Monday, April 28, 2008



in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

2 different but overlapping news,

1.Malaysian Muslim groups have called for protests when Chelsea football club visits in July because the coach, Avram Grant, and a player are Israeli.[source]

2.GAZA 28 April - Empat kanak-kanak, berusia antara satu hingga lima tahun, serta seorang pejuang Palestin terbunuh dalam satu operasi tentera Israel di Semenanjung Gaza hari ini, kata perkhidmatan kecemasan Palestin.

Mussab Abu Mateq, satu, Hana Abu Mateq, tiga, Rudeina Abu Mateq, empat dan Saleh Abu Mateq, lima, terbunuh manakala ibu mereka cedera parah apabila rumah mereka di Beit Hanoun terkena tembakan kereta kebal.[source]



question 1 : where would I stand if Liverpool decided to come here? The newly introduced Liverpool jersey still has Carlsberg on it.

question 2 : easy isn't it to say NO to things we dislike?

question 3 : they come or don't, do we win or lose anything? Malaysian football will never get anything out of it certainly.

question 4 : when will Muslims be at the winning end?

question 5 : Ballack's coming, the player that I have idolized for many years.

p/s : senang kan mulut berbicara hal itu dan hal ini. Kecantikan idea teori tidak semestinya berjaya diterjemahkan ke realiti.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Conservative Malays


in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

Long have I wanted to discuss this issue - Malaysian Christians' request on using Allah in Bible. Few reasons have stopped me from doing so, mainly due to my lack of knowledge to justify my thoughts. Precisely, there are 2 requests, one is using Allah and secondly having Bible in Malay.

Many(not most) conservative Malays rejected this request. They cited this would endanger the aqidah of Muslims. They came up with other claims too. I dare not discuss this issue in length. Honestly I am no expert. Dr. Asri(Mufti Perlis) wrote on this,

Beza Antara Merebut Nama Allah Dan Mempertahankan Akidah
[preview]Justeru itu kita lihat, orang-orang Kristian Arab memang memakai perkataan Allah dalam Bible mereka, juga buku-buku doa mereka. Tiada siapa pun di kalangan para ulama kaum muslimin sejak dahulu yang membantahnya.

Even if they come up with thousand languages of Bible, we should not be afraid. The focus should be getting the Muslims to read the Quran, rather than the opposite. Allah says in Quran, Al-Baqarah.

2. Kitab (Al Quran) ini tidak ada keraguan padanya; petunjuk bagi mereka yang bertaqwa

To BECA web admins, congrats on the new and improved website. There is still room for improvement. I hope wider range of articles and discussions will be posted in the future. We don't want to get only the same readers, we want to expand it. Don't rest on your laurels yet, bak kata Dr Mahathir "Perjuangan Ini Belum Selesai".

Yes, there is still a few things we can do to help the Palestinians. I have not donated any money yet, but you don't have to wait for to initiate. Take some initiative, make some moves and I will follow you definitely.

You don't have to be a genius to figure out why I picked no 13 on my Germany jersey. Ballack almost single handedly beat MU last night. I hope he won't repeat this feat this Wednesday. hehe..

till next time,

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Good Doctors, Bad Doctors


in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

taken from [here],

Jumaat,18/4/2008 -Kementerian Kesihatan di Gaza Khamis lalu memberi amaran bilik-bilik pembedahan di hospital-hospital Gaza telah ditutup dan semua pembedahan telah ditangguh berikutan nitrus oksida anestetik untuk membius pesakit-pesakit sepanjang pembedahan telah habis digunakan.

I envy these doctors. They work remarkably hard, so hard that probably the word tired does not exist in their dictionaries. They hardly get holidays, let alone any pay rise. It's not an easy world to live in Palestine. To most of us, between fight and flight, the latter would probably be the case if we were posted there. These people are still holding to the former, and for it I have the utmost respect towards them.

Few other very short articles worth reading,

1.5 Juta Rakyat Palestin di Gaza Perlukan Bantuan Sedunia

Khaled Mishaal : Israel Tetap Tidak Diiktiraf !

This next article is slightly long, it's an analysis rather than just another news.

6 Dekad Nakbah Palestin.
Kefahaman mengenai isu ini masih perlu diperluaskan lagi di kalangan masyarakat Malaysia yang pelbagai melalui penulisan di akhbar-akhbar dan majalah, ceramah-ceramah dan pameran-pameran serta media elektronik

Dr Zainur Rashid leaves us a question at the end,

Persoalannya, adakah kita telah berbuat sesuatu bagi meringankan beban dan kesangsaraan yang mereka alami selama ini?

till next time.

p/s : junior doctors in NZ are on strike for 2 days, asking for 30% in pay rise. The title is nothing more than a gimmick. These are good doctors too. They have been fighting this for years, and they are still in the fight. Good luck.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Quote of the Day


in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

Dr. M, at the of 80+,

To a question about some of those with Umno blaming Dr Mahathir for tearing down the party, he said that sometimes it might be necessary to do so.

I’m a doctor; if one leg is becoming gangrenous I remove it,” he said.


Saturday, April 19, 2008

Tahukah Anda


mari kita belajar kejap, =)


1. Tahukah anda apabila 350ml air yang diambil dari sinki dan kemudiannya dituangkan ke dalam cerek yang mengandungi 150ml air suling dan dibiarkan terdedah kepada nyalaan api bersuhu 100 darjah celcius akan menghasilkan satu cecair yang dinamakan air masak.

2. Percayakah anda yang air sirap merupakan salah satu bahan asas dalam pembinaan sebuah helikopter. Ini kerana kajian telah dibuat, seorang pembina helikopter memerlukan air sirap untuk menghilangkan keletihan semasa membuat helikopter, tanpa air sirap mungkin helikopter tersebut tidak dapat disiapkan.

3. Sebuah kereta yang dipandu selaju 220 km/j tidak akan dapat memotong kereta yang dipandu selaju 40 km/j sekiranya kereta-kereta tersebut dipandu dari arah yang bertentangan

4. Tahukah Anda dalam bahasa Inggeris dan Italy,
jurugambar dikenali sebagai paparazi. Perkataan itu
dipercayai diambil dari watak paparazzo dalam filem
La Dolce Vita yang diterbitkan oleh Federico Fellini
pada tahun 1960. Dalam bahasa melayu pula, ayah
kepada seorang budak yang bernama Razzi juga boleh dikenali dengan nama papa Razzi.

5. Tahukah Anda bendera negara Denmark telah dicipta
700 tahun lampau, menjadikan bendera paling lama
digunakan di dunia lebih lama daripada penggunaan susu
cap bendera.

6. Tahukah Anda magnet ialah sejenis logam yang juga
digelar besi berani. Sebagaimana namanya magnet
ialah besi yang berani menarik butir-butir besi lain
kearahnya. Bagaimanapun orang yang diupah untuk menarik kereta bukanlah magnet.

7. Tahukah Anda cicak memutuskan ekornya apabila
diganggu. Apabila cicak menyedari yang dia diekori
oleh sesuatu, ia akan memutuskan ekornya supaya
benda itu tidak mengekorinya lagi atas alasan tanpa
ekor sudah tentu ia tidak akan diekori lagi.

8. Tahukan anda bahawa seorang manusia normal tidak boleh menyentuh telinganya sendiri menggunakan siku.

9. Tahukah Anda burung dapat pulang ke sarangnya walaupun telah keluar kadangkala hingga beribu kilometer daripada sarangnya tanpa sesat atau silap walaupun tanpa bantuan kompas. Ini kerana setiap sarang burung mempunyai alamatnya yang tersendiri sebenarnya.

10. Tahukah Anda bunyi perkataan lempeng dan tempeleng
adalah hampir sama walaupun ia berbeza dari
segi rupa bentuknya. Tapi, walaubagaimanapun orang
yang kena tempeleng masih boleh memakan lempeng apabila dia berasa lapar.

11. Tahukah Anda gunung berapi yang berusia tiga ratus
tahun disahkan masih aktif untuk meletup. Tapi
mengikut kajian ahli gunung, api elektrik di rumah
kita tidak akan aktif jika tidak membayar bilnya selama tiga bulan.

12. Tahukah Anda orang yang tidak pernah kisah langsung
tentang wang ringgit, pangkat, kedudukan dan harta dunia ialah Orang Utan.

13. Tahukah Anda ahli sains seluruh dunia bersepakat
jika nasi ayam dimakan sewaktu lapar, perut kita
akan mengalami satu tindakbalas yang berupa
kekenyangan. Nasi ayam juga boleh digunakan sebagai
ubat untuk menggembirakan hati kita bila nasi ayam
yang dimakan itu dibelanja oleh kawan kita.

14. Dan tahukah anda bahawa hampir kesemua pembaca buletin ini telah mencuba untuk menyentuh telinga menggunakan siku.

p/s - oh i am so mature. ...hehehhe..

*it always feels great after talking to your parents/family n friends. Nafas pun terasa lebih tenang.

Thursday, April 17, 2008



in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

nama dia Farwah Farihah

dia dapat sepupu baru lagi semalam.=)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Foam Party(Parti Buih)


dengan nama Allah Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Mengasihani

adalah pilihan saudara/saudari untuk membaca atau ingin terus menutupkan mata. saya akan tulis secara direct dalam coretan kali ini.

saya terdengar khabar angin yang mengatakan Jumaat malam ni ada foam party(parti buih). Jika ditanya bole pegi ke x, yang bertanya pn tahu jawapannya. Saya percaya kebanyakan para pembaca adalah 18 tahun ke atas, dan tahu memilih mana yang baik dan buruk.

Saya berharap saudara/saudari melakukan keputusan yg terbaik yang bole menguntungkan saudara/i, negara dan agama.

Saya tertarik dengan tulisan Pengembara Syukri, yg menyatakan kita membaca Al-Fatihah 17 kali sehari. Salah satu ayat nya bermaksud

6. Tunjukilah[8] kami jalan yang lurus,

7. (yaitu) Jalan orang-orang yang telah Engkau beri nikmat kepada mereka; bukan (jalan) mereka yang dimurkai dan bukan (pula jalan) mereka yang sesat

Pengembara turut menyoalkan adakah ayat yang kita sebut ini hanyalah sekadar mantra yang menyerupai jampi2? ataupun jalan yg lurus menuju ke tempat yg kita tak patut pergi?

Untuk menjadi lebih direct, adalah lebih baik sekiranya pemimpin2 kelab pelajar di sini dapat discourage ahli2 nya daripada pergi. anda adalah pemimpin, dan anda lebih berat lagi tanggungjawab ke atas ahli2 kelab anda.

teringat saya dalam satu lagu,

Jiwa manusia di arus usianya
Tersalah tiada makna
Seandai tiba masa

Jika kau ikuti jalanan
Sesat kan penghujungnya
Sedari masa berbeza
Berdetik usia kita
Janganlah terlena hingga ke akhirnya[full lyrics]

pilihan saudara saudari akhirnya untuk membuat keputusan. Saya tidak bermaksud berlepas tangan di sini, tp sekurang2 nya saya sudah melakukan sesuatu. Sebab, mgkn kerana saya melayu, saya kurang berani berkata2 secara bersemuka.

21. Maka berilah peringatan, karena sesungguhnya kamu hanyalah orang yang memberi peringatan.(Al Ghaasyiyah ayat 21)

p/s : saya bukan orang yg baik untuk menegur. saya juga banyak salah silap. saya juga manusia, seperti saya juga minta dijauhkan drpd jalan yg salah. saya harap tulisan saya tidak dinilai secara emosional, kerana saya tahu saudara semua penuntut2 university.

*seperti yg disebut diatas, ia mgkn khabar angin. sekiranya x betul, kita bersyukur.*

Monday, April 14, 2008



in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

one of the comments in my previous post,

Maybe because the Palestine issue shouldn't be an issue at all.

Mr/Ms Anonymous,

You have just demonstrated to the world how immature you are. I'm sure you were born not in this planet. Or perhaps you live in your sweet day dreaming world.

Part of the lyrics below explains well to you.

Each day you wake in tranquility
No fears to cross your eyes
Each day I wake in gratitude
Thanking God He let me rise
You worry about your education
And the bills you have to pay
I worry about my vulnerable life
And if I'll survive another day
Your biggest fear is getting a ticket
As you cruise your Cadillac
My fear is that the tank that has just left
Will turn around and come back

will write again
p/s untuk mereka yg suka berfikir. gunakan hujah, bukan emosi.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

fatwa baru


in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

this is taken from Ustaz Maszlee Malik, the one that keeps us Malaysians updated on the Palestine issues. To anyone who does not know Ustaz Maszlee, click [here] to get some idea of his academic background.

Fatwa Halalkan Darah warga Arab Palestin

Laman web melaporkan bahawa para khakham (ulama besar) Yahudi telah meluluskan fatwa menghalalkan darah warga Arab Palestin (Islam dan Kristian) sebagai balasan kepada pembunuhan kader-kader mereka di bandar al-Quds. Fatwa yang akan disebarkan keapda umum pada hari Sabtu, 29 Mac 2008 melalui majalah rasmi kumpulan ultra ortodoks Yahudi itu bertajuk ‘Darah Yahudi lebih mahal dari emas’.

Rabbi dari bandar Safd, Samuel Eliyahu telah mengesahkan perkara tersebut dan menyeru agar kerajaan Israel mengulangi menubuhkan semula unit 101 yang pernah diketuai oleh Ariel Sharon pada masa lampau. Unit tersebut terkenal dengan kekejaman mereka membunuh warga awam Arab dan juga pembunuhan kelarga-keluarga Arab di kampung Qabyah dan Nahalin pada tahun 50’an. Unit yang diketuai oleh Ariel Sharon itu juga terkenal dengan kekejaman mereka membunuh seluruh penduduk kampung Arab, termasuk wanita, kanak-kanak dan warga tua di dalam sebuah rumah yang diletupkan secara kejam.

Eliyahu menjelaskan bahawa fatwa berkenaan adalah bersumberkan dari Taurat. Menurut beliau darah kaum selain dari Yahudi adalah halal dan mereka berhak untuk melakukan perkar ayang sedemikian. Beliau mendakwa, jika pihak AS dan Rusia boleh menumpahkan darah kaum Muslimin, mengapa kaum Yahudi tidak boleh dibenarkan melakukan perkara yang sama. Fatwa tersebut telah mengundang kritikan dan penentangan dari ahli parlimen Arab di dalam knesset rejim Zionis Israel. Mereka membawa isu tersebut ke pihak pengadilan dan meminta agar fatwa yang berbau keganasan tersebut diharamkan oleh pihak mahkamah tinggi kerajaan rejim.

Agak ironik, darah lebih 100 rakyat Gaza telah ditumpahkan sebelum peristiwa serangan ke atas kader-kader Yahudi ultra Ortodoks. Tidak pula kedengaran mana-mana ulama Islam di Gaza menghalalkan darah warga awam Yahudi di seluruh dunia. Peliknya, apabila nyawa para kader-kader ultra ortodoks Yahudi Zionis yang juga merupakan anggota tentera sukarelawan rejim terbunuh, mereka menghalalkan darah semua warga Arab Palestin. Di manakah media antarabangsa untuk mempamerkan kepada dunia wajah sebenar ‘pengganas dunia’?

I wonder, where do the Christians stand on this matter? Protestants in the US have clearly thrown their support towards Zionism. What about the rest? Maybe they don't know there are lots of Christians too in Palestine. Or don't care maybe?

Sorry, by no means I want to hurt anyone's feeling, especially my Christian friends. This on going issue has not shown any signs of improvement. It hurts to see hundreds die every week for no reason. Israel has been on killing spree day in and day out. We have feelings right? Would you be laughing when somebody close to you passed away? I wouldn't.

It'd be great if all of us, regardless of religion and race, can come together for a better life of the human race. Maybe tomorrow??

p/s : Dr Zainur Rashid is another person who reads and writes a lot about Palestine. I don't know if he has any website. Cool thing, he was my lecturer back in IMU.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Liverpool 4-2 Arsenal


in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

this man above is super cool. super super cool.

n Theo Walcott -- you're the man!!

to Arsenal fans, stop moaning about the penalty. Maybe it was a soft decision to you, but don't forget few years ago when The Reds were going through bad patches, Liverpool was leading 1-0 against Arsenal, and made to go home with the score 1-1. Why? It was a way way more soft call made by the referee after a Francis Jeffers had a minimal contact with John Arne Riise. There you go. That's football bro.

Nobody does it better. No football team does European nights quite like Liverpool at Anfield.

From the days of Kevin Keegan and John Toshack and Emlyn Hughes and supersub David Fairclough, the latter scoring the winner in a 3-1 European Cup quarter final victory against St Etienne back in 1977 which is still regarded by many as Anfield's most memorable night.

In modern times John Terry admitted the Kop had terrified the life out of his Chelsea side in the semi-final three years ago.

p/s : this is the time to celebrate. We never know if Liverpool will make it through in the semis. =). So celebrate the victory whilst we can!

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Day 2 - Cape Reinga


in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

as promised these are photos from Day 2 Cape Reinga Trip

Pic 1 - baru sampai

Pic 2 - up the hill. naik sekali pn bole turun berat badan.konpem!!

Pic 3 - Mr Big Shot

Pic 4 - tebu menipu pertandingan tido bawah matahari

Pic 5 - Ki turun bukit pasir tu

Pic 6 - cape reinga

Pic 7 - terasa background ni lawa lak kan.

Pic 8 - apa nak jadi fred ni

Pic 9 - baik nye pose sume

Pic 10 - gambar favourite 1

Pic 11 - favourite 2

photos from day 3 will be posted later


Friday, April 04, 2008



in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

over the past few weeks, we have observed many strange news. The most remarkable would probably go to the release of FITNA, a 15 min video made by a Dutch. Everyone has written their shares out in this topic, and I don't want to repeat the same thing over and over again. What should be reminded here is we Muslims should not get trapped into this trick. It would be unwise to go down to the streets, burn flags off and vandalize public properties. They are just waiting there to celebrate this win if we react emotionally, rather than intellectually.

There have been calls as well to boycott Dutch products. I am giving my support, although I am being selective in this matter. I have my reasons. I like to look at the bigger picture here. The Europeans, including the Dutch have long associated their economy to us, hence any boycott to certain products will eventually put us on the losing side. It will be sad then to see rate of unemployment goes up, and this does not only affect Muslims but to the non Muslims as well.

Having said that, this boycott is a good way to express our dissatisfaction. As suggested by scholars, this is only a temporary or short term strategy. The boycott was only for less than a month and Denmark suffered quite significantly few years back.

Have some respect, as we always have to you please.

To all Muslims in Auckland, the poster below has something to tell you

will write again

Tuesday, April 01, 2008



I am weak.I know. I've been living in this constant fear all this while, I need to get it out of my system. I will. I don't want to run away anymore.

When the daylight's gone and you're on your own
And you need a friend just to be around
I will comfort you, I will take your hand
And I'll pull you through, I will understand

And you know that

I'll be at your side, there's no need to worry
Together we'll survive through the haste and hurry
I'll be at your side
If you feel like you're alone, and you've nowhere to turn
I'll be at your side

If life's standing still and your soul's confused
And you cannot find what road to choose
If you make mistakes (make mistakes)
You can't let me down (let me down)
I will still believe (still believe)
I will turn around

And you know that

I'll be at your side, there's no need to worry
Together we'll survive through the haste and hurry
I'll be at your side
If you feel like you're alone, and you've nowhere to turn
I'll be at your side

I'll be at your side
I'll be at your side
You know that

I'll be at your side, there's no need to worry
Together we'll survive through the haste and hurry
I'll be at your side
If you feel like you're alone, you've got somewhere to go,
'Cos I'm right there
I'll be at your side, I'll be right there for you
(Together we'll survive) through the haste and hurry
I'll be at your side
If you feel like you're alone, you've got somewhere to go,
'Cos I'm at your side

I'll be right there for you
I'll be right there for you, yeah
I'm right at your side

stressssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss nye. Berat mata memandang, berat lagi bahu memikul. Sangat sedikit aku bersyukur, aku tahu. dan banyak pula aku mengeluh, pun aku tahu juga...