Saturday, February 03, 2007

I dont belong here


in the name of Allah the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

few months ago, I talked a lot about faisal tehrani. After reading his last few entries, I think I need to write on his thoughts again.I dont have anything bad against him, in fact I adore his capabilities. He writes novels, journals etc. It's not I did not try to convey this to himself, I did but was never approved by him. Alhamdulillah, he reveals he is Ahli Sunnah wal Jamaah. However recently he condems Yazid bin Muawiyah. Who is Yazid? go ask syiah n they will tell u all the bad things. He also keeps on using Ahlul-Bait which is another practise of Syiah. Who doesnt love the family of our Beloved Prophet? we do, dont we? We love all of them appropriately, bukan mendewakan mereka. Syiah tu mengkafirkan sahabat2 nabi..pegi youtube and tgk camna syiah solat, camna diorg agungkan Hussein cucu Nabi. sume kita hanyut dlm tgk bola, muzik n jgn kita hilangkan sensitiviti kita terhadap isu2 Islam..

also I will touch here is the issue of Kassim Ahmad. We always hear he is the leader of Jemaah Al-Quran Malaysia and also one of the Anti-Hadith group members. He makes a mistake. Sahih Bukhari n Muslim was not the creation of both Bukhari n Muslim, hadiths were inherited through trusted Sanad. Sanad is periwayat. Ilmu of Sanad was initiated to confirm the status of each Hadith and each Sanad. Noone can simply come to u and tell this is Hadith. That is not the right method. One of most popular false hadith(hadith palsu) Tuntutlah Ilmu sehingga ke negeri China. Read this...

Baginda bersabda:مَنْ كَذَبَ عَلَىَّ مُتَعَمِّدًا فَلْيَتَبَوَّأْ مَقْعَدَهُ مِنَ النَّارِ

Maksudnya: “sesiapa yang berdusta menggunakan nama ku,maka tersedialah untuk dirina satu tempat duduk dalam neraka.” (hadis riwayat Bukhari dan Ahmad)

Diriwayatkan daripada Samurah bahawa Nabi bersabda:

مَنْ حدَّثَ عنِّي بحديثٍ يرى أنَّه كذبٌ فهو أحدُ الكاذبيـن

Maksudnya: “sesiapa yang bercerita atas namaku satu hadis yang dirasakannya bohong, maka dia adalah salah seorang pembohong. (hadis riwayat Muslim)

I'll be back soon..

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