in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful.
I'm done with one 30-min presentation. One down, 2 more to go. By far it wasnt the easiest topic. Still i reckon I learned a lot(trying to be positive here).
Right in front of me is a key chain that was given to me on my birthday last year. It has my name and its meaning of written on it. Just in case if anyone wonders what my name means, it is
Azri - Bererti keKUATanku atau PENYOKONGku.
Below it, it's written - daya tumpuan yang tajam. Berupaya menilai kebolehan seseorang. Memiliki kekuatan diri yang tinggi dan pandai mendorong sendiri.tidak perlu dimotivasikan.
it's wonderful ey? whoever made this key chain, it's nice. The meaning of my name is correct. well, I honestly dont believe in horoscope-like things, although sometimes u think they are true. They seem to hit the right spot at times, which is purely coincidental. Tidak perlu dimotivasikan? Nabi pun mintak doa ngan Allah, mau nye kita bole hidup xde motivasi?
these pictures were taken last year, in Coromandel, famous for their famous amos.not! u can find a very beautiful beach here, and the view here is exceptionally amazing. I dont think we were childish in building fortress here.We had fun and we had our reason in doing so,didnt we?
nak prepare sket utk kelas esok.
Ni buat aku nak gi NZ lalu.
datang lalu..tahun dpn ko nak balik dah..alang2 singgah lalu.bwk skali jersi jerman yg baru tu.lawa dow...Ballack aa kalo bole.mcm biasa.schweinsteiger bole gak..aku bayar kali ni.
takkan Ballack ngan Schweinsteiger je? Asamoah okay gak pe. Lawak nih tak lame macam letak ais dalam bank thai ah..
hi just passing by
abd : asamoah x kalo nak kira ada persamaan ngan aku pn frings je kot.aku ngan dia dua2 rambut panjang sket.hahaaha..thailand xde teknologi lg kot.tu pakai peti ais..mmg lame dow...
azzahra : passing by xde salam?lol!
thx 4 d add my fwen~!
sama2..u adik melati ke asrif..hahhahah..siott aa ko..
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