Thursday, October 16, 2008

Hindraf - My Side


in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

I, PERSONALLY, believe it is a mistake to ban HINDRAF. Surely the claim of ethnic cleansing is wrong. To deny one's right to speak up, it's even worse.

First you ISA-ed them, and now you ban them.

Firstly, If indeed the name Hindu Rights Action Force is wrong, why should PAS get a special treatment. Parti Islam SeMalaysia, and Hindu RAF. Let them be in peace with their religion. One of the Gerakan leaders yesterday questioned yet again on the special priveledges of the Malays. We have not seen any action taken yet.

I can only agree with PAS' Dr Kamaruddin Jaafar's comment:

"There are a lot of coalitions and non-governmental organisations which have emerged and bring up all sorts of issues. It is strange why Hindraf has become the only target," said the Tumpat MP.

Secondly, if Hindraf's objectives are causing so much trouble, bring them to the court. They can decide who's guilty and who's not.

Quran is a complete guideline to one's life. Look at how Islam encourages you to think wisely, and look at the example given

52. (Ingatlah), ketika Ibrahim berkata kepada bapaknya dan kaumnya: "Patung-patung apakah ini yang kamu tekun beribadat kepadanya?"

53. Mereka menjawab: "Kami mendapati bapak-bapak kami menyembahnya."

54. Ibrahim berkata: "Sesungguhnya kamu dan bapak-bapakmu berada dalam kesesatan yang nyata."

55. Mereka menjawab: "Apakah kamu datang kepada kami dengan sungguh-sungguh ataukah kamu termasuk orang-orang yang bermain-main[961]?"

56. Ibrahim berkata: "Sebenarnya Tuhan kamu ialah Tuhan langit dan bumi yang telah menciptakannya: dan aku termasuk orang-orang yang dapat memberikan bukti atas yang demikian itu."

57. Demi Allah, sesungguhnya aku akan melakukan tipu daya terhadap berhala-berhalamu sesudah kamu pergi meninggalkannya[962].

58. Maka Ibrahim membuat berhala-berhala itu hancur berpotong-potong, kecuali yang terbesar (induk) dari patung-patung yang lain; agar mereka kembali (untuk bertanya) kepadanya.

59. Mereka berkata: "Siapakah yang melakukan perbuatan ini terhadap tuhan-tuhan kami, sesungguhnya dia termasuk orang-orang yang zalim."

60. Mereka berkata: "Kami dengar ada seorang pemuda yang mencela berhala-berhala ini yang bernama Ibrahim ."

61. Mereka berkata: "(Kalau demikian) bawalah dia dengan cara yang dapat dilihat orang banyak, agar mereka menyaksikan."

62. Mereka bertanya: "Apakah kamu, yang melakukan perbuatan ini terhadap tuhan-tuhan kami, hai Ibrahim?"

63. Ibrahim menjawab: "Sebenarnya patung yang besar itulah yang melakukannya, maka tanyakanlah kepada berhala itu, jika mereka dapat berbicara."

64. Maka mereka telah kembali kepada kesadaran dan lalu berkata: "Sesungguhnya kamu sekalian adalah orang-orang yang menganiaya (diri sendiri)",

65. kemudian kepala mereka jadi tertunduk[963] (lalu berkata): "Sesungguhnya kamu (hai Ibrahim) telah mengetahui bahwa berhala-berhala itu tidak dapat berbicara."

66. Ibrahim berkata: Maka mengapakah kamu menyembah selain Allah sesuatu yang tidak dapat memberi manfaat sedikitpun dan tidak (pula) memberi mudharat kepada kamu?"

67. Ah (celakalah) kamu dan apa yang kamu sembah selain Allah. Maka apakah kamu tidak memahami?

68. Mereka berkata: "Bakarlah dia dan bantulah tuhan-tuhan kamu, jika kamu benar-benar hendak bertindak."

lessons from above:
1) tradition is not the best source for daily acts. everything must be evidence based. E.g. ask your Ustaz to come up with Hadith/Quran why we do this and that. There must be a reason when I say we DON'T have to tahlil when somebody passes away.
2) when you can't back up a claim with facts, you don't shut/beat them up. You become a loser as a result.

There's an interesting article written in Malaysiakini. Unfortunately, you need to have a username and password to log you in. Title is Moving beyond Race by Teh Tarik.

"In Malaysia, if it is a Malay issue it is a national issue; if it is a Chinese issue, it is a racial issue; if it is an Indian issue, it is a non-issue."

It's ironic how I repeatedly mentioned how I hated Utusan that I still visit Utusan online regularly. I don't do one sided story.

Whether you agree, or not, what I wrote above is merely my personal opinions. I am happy to be proven wrong.

till next time,
p/s Liverpool - Chelsea next weekend. Liverpool to beat Chelsea? Man City to lose big time? Arsenal yet another draw? Malaysia to play in World Cup 2012?


azzahra said...

oo i ddnt kno it wasnt a legal organisation in the first place

thats funny, outlawing something they say doesnt exist. much like usa n aliens?

Unknown said...

balan : thanks for dropping by bro. What I am trying to express here is the right to speak up should not be denied. and if Hindraf was truly against the law, they should be brought to the court. otherwise, everyone will have and want to stick to their opinion, and that won't help to solve the crisis at all.

azza: their days are numbered I guess..