Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Spent Phase
in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful
I feel burnt out.
I can't believe I will be on call again tomorrow.
I can't believe MCA delegates have elected Dr Chua Soi Lek as their new president.
So many 'Impossible is Nothing's taking place lately.
I am mentally exhausted. Why are they treating House Officers(Junior Doctors) like robots?
till next time,
p/s Sorry. I can't think straight now. I need some sleep.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Suami Lumpuh
in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful
Let's spend 2 minutes and listen to this 2 minute talk.
It touches mainly on the question on 'S6. suami lumpuh, bagaimana hak isteri?'
There are so many things that we do not actually know.
I still remember how AUT used to advertise their education system. Classic!
till next time,
Monday, March 22, 2010
Who is Confused?
in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful
for those who understand very little when it matters a lot,
Despite questions from reporters stating that Christians’ understanding of Allah differ from Islam’s meaning of a singular God, he asserted that confusion would not occur if time is taken to explain and understand.
“We as Muslims can eat the meat prepared by Christians as well as Jews. This is because they use the name ‘Allah’ when slaughtering meat.”
“It is our responsibility to explain, not to attack.”
He added that Muslims will not be confused if Christians were allowed to use “Allah”, again dispelling claims that the faith of Muslims would be in jeopardy if “Allah” were to be inclusive to all.
“Who is confused? True Muslims won’t be confused, the ignorance of Muslims is our own doing,” he said.{TG Hadi Awang}
Don't you agree?
till next time,
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Fingers crossed
in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful
I pray for Liverpool to win the next 2 matches.
Fingers crossed.
till next time,
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Auckland PAS/PKR/DAP
in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful
I've just had a look at Auckland UMNO's latest get together photos. I was a member previously. I hold no grudges. They were nice to me.
I was just wondering, how would I be punished if I was a member of Auckland PAS/PKR/DAP?
I think our government's policies are fair.
I think they should remain in power at least for the near future.
Yeah right.
till next time,
Sunday, March 14, 2010
in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful
I am exhausted. This is only Day 4(out of 15).
The routine remains the same for the next 11 days. I've to wake up at 6am, and come back home at 10 pm. Everyday.
What can I do? A few individuals are adamant that their methods are second to none.
I've to accept it as it is.
Maybe I complain to much.
Or perhaps my minimal interest in surgical based fields is killing my motivation slowly.
I don't want to become a surgeon.
I need to recharge my batteries. Being forced to work like this is no fun. Seriously
till next time,
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Simply Marvelous
in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful
this is the best indeed.
Slipknot-Mighty Power Rangers theme.
Simply marvelous.
till next time,
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Better future
in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful
Today is my day 2 in Kulim since coming back from KL. I've never had enough in KL. To the max, 4 days in KL and that's it.
Put aside the above matter. It's history now.
What worries more now is the present and future. My first day in Surgical department has been a relatively quiet day. Surgical based fields have never been a priority to me. Off the top of my head, medical and A&E are the main aim now.
What worsens the matter is I have to carefully choose the best time for holiday. Imagine the life of a House Officer, we are given only 8 days off in the space of 4 months(from 11/3/2010 - 10/7/2010). We work everyday, 24/7 and we get very little time to rest. Is it so wrong if we are voicing out our frustration? Only 3 days left if I decide to join the family trip to Kelantan this June.
The senior medical officers often say they hardly complained when they were in our shoes. You've gotta be kidding me right?
20 years ago, Internet never existed and no one would have been interested to listen to your story. Sorry, I don't buy it when you say you never complained. 1 thing that makes the difference is we have more channels to claim our rights.
With regard to triple ward rounds daily, I find is absolutely ridiculous. I completed my studies in NZ, and everyday, 1 medical student, 1 house officer, 1 registrar and 1 consultant would walk together to complete a single ward round.
I can't see Malaysia is getting better by practicing triple ward rounds. It's a waste of time, money and human resources.
Having said that, what can we do when you have a medical specialist who only believes that his/her method is the best one.
Yeah yeah we complain a lot.
Screw it.
till next time,
p/s hoping for a better future. Amin.
Friday, March 05, 2010
Classic! 2x more Classic!
in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful
This is classic,
You can take them out of Umno, but you cannot take the Umno out of them.
This is 2x better,
Ahli parlimen PKR, Mohsin Fadzli Samsuri diberi tempoh tujuh hari supaya mengosongkan kerusi Bagan Serai ataupun menghadapi tindakan dikenakan solat hajat supaya dihukum oleh Allah.
Ahli Majlis Syura Ulama PAS Ahmad Awang (kiri) berkata pihaknya akan menganjurkan solat hajat selama tujuh hari tujuh malam supaya Mohsin diberikan hukuman setimpal kerana mengkhianati perjuangan.
Somebody please teach me if there is an authentic hadith to prove this practice is correct. Do not abuse our beloved religion for your own benefit.
If there is an authentic hadith, I am more than happy to admit it's my mistake.
till next time,
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
Class is permanent
in the name of Allah the Most Gracious The Most Merciful
I personally think that our souls are constantly thirsty. Thirsty for guidance, most importantly. In these modern days, we are lacking from the will to find Allah.
Remember when Ungu brought to us - Andai Ku Tahu, we were so addicted to the song. Or if it is not good enough, in the late 90's, Raihan shot to fame with the highest ever selling album with 700k.
Now we are listening to Wali Band - ToMat(tobat maksiat).
That English saying 'form is temporary, class is permanent' is classic. Unfortunately, we lack both.
I need to look at myself first before talking to anyone.
till next time,
Monday, March 01, 2010
Langkawi Part 1
in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful
I had an extraordinary time in Langkawi. I was part of the medical standby team, and to be giving my service to the beloved country, it was an honour.
At this moment, I will a few photos first. I am still tired from the trip, so I will spare my ideas for tonight alright?
till next time,