Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Good Doctors, Bad Doctors


in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

taken from [here],

Jumaat,18/4/2008 -Kementerian Kesihatan di Gaza Khamis lalu memberi amaran bilik-bilik pembedahan di hospital-hospital Gaza telah ditutup dan semua pembedahan telah ditangguh berikutan nitrus oksida anestetik untuk membius pesakit-pesakit sepanjang pembedahan telah habis digunakan.

I envy these doctors. They work remarkably hard, so hard that probably the word tired does not exist in their dictionaries. They hardly get holidays, let alone any pay rise. It's not an easy world to live in Palestine. To most of us, between fight and flight, the latter would probably be the case if we were posted there. These people are still holding to the former, and for it I have the utmost respect towards them.

Few other very short articles worth reading,

1.5 Juta Rakyat Palestin di Gaza Perlukan Bantuan Sedunia

Khaled Mishaal : Israel Tetap Tidak Diiktiraf !

This next article is slightly long, it's an analysis rather than just another news.

6 Dekad Nakbah Palestin.
Kefahaman mengenai isu ini masih perlu diperluaskan lagi di kalangan masyarakat Malaysia yang pelbagai melalui penulisan di akhbar-akhbar dan majalah, ceramah-ceramah dan pameran-pameran serta media elektronik

Dr Zainur Rashid leaves us a question at the end,

Persoalannya, adakah kita telah berbuat sesuatu bagi meringankan beban dan kesangsaraan yang mereka alami selama ini?

till next time.

p/s : junior doctors in NZ are on strike for 2 days, asking for 30% in pay rise. The title is nothing more than a gimmick. These are good doctors too. They have been fighting this for years, and they are still in the fight. Good luck.

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