my name. It was for only 2 1/2 days, but joyful nevertheless.
The only negative from the journey was the recently started never ending toothache. My goodness, Panadol can only provide temporary relief. After some, the pain returns faithfully to me. Why oh why?
I can't complain though. So little grateful have I given back to the Almighty. So little have I obeyed the rules and regulations of Islam, yet so many sins have I committed, continuously.
The time will come when this pain goes away, and good and bad moments will come, albeit continuously or alternately.
I am thankful for everything.
till next time,
Friday, February 11, 2011
Valentine's Day Part 3- The Final
in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful
This is the final one, the finishing touch in other words.
ni antara yg mampu aku buat..bende dh nyata..baca ayat ni btoi2..Perayaan itu mempunyai amalan yang mendorong ke arah maksiat dan bercanggah dengan akidah, syariah dan akhlak-->jgn main2 perkara akidah..
artikel penuh
KUALA LUMPUR: Remaja Islam dinasihatkan tidak terpengaruh dengan pelbagai promosi bagi meraikan Hari Kekasih atau ‘Valentine’s Day’ kerana ia bercanggah dengan ajaran agama, sekali gus menjurus kepada perbuatan tidak bermoral.
Mufti Perlis, Dr Mohd Asri Zainol Abidin, berkata tradisi itu tidak patut diraikan
umat Islam kerana ia perbuatan yang tidak diizinkan syarak dan jika tidak dihalang, ia boleh memesongkan akidah serta menyumbang kepada gejala sosial.
“Perkara itu terbukti kerana pada Hari Kekasih, ramai pasangan mengambil kesempatan keluar berdua-duaan, ada yang turut melakukan hubungan seksdan ia
jelas menyimpang daripada landasan agama,” katanya diminta mengulas mengenai keghairahan umat Islam yang ingin menyambut Hari Kekasih pada Rabu ini.
“Oleh itu, pelbagai pihak terutama badan kerajaan dan bukan kerajaan (NGO) yang
bertanggungjawab dalam soal agama perlu bekerjasama dengan media bagi
menggerakkan kempen kesedaran kepada orang ramai mengenai hukum menyambut
Hari Kekasih,” katanya.
Sementara itu, Mufti Johor, Datuk Noh Gadut berkata muzakarah Jawatankuasa
Fatwa Majlis Kebangsaan Bagi Hal Ehwal Agama Islam Malaysia kali ke-71 yang
bersidang pada 22 hingga 24 November 2005 lalu bersetuju memutuskan bahawa
amalan meraikan Hari Kekasih tidak digalakkan agama Islam.
“Perayaan itu mempunyai unsur Kristian dan mempunyai amalan yang mendorong ke
arah maksiat dan bercanggah dengan akidah, syariah dan akhlak,” katanya.
What do you think?
till next time,
in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful
This is the final one, the finishing touch in other words.
for muslims..fatwa kebangsaan..fatwa dah ni
ni antara yg mampu aku buat..bende dh nyata..baca ayat ni btoi2..Perayaan itu mempunyai amalan yang mendorong ke arah maksiat dan bercanggah dengan akidah, syariah dan akhlak-->jgn main2 perkara akidah..
artikel penuh
KUALA LUMPUR: Remaja Islam dinasihatkan tidak terpengaruh dengan pelbagai promosi bagi meraikan Hari Kekasih atau ‘Valentine’s Day’ kerana ia bercanggah dengan ajaran agama, sekali gus menjurus kepada perbuatan tidak bermoral.
Mufti Perlis, Dr Mohd Asri Zainol Abidin, berkata tradisi itu tidak patut diraikan
umat Islam kerana ia perbuatan yang tidak diizinkan syarak dan jika tidak dihalang, ia boleh memesongkan akidah serta menyumbang kepada gejala sosial.
“Perkara itu terbukti kerana pada Hari Kekasih, ramai pasangan mengambil kesempatan keluar berdua-duaan, ada yang turut melakukan hubungan seksdan ia
jelas menyimpang daripada landasan agama,” katanya diminta mengulas mengenai keghairahan umat Islam yang ingin menyambut Hari Kekasih pada Rabu ini.
“Oleh itu, pelbagai pihak terutama badan kerajaan dan bukan kerajaan (NGO) yang
bertanggungjawab dalam soal agama perlu bekerjasama dengan media bagi
menggerakkan kempen kesedaran kepada orang ramai mengenai hukum menyambut
Hari Kekasih,” katanya.
Sementara itu, Mufti Johor, Datuk Noh Gadut berkata muzakarah Jawatankuasa
Fatwa Majlis Kebangsaan Bagi Hal Ehwal Agama Islam Malaysia kali ke-71 yang
bersidang pada 22 hingga 24 November 2005 lalu bersetuju memutuskan bahawa
amalan meraikan Hari Kekasih tidak digalakkan agama Islam.
“Perayaan itu mempunyai unsur Kristian dan mempunyai amalan yang mendorong ke
arah maksiat dan bercanggah dengan akidah, syariah dan akhlak,” katanya.
What do you think?
till next time,
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Valentine's Day Part 2
in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful
Part 2
in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful
Kebanyakan kita sejak dari bangku sekolah lagi disuap dengan maklumat, ilmu dan segala jenis bende oleh cikgu-cikgu.
Suasana yang pasif ini menyebabkan kebanyakan kita menerima bende seadanya, tanpa mempersoalkan kesahihan atau kebatilan kenyataan2 guru2 itu.
Lihat sahaja tarikh 14 Feb ini, yang dipanggil Hari Kekasih atau Valentine's Day.
Begitu banyak cerita buruk tentang Valentine's ini, dari seorang Paderi yang menentang kerajaan, pembunuh Muslim, bercinta walaupun dia seorang paderi dan macam2 lagi. Dari mana sumbernya pun, tidak pernah diberikan.
Saya juga pernah terlintas tulisan seorang warga bukan Muslim dahulunya di Myspace. Saya tidak sempat membaca keseluruhannya. Apa yang beliau tulis ialah cerita2 baik tentang St Valentine ini.
Secara intelektualnya, dan sebagai seorang Muslim kita tidak boleh memfitnah orang sesuka hati, baik dia Muslim atau tidak. Jika anda tidak tahu apa fakta dan apa 'auta', baiklah anda jangan berbicara. Janganlah anda cuba berlagak pandai terutama dalam hal agama.
Jika ditanya oleh bukan Muslim, jika anda tidak berjaya meyakinkan hujah dengan ilmu dan sumber yang sahih, dan lebih malu jika pihak non-Muslim itu pula kata sumber pihak Kristian mereka mengatakan St Valentine itu adalah orang jenis itu dan ini. Anda bukan sahaja memalukan diri anda, tetapi impak lebih besarnya ialah anda menjatuhkan nama Islam.
Dan janganlah kamu sekalian menyerupai Yahudi dan Nasrani. H/R Ahmad.
Kenapa tidak kita menyambut Valentine's Day ini ialah kerana bukan perayaan kita. Tidak kiralah sama ada St Valentine itu pengebom berani mati ataupun pencinta wanita, perayaan ini tiada dalam agama kita.
Jika anda begitu semangat nak buktikan St. Valentine itu orang ini dan itu, silakan. Anda akan menjadi lebih berilmu daripada saya, dan jika anda rajin silalah kongsikan.
Dari Ibn Umar ra berkata : Bersabda Rasulullah s.a.w : Sesiapa yang menyerupai satu satu kaum, maka ia telah menjadi golongan mereka. H/R Ahmad, Abu Daud dan at Tabrani.
Untuk saya, Ringkas alasannya. Valentine's Day bukan hari perayaan Muslim.
Saya berterima kasih kepada pihak berkuasa kerana berkhutbah tajuk Ajaran Songsang dan Valentine's. Cume lebih baik kalau penyampaiannya lebih efektif. Lebih baik juga kalau Pemuda PAS, Pemuda UMNO dan pihak2 NGO dapat bersatu dalam mencegah maksiat. Masing2 terlalu sibuk berpolitik hingga laungan2 politik itu hanya menjadi retorik pada akhirnya. Masing2 ada BIRO agama yang hanya BIRO pada nama sahaja. PAS juga terlalu asyik berpolitik. Pemuda2 di bawah dibiarkan sahaja oleh pihak2 agama ini.
Tiga jenis manusia yang dibenci oleh Allah (antara mereka) ialah penganut Islam yang masih memilih (meniru) perbuatan jahiliah. H/R al-Bukhari.
Yang harus diterangkan ialah implikasi menyambut perayaan ini. Kesan masa pendek dan masa panjang terhadap pembangunan Islam dan negara.
till next time,
p/s saya tau kalau la pencegahan Valentine's ini sesenang kata2 di atas. Tapi apa pun, memfitnah orang bukanlah caranya.
Please, should you disagree, let us take this issue academically.
till next time,
in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful
Part 2
Valentine's- Sangat kurang faktanya
in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful
Kebanyakan kita sejak dari bangku sekolah lagi disuap dengan maklumat, ilmu dan segala jenis bende oleh cikgu-cikgu.
Suasana yang pasif ini menyebabkan kebanyakan kita menerima bende seadanya, tanpa mempersoalkan kesahihan atau kebatilan kenyataan2 guru2 itu.
Lihat sahaja tarikh 14 Feb ini, yang dipanggil Hari Kekasih atau Valentine's Day.
Begitu banyak cerita buruk tentang Valentine's ini, dari seorang Paderi yang menentang kerajaan, pembunuh Muslim, bercinta walaupun dia seorang paderi dan macam2 lagi. Dari mana sumbernya pun, tidak pernah diberikan.
Saya juga pernah terlintas tulisan seorang warga bukan Muslim dahulunya di Myspace. Saya tidak sempat membaca keseluruhannya. Apa yang beliau tulis ialah cerita2 baik tentang St Valentine ini.
Secara intelektualnya, dan sebagai seorang Muslim kita tidak boleh memfitnah orang sesuka hati, baik dia Muslim atau tidak. Jika anda tidak tahu apa fakta dan apa 'auta', baiklah anda jangan berbicara. Janganlah anda cuba berlagak pandai terutama dalam hal agama.
Jika ditanya oleh bukan Muslim, jika anda tidak berjaya meyakinkan hujah dengan ilmu dan sumber yang sahih, dan lebih malu jika pihak non-Muslim itu pula kata sumber pihak Kristian mereka mengatakan St Valentine itu adalah orang jenis itu dan ini. Anda bukan sahaja memalukan diri anda, tetapi impak lebih besarnya ialah anda menjatuhkan nama Islam.
Dan janganlah kamu sekalian menyerupai Yahudi dan Nasrani. H/R Ahmad.
Kenapa tidak kita menyambut Valentine's Day ini ialah kerana bukan perayaan kita. Tidak kiralah sama ada St Valentine itu pengebom berani mati ataupun pencinta wanita, perayaan ini tiada dalam agama kita.
Jika anda begitu semangat nak buktikan St. Valentine itu orang ini dan itu, silakan. Anda akan menjadi lebih berilmu daripada saya, dan jika anda rajin silalah kongsikan.
Dari Ibn Umar ra berkata : Bersabda Rasulullah s.a.w : Sesiapa yang menyerupai satu satu kaum, maka ia telah menjadi golongan mereka. H/R Ahmad, Abu Daud dan at Tabrani.
Untuk saya, Ringkas alasannya. Valentine's Day bukan hari perayaan Muslim.
Saya berterima kasih kepada pihak berkuasa kerana berkhutbah tajuk Ajaran Songsang dan Valentine's. Cume lebih baik kalau penyampaiannya lebih efektif. Lebih baik juga kalau Pemuda PAS, Pemuda UMNO dan pihak2 NGO dapat bersatu dalam mencegah maksiat. Masing2 terlalu sibuk berpolitik hingga laungan2 politik itu hanya menjadi retorik pada akhirnya. Masing2 ada BIRO agama yang hanya BIRO pada nama sahaja. PAS juga terlalu asyik berpolitik. Pemuda2 di bawah dibiarkan sahaja oleh pihak2 agama ini.
Tiga jenis manusia yang dibenci oleh Allah (antara mereka) ialah penganut Islam yang masih memilih (meniru) perbuatan jahiliah. H/R al-Bukhari.
Yang harus diterangkan ialah implikasi menyambut perayaan ini. Kesan masa pendek dan masa panjang terhadap pembangunan Islam dan negara.
till next time,
p/s saya tau kalau la pencegahan Valentine's ini sesenang kata2 di atas. Tapi apa pun, memfitnah orang bukanlah caranya.
Please, should you disagree, let us take this issue academically.
till next time,
Wednesday, February 09, 2011
Valentine's Day Part 1
in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful
This entry is merely a copy of what I've written before, in previous years. There are 3 entries, 1 will be entered in tonight, the rest will tomorrow and the day after I hope.
in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful
Tomorrow is the day that perhaps many have been waiting for. Why Feb 14?
Many have read several versions of Valentine's Day. Does it matter which one is the most correct? It doesn't, does it?
They say, we celebrate tomorrow in the name of love. I reckon, in the name of love many girls have fallen into the trap. In the name of love, we see statistics of unwanted delivery blooming up in November and December. In the name of love, a lot of married coupled file for a divorce.
None of these are necessary.
It is not a day to remember for us, the Muslims. We get deceived looking at all the seductive promotions of this and that, and we do not get anything in return. Who are the real ones celebrating this? Memory Lane is!
Tomorrow is not for us. It's as simple as that.
If you think the Muslims are falling behind those Western countries, celebrating Valentine's is one the reasons the Westerns' downfall. If we copy them in the unwanted and less ideal ways, we are making ourselves further left behind.
In the end, we have only ourselves to blame. It's as simple as that.
Give me your thoughts. I enjoy discussing.
till next time,
in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful
This entry is merely a copy of what I've written before, in previous years. There are 3 entries, 1 will be entered in tonight, the rest will tomorrow and the day after I hope.
Feb 14.
in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful
Tomorrow is the day that perhaps many have been waiting for. Why Feb 14?
Many have read several versions of Valentine's Day. Does it matter which one is the most correct? It doesn't, does it?
They say, we celebrate tomorrow in the name of love. I reckon, in the name of love many girls have fallen into the trap. In the name of love, we see statistics of unwanted delivery blooming up in November and December. In the name of love, a lot of married coupled file for a divorce.
None of these are necessary.
It is not a day to remember for us, the Muslims. We get deceived looking at all the seductive promotions of this and that, and we do not get anything in return. Who are the real ones celebrating this? Memory Lane is!
Tomorrow is not for us. It's as simple as that.
If you think the Muslims are falling behind those Western countries, celebrating Valentine's is one the reasons the Westerns' downfall. If we copy them in the unwanted and less ideal ways, we are making ourselves further left behind.
In the end, we have only ourselves to blame. It's as simple as that.
Give me your thoughts. I enjoy discussing.
till next time,
Tuesday, February 08, 2011
in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful
I have only 1 advice to Fernando Torres. Please, please stop giving interviews. You're a mess. The more you talk, the more ridiculous you look.
I suppose you've made your decision. You get on with your life and so do we.
To the so called neutrals, which many are Arsenal, Man Utd, Man City, Spurs and Chelsea fans, please comment on these ;
Tevez to Man City
Sol Campbell to Arsenal
Ashley Cole to Chelsea
It so happens that it is Liverpool's time now, so the noises come.
You guys are perfect.
Yeah right
till next time,
in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful
I have only 1 advice to Fernando Torres. Please, please stop giving interviews. You're a mess. The more you talk, the more ridiculous you look.
I suppose you've made your decision. You get on with your life and so do we.
To the so called neutrals, which many are Arsenal, Man Utd, Man City, Spurs and Chelsea fans, please comment on these ;
Tevez to Man City
Sol Campbell to Arsenal
Ashley Cole to Chelsea
It so happens that it is Liverpool's time now, so the noises come.
You guys are perfect.
Yeah right
till next time,
Monday, February 07, 2011
in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful
I'm absolutely glad that last week ended yesterday. It was a turbulent week, and one of the most nerve-wrecking weeks of my life.
What is sweeter was how the way it closed its curtain.
2 issues that made into the trending topics last week
1st of all, I am very grateful to Allah for bringing back my younger sister. She was stuck in Egypt. God knows how terrible it was, but she endured it. Admirable I must say. Put yourself in her shoes, and tell me if you could ever stand 1 day in Egypt without food, all sorts of communication and family.
Some have objected, and I believe they are entitled to their opinions. Still, it doesn't make sense to come up with ridiculous ideas. Have a look at my facebook, in one of the headline statuses. Incredible the way they tackle this issue.
When Kenya managed to provide 13 airplanes to bring home their citizens, it makes you wonder how slow our Government was, doesn't it?
It is your opinion, but I'm pretty sure if I didn't mention Umno in that sentence, you wouldn't have gotten angry, and I am very confident of this.
It is the mentality, I suppose.
That matter aside, I reckon most Liverpool fans are happy with the result last night. I admit I lost sleep when Torres decided to leave Liverpool. You(Torres) have left us, but is it necessary to mention what you have mentioned?
Destiny as you put it. You had Liverpool as your first hurdle, and you stumbled. What a feeling, there is no words to describe it.
I hope you chose the right club. I personally thank you for your services, but you are not welcome anymore in Liverpool. Expect hostile reception if you ever step food in Anfield again. You hurt them real bad mate.
This is funny. Forwarded from a cousin.
Not kampung when you can beat Chelsea at Stanford Bridge.
till next time
in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful
I'm absolutely glad that last week ended yesterday. It was a turbulent week, and one of the most nerve-wrecking weeks of my life.
What is sweeter was how the way it closed its curtain.
2 issues that made into the trending topics last week
1st of all, I am very grateful to Allah for bringing back my younger sister. She was stuck in Egypt. God knows how terrible it was, but she endured it. Admirable I must say. Put yourself in her shoes, and tell me if you could ever stand 1 day in Egypt without food, all sorts of communication and family.
Some have objected, and I believe they are entitled to their opinions. Still, it doesn't make sense to come up with ridiculous ideas. Have a look at my facebook, in one of the headline statuses. Incredible the way they tackle this issue.
When Kenya managed to provide 13 airplanes to bring home their citizens, it makes you wonder how slow our Government was, doesn't it?
It is your opinion, but I'm pretty sure if I didn't mention Umno in that sentence, you wouldn't have gotten angry, and I am very confident of this.
It is the mentality, I suppose.
That matter aside, I reckon most Liverpool fans are happy with the result last night. I admit I lost sleep when Torres decided to leave Liverpool. You(Torres) have left us, but is it necessary to mention what you have mentioned?
Destiny as you put it. You had Liverpool as your first hurdle, and you stumbled. What a feeling, there is no words to describe it.
I hope you chose the right club. I personally thank you for your services, but you are not welcome anymore in Liverpool. Expect hostile reception if you ever step food in Anfield again. You hurt them real bad mate.
This is funny. Forwarded from a cousin.
till next time
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