Saturday, August 28, 2010

2nd Half


in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

There are so many things that I'd really like to share but surely it will take ages for me to write and for you to read.

Therefore I'll write on the most relevant issue tonight.

The sermon on Friday reminded us that we have reached the second half of Ramadhan. The first half has gone, it is up to us to find the way to win the game, now that we are not far away from the end.

As for me, it was a 0-0 or a lose in the first 15 days. To win it, it needs a double of the amount of effort I have put in.

If it's a repeat of previous Ramadhan, well, I have nobody else but me to blame.

Ya Allah, grant me the strength to reap the benefit of your blessed Ramadhan.

till next time,

The Muslims went on a war in Ramadhan, they survived and won it. Tiredness perhaps, is just another state of mind.

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