Tuesday, December 07, 2010



In the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

Nowadays, with the widespread use of Twitter and Facebook, the power of blogging seems to be waning away. I do tweet, but the nature of my job prohibits me from becoming the next 'Aisehman' or 'Anwar Ibrahim'.

How to tweet when lots of patients need to your attention?

I am not that significant in the tweet world, but sometimes it gives you a good feeling that somebody like Nik Nazmi is following me on Twitter.

Blogging is still my cup of tea. Here I get to express my thoughts freely.

Lately, I have received a lot of wedding invitations. I feel great for them. Do I envy them? Yeah, to some extent.

Nothing to do with masculinity, I personally think the affinity between male and female runs in our bloods. Hence, the relationship and marriage.

My turn will come, InsyaAllah.

When it does, your addresses will be needed.

till next time,


abd said...

Cup of tea aku teh o ais do. Tapi kena kurang manis ah sekarang, harga gula dah naik.

Unknown said...

sama aa ngan burning midnight oil bro..minyak dh makin mahal ni.heheh