in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful
how do u respond to an article like this?
I hope it makes us wonder where has the glory old days of Islam gone? the days that u see the Christians themselves came to the Muslims seeking for refuge, because we have always never been unfair to any single living creatures? the days when others, not excluding the Christians defined the whole group of Muslim as progressive, regardless of their(muslims) race and skin colour?
I dont hold any grudges to the owner of that blog, she's a friend of mine. It's only right she speaks her mind. Nevertheless, 1st of all, u dont call Islam as an IDEOLOGY. It is not, as simple as that. While u have ur own opinion, I dont think u will think it's also fair to call Christian as an ideology, isnt it? from Surat al-Kafirun, in the holy Quran, 109 : 2-6
2. Aku tidak akan menyembah apa yang kamu sembah
3. Dan kamu bukan penyembah Tuhan yang aku sembah
4. Dan aku tidak pernah menjadi penyembah apa yang kamu sembah
5. dan kamu tidak pernah (pula) menjadi penyembah Tuhan yang aku sembah.
6. Untukmu agamamu, dan untukkulah, agamaku
it's essential for everyone to understand here is Malay and Islam are two different subjects. Of course, Malays are Muslims in Malaysia. There is no rule in Islam defining Malays as Muslims. Whilst I believe there are some parts of Malaysia are overly-critical to the any sensitive issues in Malaysia, to be fair, there is relatively few Muslims compared to non-Muslims in Christianity-dominated America. Statistically, the Christians commit more crimes in America.NOW TELL ME, do u blame that on the RELIGION or the people? I know in Muslims' countries u will blame on Islam. Please BE FAIR and tell me CHRISTIANITY is to be blamed in America. It's really weird, too many of us are easily deceived by the mass media. Any Muslims, we are strictly prohibited to being unfair to anyone, including the non-Muslims. Surat Al-Hujraat 49 : 6
Hai orang-orang yang beriman, jika datang kepadamu orang fasik membawa suatu berita, maka periksalah dengan teliti agar kamu tidak menimpakan suatu musibah kepada suatu kaum tanpa mengetahui keadaannya yang menyebabkan kamu menyesal atas perbuatanmu itu
Simple to understand, isnt it? I know u r angry at Najib's statement. Thats not what Im blogging about here. Im expressing my dissatisfaction at your criticism to Islam. Thats not right. U have ur points, but to blame Islam is wrong. Again, Malays and Muslims are two different subjects. Any weakness the Malays possess, it's our weakness and Islam, is the most beautiful and perfect religion. Even the Americans have their own weaknesses right?
chill a bit, lets do some voting here.
EPL is commencing very soon. I sound pretty typical a football fan, but I feel so excited for the coming season. Many teams including my childhood favourite club, Spurs, have bought many exciting players. Liverpool surely will be more than just a club competing for 4th spot now. Go Liverpool. The new signings, including Voronin have shown promising signs. Caya lah! Kita tibai Man Utd sket season ni.cakap banyak plak pas menang EPL. setel kat padang la wei! Man City is also not doing bad this summer, but I really think West Ham and Newcastle are teams to watch this season. thats purely my instinct.
Myself in Milan jersey was merely meanless. Thats my brother's jersey FYI. AC Milan is never my team. I've been changing clubs in La Liga, but a thing that has never changed is Internaziole is my only team in Serie A.
Rugby World Cup is not too far away now. Go All Blacks!
gotta go now. Any constructive opinions are welcome. Im sorry if its a bit offensive/defensive in this entry.
will be back again
Tak yah potong rambut skang,balik hujung tahun potong le.Gi kat ananda yg dekat ngn at-taqwa,aku slalu gi situ dulu.
agak aa..sbelah tangan nak potong je sbb rimas.sbelah lagi rasa sayang lak nak potong.stahun lebih simpan gi kedai x sampai stgh jam dh abis gunting..sedih2.tgk aa camna nanti
democracy IS the best system. dh 77.8% dh tu ape lg. huhu.
yay liv.
Hey, Azri, thanks for the link. Apo khabor?
Anyhow, you're right, I shouldn't have referred to Islam as an ideology; it is a religion. I only meant ideology in the sense that it is a religion with certain philosophies unique to it.
And I definitely don't blame crime, war, etc. on Islam; if anything, you guys in IMU and UiTM have shown me that true Islam is actually peaceful & accepting. And I do agree that Western nations don't hold up the standards of Christianity the way they should, and they SHOULD receive some blame for that, too, especially when a number of them do things like burn down clinics, or reject gays in the name of Christianity.
(Sucks when people abuse the name of religion & God in that way :P)
I was just expressing my annoyance that a DPM would say something like that without consulting the other components of the BN, which I felt was not showing them respect as fellow leaders of a multi-racial & multi-religious country. BUT, the fact that the two of us can discuss this in such a chilled-out manner shows that it is still possible to express different opinions & still be friends :)
Pasal potong rambut tuu... tak yahlah. Only kalau kena slam by Dr. RK the way Zahrul kena slam dulu mase Sem 5, barulah potong, wakaka. Plus, RK bukan dekat IMU lagipun... :D
reen : the best? subjective tu... n tunggula 20 org lg kata suruh potong..pastu pikir balik.
sheena : khabar baik.thanks for the link? its been there for ages..i read ur blog a lot laa..
politicians are hard to understand.they twist facts a lot.u know this, ur uncle was a minister(not really sure on this) right?
Dr. RK doesnt ring any bell.siapa ehh?btw, congrats sebab pass ur're 4th year now!
Salam Alayk.
"It's essential for everyone to understand here is Malay and Islam are two different subjects." >> I certainly agree with that.
But hey,
"Of course, Malays are Muslims in Malaysia.">> I doubted this statement.
Well, now, you cannot always say in advance that all malays are muslims in Malaysia. There are some malays that are no longer on the right path,i.e not muslims any more. And I suppose you, yourself would agree 'bout that aite? (based on the following sentence, after that 1)>> "There is no rule in Islam defining Malays as Muslims."
I don't really know what has gone wrong with the people's minds. Their perceptions about Islam are very unfair i.e they are bias when it comes to support/accept Islam. (as you hv stated in this entry).
And for your friend (Sheena or whosoever):
>>Quoting for his/her blog
" And it IS scary, the idea of Malaysia being an Islamic State. For one thing, Islam is an ideology"
(Eh hello, it's not an ideology OK!. It' not like the communism or whatsoever. It's a religion, just like any other religions, and perhaps, like your religion as well. How do you perceive your religion? Do you accept it as an ideology too? Check again the definition of ideology and religion, and how both of them differ from one another~)
>>Quoting his/her words again
".. and defining a state by its ideology would necessitate dividing its people into 2 groups: 1 group which DOES profess the ideology, and 1 which DOESN'T.
And while you can make the token attempt to reassure the group that does NOT profess the Muslim faith that their rights will be respected, under an Islamic government, we, ie. non-Muslims, will always be perceived as non-believers, and thus:
1) Less entitled to the benefits of an Islamic method of governance.
2) Not entitled to have a say in the running of the country, since obviously, we do not practise the "fundamentals of Islam", and so, wouldn't have a clue how to govern in such a way."
To Mr Azri's friend,
You better study Islam yeah. The rulings of Islam never bias, it accepts everyone regardless of their skin colours, nationalities and religions. A very good example for you:: Palestine!!! A long time ago, Palestine used to be a home for Muslims and Jews. Muslims(Palestinians) never chased those Jews away from their land. It's their land, and they were willing to share their land with those Jews that now, busted them from their own homeland. What do have to say about that huh?
Same will happen here. If Malaysia were 'true' Islamic State, we, muslims will never be so bad-hearted to chase you out of Malaysia though.
If you think you, yourself are not really sure how the Islamic governance works, it's better for you to acquire some basic knowledge of that, before you reject it blindly, just because "wouldn't have a clue how to govern in such a way."~ Daaaa~ And I advise you to actually do some homework on the history of Islamic dynasties, and look how beautiful and just the Islamic Governance is.
p/s: sorry being harsh a bit.
To Mr. Azri:
Potonglah rambut anda!
nabihah : trimas sbb bunyi emosional sket la.x membantu kalo gitu..kita bukanlah xleh suruh org stadi sejarah kita, nanti diorg pn suruh kita kaji sejarah diorg plak..meleret nanti x setel masalah pun
bkn xleh soalannya sapa yg nak wat?sejarah gemilang mana pun x guna kalo x dpt diulang balik...tugas kita utk kembalikan zaman tu...
sejarah hanya jadi berguna bila kita amek pengajaran dpd situ.
dia dh mintak maaf pun pasal panggil ideologi.xpela, kan lg elok kita jadik pemaaf.
gunting rambut??nanti la dulu kot..tgk camna nanti..
*ckp pasal kaji sejarah, sejarah SPM pn bkn feveret sume org kan?
Dr.Raja Kuzaiah... Dulu the paediatrician dekat IMU Clinical Seremban. Mase die dtg buat OSCE dekat IMU BJ, the nurses had to make sure that the station after hers was a rest station, so people sempat recover... One year, even Jambu duduk dekat the rest station after hers to calm girls down before they had to go for the next rest station :P Bayangkan, that's how garang she is...
Oho, so NOW I know who is the reader from Auckland! I was trying to think... Mustahil Nadia rajin sgt nak bace my blog, hehe. Cheers, mate :D
And yep, my uncle WAS a minister... already out of Federal Cabinet, though... apsal? you nak ganti ke? hehe...
And thank you for the congratulations! Bosan tau, dah puas cakap "I'm a 3rd-year medical student" for THREE FREAKIN' YEARS already... akhirnye, dptlah jugak introduce myself sekarang as a "4th-year medical student."
Graduate lambat, graduate lambatlah... kene terime je whatever God decides for us :D
Oh, yeah, I really liked what you said about "sejarah gemilang mana pun x guna kalo x dpt diulang balik...tugas kita utk kembalikan zaman tu..."
That is really true for all of us. Very, very well-said.
Btw, making some alterations to the post, hehe. Really sorry about the confusion, yea? :)
ingat nak dh berenti nak wat mcm mana..heheh..
never heard of that story la sheena..if its true kesian la to those who got i feel quite lucky not to be in seremban..
no problemo..enjoy ur attachment in Malaysia..enjoy the next 2 years( no more free time after that)..=)
jerghi..time blajar je anda mampu menyimpan rambut panjang..percayalah!
yes lah...lama dh aku tunggu org komen gini..troskan support aku...
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