in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful
I'm back in Auckland.
tomoro is the day.the day every football fans can't never wait.Lvpool vs AC Milan.on paper, both teams should rise up to expectation of playing spectacular football tomorrow. as always, things never always turn out the way you wanted them to be.Should my team,Liverpool, of course, lose tomorrow, it is only natural to feel sad. I wont get disappointed, I think. why should I? to lose a final is normal, one team has to lose for another party to win isnt it? again, should Milan win, Liverpool can always boast with the trophy we won in 2005.the trophy that Liverpool won 5 times. do i really sound defensive?lol!anything can happen tomorrow.whatever the outcome is, i'll accept it.
a really big issue came out in the newspaper yesterday. it's not a national issue by the manusia, biasa la. i do agree the way he brought up and elaborated the topic was probably irrational and irrelevant. Maybe he was influenced by emotions, maybe he did not voice out his opinions correctly. Nevertheless, no one has yet to take notice the concerns that he's concerned about. The replies(Jangan Hukum...) he has got so far are nothing but true, but some of his statements are true as well, arent they? i know he was wrong in generalising all male malays as one entity that is potrayed as really bad. Israel is always wrong, but they are ever enthusiastic knowledge seekers and isnt that the positive the we can always get. or is it the negatives that we are always looking for?
a photo of Pokro,daddy-soon-to-be. dak kelas K brapa org dah ada anak.Pokro, Mc Nik, Suria. Kelas K gak power.=)..gambar masa gi Seremban minggu lepas,main futsal.
kembali lagi.
Isn't Akmal Zurina a 'she'. I don't think a guy would write something like that.
bdak klas k dh start branak pinak ... anda bila lagi?? haha
anonymous : does it really matter? AKMAL FAIRUZ la.x kisah la laki ke pompuan kan.
syukri : tunggu diorg dpt cucu aku baru nak dapat anak kot. nak dpt anak kelas aku ni kene beratur kot.aku kat belakang2 line so bg yg depan dapat dulu ke.
gambar tu macam view dari dalam sport planet? ke?
x sure sports planet ke x.kali ke-3 kot main kat situ(seremban).mgkn ye kot.
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