It's a huge mistake to let Henry go. Arsenal fans hate this, non-Arsenal fans also hate this. It's NO fun watching EPL with Henry playing in Barca. I respect his decision, hopefully all of us do. Unfortunately the media is giving him bad impression. Only a fraction was taken out from his full interview. I suppose Cesc Fabregas was right when he said IT'S DIFFICULT TO SAY NO TO BARCA. Barca is one of few many teams I like, but his imminent transfer makes me think is Barca going to be a super-attractive football team to watch now. Ronaldinho-Eto'O-Henry-Messi-Deco-Xavi and list goes on, as if it never ends. Real Madrid has shown this policy never worked for them. I doubt it will work for Barca.
I loathe this transfer. As much as i hated Arsenal, it's only because they were playing really good football. Chelsea, MU and of course Liverpool can never play as good as Arsenal. Henry has made football a wonderful game and obviously a huge contributor to the great Arsenal team. MU celebrated when they put a stop to Arsenal unbeaten 49 matches, but for what they celebrated? 1 match u beat Arsenal is not the same as being unbeaten in 49 matches. Yes Arsenal never always get the right results, but we cant forget football despite its competitiveness, it's also an entertainment. Otherwise, Joga Bonito wouldnt be created dont u think?
Do u know that Henry has always likened himself to Allen Iverson? n Henry himself is a good basketball player? impressive.
another wonderful Henry's video.
chow dulu.till next time.
jangan lupa Solat okes?
jgn risau, nnt city beli messi masuk epl.
kalau Leeds tak beli dulu.
serih : xyah risau pun pasal messi, thaksin tu x tentu lg dapat man city.hahahahah.
sani : x paham.serih ckp pasal messi ko cakap pasal 'dulu'. x prnh dgr nama player nama dulu. ko terpengaruh ngan game kot ni..haahhaha..gile lame
gempak2 jeghi... aku terpikir lawak sama gak before baca lawak ko tu.
aduh aduh... gila do korang... tak boleh tahan aku. tolong jangan buat lawak pasal tahan.
hahahaha..aku teringat yg hapis BA kena time futsal ari tu..hhahahah..bole dia tanya brapa ko angkat kreta ni?duh....
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