Thursday, May 14, 2009

My regret


in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

for most Kedahans, thursday is the most anticipated day every week. Unfortunately, it means nothing for me. As a House Officer, it is a MUST to work everyday. Perhaps as a compensation, working hours are cut half which means you start at 8am and finishes at 12 noon.

Sometimes the more I work, the more I know that I don't know.

If only ample time is given daily so that we can revise some stuff everyday. Or maybe, I should have taken things more seriously during my student days.

As far as I have been told, 2 things
a) Every house officer is going through the same thing
b) Every senior has gone through what we are going through.

and as far as I realise, these statements are not beneficial to everyone.

I am enjoying work. I enjoy talking to people, helping them whatever necessary and these are why I love my job. Of course I feel bad to be scolded so constantly, and I don't want it to happen everyday. I need the drive to study, study and study. I am getting older and I know what is best for me.

Everything is ruined when I go back home, get my shower and dinner done, and the next I realise is my alarm clock is making noise.

More pics to come, I promise. I only upload pics in which I look relatively better than the other.

Come on, admit it. Everyone does that, don't they?

till next time alright?


1 comment:

amin h said...

salam bro
grad ko arituh aku xdpt g...dh pesan kat tebu soh sampaikan salam aku kt ko..xtahu die ckp ke x..ko text tuh aku ade kat lab..10-5 lab aku..xde kredit lak tuh nk reply.soriiii!aku tegor ko kt ym tp senyap je huhhu