in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful
tomorrow is a holiday in NZ and Australia. Logically as many will do, tonight will be the time when nobody really touches the book. It's a bad habit though, a total waste of time. Believe me when I say it will be the time that u want the most when exams are around the corner.
My initial plan was to have few posts for photos from Wellington trip. Come to think of that idea again, I think it would be a bad one. This page is not made and meant for purely photos. maybe I need to reactivate my dormant u think so?
Few weeks ago, we had another day of Hari Kesedaran Palestin. I have nothing but only good words for the organisers. Good presentation and good food(of course la). The content was not bad either. started with history of when Zionist was formed and ended with Boycott Israel Campaign. I agreed that it's a must for us by any means to stop Israel. Somehow, whether u agree or not, most of us blindly support the campaign 100%. I have to say I'm very selective in my boycott. A boycott on National Geographic, CNN brings no benefit to the Muslims, let alone further weakening of financially-strong Israel. A friend suggested having these TV channels as a 2nd reference. I could not agree with her bcoz we r not talking about political news here. CNN and National Geographic provide more than just one-sided proIsraeli news. It's a different case with Coca Cola, McD and Colgate where their contribution is very obvious yet we continously blind ourselves when buying these products. Some dillema arises when we individually boycott these products, but when going out with friends these are the shops we go to for dinner or whatever reasons u name it. why la?its not easy is it? probably these are my issues, but i think they happen everyday even to the hardcore boycott israel supporters. u tell ppl to boycott, they will boycott.u ask them 3 months later, surely they are now back to where they were 3 months ago buying Coca COla again.these campaign when u dont tell the reasons we r boycotting and dont provide the alternative, nanti macam penat je tp x dpt case u might get the wrong idea, i'll stress it again i totally support the campaign. it's just some issues that i have here. btw, the next compaign should be Beli Barangan Muslim. tu yg lagi baik kan? ckp senang, tp sapa nak organise kan??

the title My Side here has 2 reasons. One is to voice my opinions on the Campaigne, the other one is because I like David Beckham's autobiography cover: My Side. Sesuai ngan sifat Islam yg sentiasa memberi peluang org menyatakan pendapatnye.
sebagai penutup, Surah Al-Ghasiyah ayat 21
Maka berilah peringatan, karena sesungguhnya kamu hanyalah orang yang memberi peringatan.
Saya xtau apa cerita di sebalik kenapa ayat ni turun, tp mcm self-explanatory je. tolong explain kalau ada crita2 disebalik tu.
"A boycott on National Geographic, CNN brings no benefit to the Muslims, let alone further weakening of financially-strong Israel.I could not agree with her bcoz we r not talking about political news here. CNN and National Geographic provide more than just one-sided pro-Israeli news."
bile ckp psl boikot nih, bukanlah maksdnye tinggalkn totally sume2 bnde tuh. ikot pd kemampuan diri utk berkorban jgk n pd niat- berbalik kpd niat kita utk
boikot tuh. sama ade nk menjatuhkn israel ke atau membntu ekonomi islam. kalo dgn kite tgk
cnn, national geographic tuh blk membntu kite in the future utk membgnkn islam, proceed la dgn ape yg kite wat. same mcm kite skrng yg tgh blaja dr org2 kafir. tp kite tau kite perlu manipulate ilmu2 tuh utk merampas kembali dr org2 kafir (tgk sejarah zmn kegemilangan islam semula- bagaimana org2 kafir maju lps memanipulate-kn ilmu pengetahuan dr tamadun islam). tp bukanlah kite dok diam saje2..redha dlm keadaan org2 kafir yg berada ats kita. kene igt ade satu jer pihak yg akn berada di atas- dlm kes ni islam atau bkn islam. cube2 renungkn. bknlah kite boikot setakat berniat nk menjatuhkn israel, tp kite nk membgnkn islam. sumbgn yg sikit tuh insya Allah akan membantu islam. terpulanglah nk tgk cnn ke, national geogrphic ke tak salah. tp igtlah utk menyumbg jgk pd islam. -Mashitah- my opinion, benda nih actually potray tahap kefahaman kita...and surely kefahaman tuh leads to our actions ie. 'amal ibadat n akhlak la kan?
spt history dah tunjuk, boycott does work...provided sumer orang bersatu hati and niat truly sayang brothers n sisters kita. cth plg recent that Denmark economy tuh kan?
and kalau fikirkan, bila kita dah tahu contoh CNN and NG tuh bagi contribution kat Zionis yg akan use that money in return to kill sedara2 kita kat sana tuh, mesti terasa something kat dalam hati. maybe ter'picture a bullet goes thru a child's skull dan boleh aja kot nak switch to Animal Planet or contoh Yahoo News ke etc.... ntah, tak rasa rugi plak buat camtu sbb lagi senang hati bila fikirkan kat akhirat nanti, kalau Allah tanya "what's ur part in helping ur brothers n sisters?", i have that answer...
and prolly u havent meet ramai enough orang to actually kenal those dah dalam blood n flesh dia boycott products neh sejak bertahun lalu...
tu je.. =)
"Some dillema arises when we individually boycott these products, but when going out with friends these are the shops we go to for dinner or whatever reasons u name it. why la?its not easy is it? probably these are my issues, but i think they happen everyday even to the hardcore boycott israel supporters. u tell ppl to boycott, they will boycott.u ask them 3
months later, surely they are now back to where they were 3 months ago buying Coca COla again"
dah try dlu ke? mgkn u havnt been in the envirnmt where majority of muslim do the boycott. cth di Saudi Arabia. mgkn tak menyeluruh boikot tuh tp ade yg buat. sume tuh bergntung kpd kesanggupan & kesedaran yg bermule dr usaha2 kecil individu yg btol2 faham akn keperluan n sedar kepentingan boikot nih. seterusnya insya Allah istiqomah dgn ape yg dilakukannye. isu nih more to individu pnye effort. jgn salahkn campaign boikot tuh (ie. krg praktikal ke utk dijalankn) instead tgk blk pd diri
sndiri. ader jer yg mampu istiqomah. pk2 la sndiri.kalo dah mampu utk istiqomah tggjwb individu plak utk at least crite ttg nih pd kwn2.. kalo tak smpi bile pn
boycott tuh tak berjaye. again, jgn salahkn campign boikot ni.
sbb nyer sume tuh bergntung pd effort masing2- utk boikot n menyebarkn ttg boikot
nih. selamanya takkan berjaye tnpa individu2 yg faham, sedar n istiqomah. -mashitah-
"these campaign when u dont tell the reasons we r boycotting and dont provide the alternative, nanti macam penat je tp x dpt apa2"
nape tak bgtau plak? bkn dah tjk presentation ttg invasion of isreal kat palestine ke? ader byk info psl kekejaman israel di palestine, ape lgik yg tak clear ttg reasons of boycotting isreal? dr sudut ekonomi mmg la ssh nk dibuktikan atau dizahirkn dgn figures. ekonomi dunia sedar tak sedar mmg dlm gengaman israel. they have the power to keep it secret- ttg jatuh bgn ekonomi mereka. kalo kite nk tgk nilai diorg jatuh, agk sukar la kat ctu. yg penting bkn figure tuh. tp hati kite. Allah nilai usaha kite, bkn natijah. kalo mmg Allah dah takdirkn israel akn berada di ats, mmg selamanya akn di ats.
tp kite berusaha aje la. tuh yg penting- niat yg terhasil dari kesedaran dan kesanggupn utk berkorban demi melihat islam naik semule. patutnya boikot nih tak patut jdik mengelirukn. ianya hanya usaha. Dr. Yusuf Qardawi kluakn fatwa utk boikot nih sbb sumorg mampu buat, mengikut kemampuan masing2.
semoga kite sume dpt balasn yg setimpal dgn ape yg kite usahakn. semoga dlm hitungan setiap pengorbanan.Ameen. -Mashitah-
the next compaign should be Beli Barangan Muslim. tu yg lagi baik kan? ckp senang, tp sapa nak organise kan??
campaign mcm nih kekuatannya dtg dr individu. elakkn melihatnya dari sudut kolektif sbb tak sume individu islam aware ttg isu nih...lagi. selagi kite mampu memainkn peranan kite, teruskn.
insya Allah bile cukp individu2 yg paham, akn wujudlah usaha ke arah itu. insya Allah.
akhir kata, seperti ayat Al- Ghasiyah: 5, the person who informed you about this campaign had done his duty- ie. menyampaikan/ memberi perigtan. terpulanglah kpd individu2 yang mendgrnya sama ada hendak menerimanya atau tidak.
Semoga Allah memberikan balasan yg sebaik2nya atas usaha stp hamba2-Nya di dlm menunaikan perintah-Nya. Ameen. -Mashitah-
salam mashitah and wanderer..
trimas atas nasihat n teguran2 sume pn ada salah silap.manusia..
maaf kalau terkasar bahasa, tp sy mmg support kempen ni. sy sendiri boikot kebanyakan produk2 tu.cume sy mempersoalkan beberapa aspek je.n sy ada wat 2 entrikot pasal kenapa kena sokong kempen ni.
berkenaan denmark tu, jgn lupa 2 faktor penting iaitu masa dan emosi.masa dia sekejap je.emosi pun tgh meletup time tu.
sy pn kata nothing but good words utk penyampai dan organiser.point sy dlm entry kali ni sy selektif dlm boikot.tu je. sy x kata kita kene tgk CNN, tp sy kata kalo kita btol2 boikot CNN and NG cnthnye, kita sendiri ye rugi.
maaf kalo terkasar gak ada salah silap.
Office Fotopages kat Israel.
nasib baik x reactivate lg.ko pecita weh?balik ke summer ni?
p/s : mashitah n wanderer.sori kalau terkasar bahasa.rasa bersalah lak.cume nyatakan pendirian je.
Salam alaika
I somehow agree with 'anonymous(s)'/mashitah.
Bak kalam Allah di dalam Al-Furqaan, "Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, jadilah kamu penolong Allah....."
Dlm konteks ni, kira macam menjadi penolong Allah dalam membantu saudara seiman mu di bumi quds. Bumi Quds merupakan kekuatan umat Islam.
Fikir2 la ye:
Hendak seribu daya, MAHU SERIBU CARA...bukan seribu dalih.
God knows best.
wassalam alayka
tak sama skali sy x sokong kempen ni.n sy tambah video cramah tu utk kuatkan hujah yg sy maksudkan kat sini bila wat total camtu ia jadik x realistik. mmg sy stuju mcm mashitah ckp wat yg mana dlm masa kita kena seimbang antara kita yg rugi ataupun israel yg menang.contoh dlm Intel.yg plg popular prosesor pn Intel n AMD.scr optimis mmg kita nak org AMD tp realiti nye org akan beli Intel tu contoh yg x elok aa.
kesimpulan yg sy nak wat sy stuju sgt2 kempen ni n wat yg mana mampu. tp yg sy wat ialah scr selektif dan itu pilihan cuba sedaya upaya x beli or x mencari dalih,tp tiap2 bende kita wat tu kena ada justification dia kan.kalo barang X produk israel harga 100 usd and barang bukan israel harga 150, sy sendiri xtau nak pilih antara kurangkan kekuatan Israel atau kurangkan kekuatan ekonomi kita sendiri.
Kita berusaha, Allah tentukan. Usaha boycott sy galakkan kalau ade yang mau kempen. Terutama kepada golongan ibu2, yang btanggungjawab bli barang dapor.
Adalah satu usaha yang murni, yang menampakkan kecintaan terhadap agama dan umat ini.
walau bagai manapon, dari sudut berbeza, usaha ini dijalankan hanya bertujuan untuk melumpuhkan ekonomi yahudi/nasara.
Niat boycott ini insyaAllah akan berjaya bawak impact yang besar JIKA smua umat bersatu hati dan mempunyai rasa cinta pada Islam dan umat ini. Namun kenyataannya, kita semua masih bersikap individualistik, berlumba2 mengejar hajat masing2.
Kita lupa satu perkara, bahawa ketamadunan Islam yang gah itu bermula dengan iman yang kuat di kalangan muslim. Jadi janganlah disangka kejatuhan ekonomi (jika berlaku) US/ISRAEL mampu membendung kekejaman mereka. Kesengsaraan muslim hari ini kerana salah muslim sendiri, dan bukannya US/ISRAEL..
setuju2.bunyi lg best bila kempen ni ada target dia kpd golongan tertentu utk barangan tertentu.mantap2.
kalau bukak website persatuan pengguna Islam msia diorg kempen boikot 3 barang - colgate,coke n starbucks.igt lg senang sket2 yg btol2 common.mgkn tu permulaan yg lg elok.
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