Saturday, February 07, 2009

Tenggelamnya Isu Israel


in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

Benar wujudnya dilema di dalam kerajaan Perak ketika ini. Kita melihat 2 spektrum keadaan. Pertama, jika kerajaan PR terus berdegil untuk memegang kerajaan Perak, maka mereka akan dipermainkan oleh media UMNO sebagai pengkhianat kepada Sultan.

Kedua pula, jika mereka meletak jawatan, mereka secara tidak langsung akan mengiktiraf status kerajaan BN yang tidak sah, dan paling utamanya untuk mereka yang faham, ialah mereka akan kelihatan seperti tidak menjunjung perlembegaan negeri Perak.

Mana hendak dipilih, Sultan atau Perlembagaan. Sistem kita pula ialah Raja Berpelembagaan.

Apa2 pun, sejauh mana kita marah ataupun sokong, tindakan yang tidak begitu diplomasi dilakukan oleh pendemonstrasi amat dikesali. Sama adaanda di-provoke atau tidak, kita semua hendaklah ditunjukkan kita adalah bangsa bertamadun.

Sebagai Muslim pula, janganlah kita menjadi ekstrim dalam berpolitik. Kita berpolitik, kita pilih wadah kita, tapi jangan sampai kita berpecah sebagai umat Islam. Sama ada anda penyokong UMNO, teruskan jika itu pilihan anda. Tapi menuju 2020, amatlah bodoh jika pihak anda merasakan salah untuk rakyat tidak memilih UMNO.

Sedar atau tidak, isu Perak ini telah menenggelamkan kesedaran kita terhadap isu Palestin. Itu silapnya kita bila kita terlalu ekstrim terhadap sesuatu isu.

Alangkah baiknya jika Mufti Perak, atau Majlis Mufti Negara bertindak lebih proaktif dalam membimbing rakyat. Nak harapkan UMNO, lambatlah lagi. Nak harapkan PAS pulak, pemuda mereka lebih berminat untuk demonstrasi membantah konsert. Kan lagi elok jika mereka proaktif dalam menyediakan alternatif2 hiburan.

Untuk sesetengah pihak pula, sungguh kolot maksud hiburan sehingga nasyid sahaja yang diterima.

Disini kita mengharapkan pihak2 agama yang ada kuasa, yang dibayar gajinya dan yang hanya bergerak dengan Quran dan Sunnah dapat menjadi penggerak. Masyarakat menjadi lembap kerana kelembapan anda. Walaupun rakyat berbelah bagi tentang boikot Israel, jika Majlis Fatwa lebih aktif, maka rakyat secara majoriti mungkin menerima fatwa itu, kerana Mufti2 adalah pemimpin.

saya ada lebih kurang 1 jam setengah untuk tidur sebelum bangkit semula untuk ke KLIA. Nak tidur tak puas pulak..

saya jumpa video ni di youtube(mana lagi), ucapan ADUN Bota selepas beliau 'pindah' ke PKR. Perkataan yang digunakan oleh beliau ialah 'hijrah'. Beberapa hari pastu, 'gostan' pulak..Anda nilailah sendiri. Ucapan pemimpin UMNO yang lain pun ada.

cuba je la tido,


Anonymous said...

I also found an old video in youtube.

It is about a request made by Pakatan on 16 September before they agree to announce the names of the MPs and took over the government. They do not want BN to try to do these things to hassled them in taking over the administrations of Malaysia.

There are few request but 1 of the request was to not dissolve the Parliament response so the intention to form a new government.

I figure, that Pakatan Rakyat also must already prepare to do the same thing if it’s happen to them. Right?? I do not think that they will request/say something that they themselves are unable to cope??

About Sultan Perak, the other day Pakatan said its all up to Sultan Perak to decide and he had made his decisions. Then, why did they disobey the Sultan and try to fined Sultan for making his decisions. It must be a solid reason why Sultan choose not to dissolve DUN in Perak. What Pakatan Rakyat could do is to start finding the core problems that causes their ADUN to quit their parties and become ADUN Bebas.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mr Anonymous,

From the way you write, I can see that you're smart & intelligent. Thank you for supporting UMNO since it seems that UMNO needs people like you. Clearly, the younger generations have deserted them..

The only people I see supporting UMNO are mat rempits, old people (age >40) and contractors!

Dont tell me you're a contractor too!! haha


Anonymous said...

lol.. thanks Ozone 2008. I'm sure was not in the group that you had mention.

but we get wiser when we get older dont we? :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, anwar ibarihim failed miserably. But that's the beauty about malaysians. Rakyat were not angry when AI made that claim. If it materialize, great! Why?

The rakyat generally are sympathetic towards the opposition. The oppositions are not being treated fairly. They were not given enough media coverage and every government machineries are against them.If YBs were to jump ship to Pakatan Rakyat, it would be something ok since the rakyat generally are very unhappy with the current government.

But the rakyat became angry when the PR's YB jump ship because the current BN government failed to show that they care about the rakyat.

Anonymous said...

kaki projek kot...mamat percent apa latest projek? pensil?..satu RM 5.00?..kahkahkah..
aku nak bukak tender, sapa nak supply pembaris..& please do not insult my intelligence by giving rm 0.20 a least RM 10.00 per piece k..

Anonymous said...

kaki projek kot...mamat percent apa latest projek? pensil?..satu RM 5.00?..kahkahkah..
aku nak bukak tender, sapa nak supply pembaris..& please do not insult my intelligence by giving rm 0.20 a least RM 10.00 per piece k..

Unknown said...

sorry for the late reply everyone

anon1) did i not explain it well that there is a dilemma that IR Nizar is facing now? If he accepted it, that would mean his acceptance of illegal government and also disrespect to State Constitution. He chose to respect the law and constitution. Is that wrong?

Maybe if u stole a car, u can choose not to go the court because your dad said it's fine to do it?

Is that so hard to understand?

n not everyone necessarily gets wiser as they get older. Otherwise, you would not the takeover and corruption commited by XXXX. Maybe wiser in how and when to commit them?

Ozone: what to do la.they choose to live in denial.they think people are happy with the takeover.or whatever they call it.

anon: seriously,i dont understand what u are trying to say. My bad,sorry.