in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful
Surah Al-Imran 103, 103. Dan berpeganglah kamu semuanya kepada tali (agama) Allah, dan janganlah kamu bercerai berai, dan ingatlah akan nikmat Allah kepadamu ketika kamu dahulu (masa Jahiliyah) bermusuh-musuhan, maka Allah mempersatukan hatimu, lalu menjadilah kamu karena nikmat Allah, orang-orang yang bersaudara; dan kamu telah berada di tepi jurang neraka, lalu Allah menyelamatkan kamu dari padanya. Demikianlah Allah menerangkan ayat-ayat-Nya kepadamu, agar kamu mendapat petunjuk.
A month or two ago, I talked about Cape Reinga. It was meant to be done in January, but due to unforeseen circumstances it never really took place. This time, in a group of 10, we left Auckland on Friday night. It was a 3 day trip and we agreed for
K Jambunathan – Agnostic (former Anglican Christian)
Lim Jooi Soon – Muslim (former Evangelist Christian)
Saturday 29 March 2008
2.30pm – 6.00pm
Hotel Singgahsana, Petaling Jaya (behind PJ Hilton)
Admission is free. Pre-register at 03-7722 2724. Limited places only.
Organised by:
Research & Information Centre on Islam (RICOI)
36A, Lorong Rahim Kajai 14, Taman Tun Dr. Ismail, 60000 K. Lumpur
to my Muslim brothers out there, Lim Jooi Soon is a force to be reckoned with. He has done lots for our Muslim community here in Malaysia, especially to the Chinese community. He fought for 5 years to get his Chinese name back on the Identity Card(without having bin Abdullah). Thanks a lot bro.
in one of his videos[CLICK HERE] in youtube, titled CARA BERDAKWAH DENGAN ORANG KRISTIAN
Daripada Quran al-Karim, Surah Al-Imran ayat 69-744
69. Segolongan dari Ahli Kitab ingin menyesatkan kamu, padahal mereka (sebenarnya) tidak menyesatkan melainkan dirinya sendiri, dan mereka tidak menyadarinya.
70. Hai Ahli Kitab, mengapa kamu mengingkari ayat-ayat Allah[202], padahal kamu mengetahui (kebenarannya). [202]. Yakni: ayat-ayat Allah diturunkan kepada Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.
71. Hai Ahli Kitab, mengapa kamu mencampur adukkan yang haq dengan yang bathil[203], dan menyembunyikan kebenaran[204], padahal kamu mengetahuinya? [203]. Yaitu: menutupi firman-firman Allah yang termaktub dalam Taurat dan Injil dengan perkataan-perkataan yang dibuat-buat mereka (ahli Kitab) sendiri. [204]. Maksudnya: kebenaran tentang kenabian Muhammad s.a.w. yang tersebut dalam Taurat dan Injil.
72. Segolongan (lain) dari Ahli Kitab berkata (kepada sesamanya): "Perlihatkanlah (seolah-olah) kamu beriman kepada apa yang diturunkan kepada orang-orang beriman (sahabat-sahabat Rasul) pada permulaan siang dan ingkarilah ia pada akhirnya, supaya mereka (orang-orang mukmin) kembali (kepada kekafiran).
73. Dan janganlah kamu percaya melainkan kepada orang yang mengikuti agamamu[205]. Katakanlah: "Sesungguhnya petunjuk (yang harus diikuti) ialah petunjuk Allah, dan (janganlah kamu percaya) bahwa akan diberikan kepada seseorang seperti apa yang diberikan kepadamu, dan (jangan pula kamu percaya) bahwa mereka akan mengalahkan hujjahmu di sisi Tuhanmu." Katakanlah: "Sesungguhnya karunia itu di tangan Allah, Allah memberikan karunia-Nya kepada siapa yang dikehendaki-Nya; dan Allah Maha Luas karunia-Nya) lagi Maha Mengetahui"; [205]. Kepada orang-orang yang mengikuti agamamu maksudnya: kepada orang yang seagama dengan kamu (Yahudi/Nasrani) agar mereka tak jadi masuk Islam atau kepada orang-orang Islam yang berasal dari agamamu agar goncang iman mereka dan kembali kepada kekafiran.
74. Allah menentukan rahmat-Nya (kenabian) kepada siapa yang dikehendaki-Nya dan Allah mempunyai karunia yang besar.
in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful
We have not entered the 3rd week post election and yet, we have seen changes taking place. Everything appears to be more transparent now. MPs required to declare their assets twice within the next 5 years, more people friendly policies and many more could not make people happier.
"I thank the Malaysian people for this message. Point well made and point taken," he said Tuesday in his keynote address at the Invest Malaysia 2008 conference here.
"During the last elections, we lost the cyberwar. The young people were looking at SMSes, Internet and other tools to get information. We did not think that it was important to respond to them. It was a serious misjudgment. It was a very serious mistake on our part."
at least on my part, I thank Pak Lah for his bravery in admitting his/their mistakes. That gesture impresses me. I am a realistic, what needs to be complimented, I will do so. Fanatic and blind loyalty are not part of me. Any wrong needs to be corrected, and the right will be complimented, accordingly.
With regards to Akta Universiti dan Kolej Universiti, good news to all students.
PUTRAJAYA: Menteri Pengajian Tinggi yang baru, Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin, berkata kerajaan akan meminda Akta Universiti dan Kolej Universiti 1971 (AUKU) bagi memberi pelajar dan universiti lebih kebebasan. Beliau berkata, kajian awal mendapati beberapa peraturan dalam AUKU menyekat kreativiti pelajar dan pihak pengurusan universiti untuk mencapai tahap kecemerlangan di peringkat global.
See, when Malaysians voice the opinions out collectively, everyone wins.
from left : Chuan, Ayu,Luqman, Afiq,Zikri, Rafi
from left : Ikram, Big Shot, Ezri, Mizan
Lastly, I would like to bid farewell to Chuan and Ikram. Good luck in the future undertaking. I wish you all the best in becoming the best for Petronas, Malaysia and Islam.
in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful
to football fans out there, this is a player to watch for years to come. I'm pretty sure lots of you know him(as a player, of course!). He plays for Marseille, his name is Samer Nasri and one day he will play for Liverpool. Yeah right...
one of the comments for this video
liverpool need him....he's fabulous at the position of attacking midfielder which liverpool is currently lacking.....................Sell voronin, riise and crouch or kyut out...Get him. Please
lol!!that's funny. I agree that we should get rid off players like Voronin and Kuyt. For Crouch, I think it'd be a bad idea not to have him. Crouch can be very handy to have at many times, only restricted time on the field has prevented him from reaching the sky this season. Who would forget his hattrick against Arsenal last season?
assalamualaikum p/s : 2 years ago, I was one of Kuyt's biggest fans. hoho.
in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful
I won't write anything on the recent NEP issue, I am no expert to be honest.
The reason I blog today is to congratulate my sister, Syasya(Siti Syazwani Fickry) on her SPM results. She obtained 10As(7A1's and 3A2's). She's the smartest in the family, no doubt.
Being a Malay Muslim, I feel extremely proud when I look at this.
GELANG PATAH 12 Mac – Norlaila Najwa Hasbullah, 17, dari Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Gelang Patah memperoleh 19A dalam peperiksaan Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) 2007 yang keputusannya diumumkan hari ini.
Beliau mendapat 16 1A dan 3 2A untuk mata pelajaran Bahasa Malaysia, Tasawwur Islam dan Pengetahuan Sains Sukan. – Utusan.
PUTRAJAYA: SMKA Yan student Azali Azlan has set a new record by obtaining 21 As – 20 1As and one 2A – in the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) examination.
He has beaten the record set by former SMK Ulu Tiram student Nur Amalina Che Bakri who scored 17 1As in 2004.
It seems to me Sekolah Agama students are doing very well nowadays. Last year, a student from Yayasan Islam Kelantan scored 18A's in her SPM. Dasyat!!!
Syabas kepada semua yang berjaya, Cina, India dan Melayu. Bersama semua menuju Malaysia yang gemilang.
in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful
before I start, I would like to remind myself and every Muslim that our brothers and sisters in Palestine are suffering badly in the past few days. More than 100 have died, do not just sit around and have a laugh on unnecessary matters. Show some concerns, do what is possible and continue educating other Muslims.
*Tindakan ini berlaku seminggu setelah tindakan bumi hangus yang dilakukan Israel di Semenanjung Gaza dan mengakibatkan lebih dari 130 Palestin syahid dan 350 lainnya tercedera. *
now let's start.
Sang Elektron - Komik Pendekar Laut
a few friends have expressed some unnecessary concerns on recent Opposition's victories in the last General Election
although they got what they wanted(Opp to win), now they are worried with the number of seats that DAP have won. I find it quite immature at times, especially from those who did not even register to vote.
The triumphant DAP with 18 seats in Perak have agreed to appoint a PAS member as the new Menteri Besar. This is yet to be confirmed though. The Malays should not be worried their special rights will be taken away, they won't. This is granted in the Constitution. Vice-versa, the DAP will ensure their shares are guaranteed. That shows that the Opposition can work together, with one DAP leader was saying that there are more things in common, rather than differences.
Non-Malays on the hand, should not have doubts that newly formed PAS-led government in Kedah will fail. Ustaz Azizan the new Menteri Besar is a graduate of Al-Azhar University who holds a Master's degree in Philosophy of Law from Kent University. Any Muslim leader, regardless of race, must be able to be fair to Muslims and Non Muslims. This does not apply only to Malays, no matter what religion and race you are, if you are incompetent, you will be rejected, as shown by Malaysians this time around. Off the top of my head, Penang is the best example.
Now onwards, reading the Star and Utusan gives me more pleasure as compared to before. =)
assalamualaikum p/s over the past 2 weeks, I paid more attention to politics compared to football. Unbelievable...
in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful
I said it before and I will say it again. We shall accept whatever the results may come. There you go.......
Sunday March 9th, is a new beginning of a 'new' Malaysia. Malaysians have spoken, 5 states have fallen into Opposition's hands, and Barisan Nasional retained the Federal Government by simple majority. Shocking isn't it?
If 5 states are now governed by Barisan Alternatif, Barisan Nasional will now be the new Opposition. - Selangor is by far the most shocking story today. - also a clean sweep in all Parliamentary seats in KL - Perak? absolutely clueless..
Analysis will be provided in other websites. I will write mine when I have free time.
dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Mengasihani.
insyaAllah, Malaysians will cast their votes in not less than 2 days. This is my last General Election entry, which coincides with my 100th post here. I have done my part, mainly to express my concerns and discontent on the future of Malaysia.
After doing some homework, now I understand the reasons why Anwar is getting attacks from all angles in BN-pro media. If you have blind loyalty, especially pro-government supporters, you will choose to close your eyes. You will just not listen what the other side has to say, and everything the Government says to you is ' correct,correct,correct' and everything is wrong for the oppsition. This is not 'Ulul-Albab' as promoted by Pak Lah. In Ulul Albab, we have to think and analyse, listen to both sides, find out who is right or wrong and only then you decide. Correct me if I'm wrong, this is purely my observation. 1st pic is DAP and PKR's ceramah at Penang, and it's a full house with estimated more than 10k people. 2nd pic is another mega-ceramah in Penang by DAP. FULL HOUSE ceramah oo..
I won't write long this time. Time is almost over. A reminder, this is not a matter of life or death. Whatever our political differences are, we shall remain united as Malaysians. Whatever is decided tomorrow, if it's through a clean and fair process, we should accept it with open arms. Now with rumours of phantom voters are back, especially the Opposition supporters, this is what PAS's leader has to say " KOTA BHARU, 6 Mac (Hrkh) - PAS tidak dapat menghalang rakyat menggunakan kuasa tangkapan orang awam (citizen arrest) ke atas 'pengundi hantu', kata Naib Presidennya, Datuk Husam Musa."Kalau ada orang awam buat tangkapan, saya tak boleh tahan ... pendekatan kita ialah solat hajat dan doa,"
I can't also help to be influenced by Quotes this time around. The most outstanding will have to be by Chegubard - PERJUANGAN ADALAH PERLAKSANAAN KATA-KATA. caya lah...
Another reminder, we as Muslims are advised to pick the right ones. Don't turn your back on Opposition just because your dad is a UMNO supporter or you are a member of Kelab UMNO. and vice-versa, if you know what i mean.
Peringatan daripada Al-Quran,
“Ketika mereka yang menjadi ikutan itu berlepas diri daripada mereka yang mengikutnya (para pengikut), dan mereka semua melihat azab (keperitannya), dan terputuslah segala hubungan di antara mereka. Dan (pada masa yang mengecewakan itu) berkatalah mereka yang menjadi pengikut: seandainya kami mempunyai ulangan (peluang kembali ke dunia) maka kami akan berlepas diri daripada mereka seperti mana mereka berlepas diri daripada kami (pada saat ini)! Demikianlah Allah perlihatkan kepada mereka amalan-amalan mereka menjadi penyesalan kepada mereka, dan mereka pula tidak akan dapat keluar dari neraka. (surah al-Baqarah: 166-167).
this is my last entry before the election. I believe I have done my part. Any mistakes need to be corrected, let me know. Saya manusia biasa sahaja.
assalamualaikum. p/s : this is my 100th entry here, so thanks for all your support, your constructive comments and thanks for visiting. =)
in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful
read below, read it twice PUTRAJAYA: The Election Commission has cancelled the use of indelible ink in polling this Saturday, citing public order and security reasons.
Its chairman Tan Sri Abdul Rashid Abdul Rahman said following a meeting held Tuesday, the EC was obliged to make a firm and final decision to ensure the smooth conduct of the 12th general election.
Honestly(I truly mean it), I don't really care if the Opposition loses this Saturday. I will also not complain if Barisan wins 100%. I am no politician, I'm a neutral and I'm speaking as a neutral on Malaysian politics. Should BN win, let them win in a fair way.
What has EC done again this time? Have they not done enough to portray bad image of Malaysia at the international level? Has Zam Maidin not done enough to embarrass himself as the Information Minister? Is EC not shameful of their action as exposed by al-Jazeera?
video does not lie this time. This is disgusting EC. ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING. 8 voters sharing the same address, 7 malays and 1 chinese from the same house?
If the Opposition were to be rejected by the rakyat this Saturday, let the Rakyat decide this Saturday. Not by this way please. Please. I love Malaysia, I really do.
Tan Sri Rashid - semoga Allah membalas tindakan anda yang 'adil' begini.
in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful
I'm so thankful that Aucklanders are back in Auckland now. Football sessions won't be dull anymore, lots of activities to enjoy and student life resumes back. Many have come back, honestly I have no idea why some missed Malaysia so much that they have not come back yet. These people were given 4 months for summer holiday, and not enough you say?
The only thing that gave me the greatest feeling of satisfaction yesterday was attending the talk by Tariq Ramadhan. Man, he's awesome. The way he talks, the way he expresses his ideas, the way he thinks is just impressive. More impressively, the non-Muslims who attended were so keen in listening, they jotted down everything he says. One of the issues raised was to be more Islamic does not mean you have to Arab-ise yourselves. Not everything in Arab cultures is Islamic he says. He could not be more right, could he?
The eldest in my family, Auzani has revived his blog back. He is more vocal and more outspoken than I am, reads more, thus has more insight on some issues. That's why he is the eldest. Otherwise you won't hear 'the older the wiser' right. In one of the recent posts by him, there's a video - a shocking confession by Dr Mahathir on the sacking of former deputy prime minister, Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim(DSAI). He(Dr M) admits he abused the power during his tenure. Shocking, isn't it? Tun has admitted DSAI was not guilty, so please be open minded in the future before throwing out anything on any individual.
Is this a sign that non-Muslims are now rejecting UMNO? Malaysians will decide. 7 more days from now..This picture may be not significant, it's not impossible to say it's a one off occasion. but who knows right? At this stage, I am still trying to stay away from saying too much. I'm not anti Barisan Nasional, nor an opposition supporter. My genes are behind all my actions. =)..
I am also grateful to be given the name Azri - meaning 'kekuatanku/penyokongku'. Alhamdulillah..bersyukur kepada Tuhan, and terima kasih kepada emak dan ayah.