Friday, July 30, 2010

Renewed Hope


in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

I suppose the title is misleading.

Recently, X, made a mistake. He already has a bad reputation, or he did, to the least. He's therefore targeted, and for the small mistake that he did, he is now asked to step down from the job.

It is not important if the person is a she or he.

It was blown very very very well out of proportion.

Al Hujurat ayat 6 : Hai orang2 yg beriman, jika dtg kpdmu org fasik membawa suatu berita,maka periksalah dgn teliti, agar kamu tdk menimpakan suatu musibah kpd suatu kaum tanpa mengetahui keadaannya yg menyebabkan kamu menyesal atas perbuatanmu itu.

Give him a chance to defend himself. Listening to your so called fair reports from your juniors, then make a judgment, that is absolutely not clever.

The juniors of your juniors are not prepared to take risk to defend their mate. Boss won't listen anyway, they seem to think.

Ah, Ramadhan is closing in..

Is this the best time for a change?

till next time,

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