Friday, September 21, 2007

Searching for God


in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

Ramadhan is very close to the end of 1st 1/3rd. time flies very fast, so fast that you can still remember clearly how u started the Ramadhan this year 8 days ago. I have been blessed with a new nephew last week, the 3rd newborn in the family this year.

Few friends have been asking what is atheism. Defined by Wikepedia Atheism, as a philosophical view, is the position that either affirms the nonexistence of gods[1] or rejects theism. In simpler words, they believe in nothing.

All of us, regardless of what religion you might embrace, have always been bombarded with questions ,
-who created us
-why do we live, grow up and eventually die?
-if God does exist, where is He?

We the Muslims believe in Allah the Almighty as the One and Only. 25% of the world population are Muslims. The rest, the emptiness in their restless hearts made them began to look for the answers for the above questions, which unfortunately had lead them to create God in thousands of forms. The rest here includes those those who do not believe in God, but still they believe in something though they never portray it. Some believe God presented in a human form, God has son and endless other forms which of course are ridiculous.As said by Dr Asri(Minda Mufti)

Hingga mereka yang mendakwa tidak mempercayai Tuhan dan bebas dari sebarang peraturan manusia pun, mereka tetap menjadi hamba nafsu dan pemikiran sesat yang akhirnya merobohkan nilai keinsanan mereka yang sebenar.

Islam, what differentiates it to other religions is Islam is a complete way of life. Comparatively, other religions they stress only/mostly the spiritual side of a human being. Therefore, we see them going to their so-called holy places at one time and the rest of the week they live as if they will never die, taking alchohol and practising free sex for instance. Islam is different, it is a system that covers from the very basic life chores up to the rules and laws of a country.

Yes, the non-Muslims might be laughing at us now. The Malay's saying ' cakap tak serupa bikin' is perhaps not far from being true. Islam as proven by history reached the top of the world when It was truly practiced by the Muslims. I'm urging my fellow Muslims, as stated in the Quran,

24. Maka apakah mereka tidak memperhatikan Al Quran ataukah hati mereka terkunci?

25. Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang kembali ke belakang (kepada kekafiran) sesudah petunjuk itu jelas bagi mereka, syaitan telah menjadikan mereka mudah (berbuat dosa) dan memanjangkan angan-angan mereka.

33. Hai orang-orang yang beriman, taatilah Allah dan taatilah Rasul dan janganlah kamu merusakkan (pahala) amal-amalmu. Surah Muhammad 24,25,33

to question where is God, why is the world unfair and why your loved ones die of cancer and others that deserve to die(subjective) live happily in this world is part of human nature. Islam has set the path, yet this path seems so blur to us because of our laziness in seeking it.

4. Katakanlah: "Terangkanlah kepadaku tentang apa yang kamu sembah selain Allah; perlihatkan kepada-Ku apakah yang telah mereka ciptakan dari bumi ini atau adakah mereka berserikat (dengan Allah) dalam (penciptaan) langit? Bawalah kepada-Ku Kitab yang sebelum (Al Quran) ini atau peninggalan dari pengetahuan (orang-orang dahulu), jika kamu adalah orang-orang yang benar" Al-Ahqaaf, ayat 4

On another heavy note, I would like a heavy penalty/punishment to be sentenced to the rapist of Nurin. A death sentence would be the preferred option to most of us(i guess). You are a sick animal! Even an animal would never do that!

Today, we had an iftaar with the majority of Malaysian Muslim students. More pictures will be uploaded later.

faliq - sekali lagi dengan gaya x sabar nak buke!

the owner himself,

till next time

p/s : I have received more than 10 000 visitors until today. Thanks for all the comments and constructive opinions. n correct me in any mistakes made.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

15 september


dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Mengasihani

sambutan yg hangat utk aktiviti semalam

semalam 15 September, tayangan video Soal Jawab Puasa bersama Dr Asri dilangsungkan di bangunan engineering.yg sgt menarik, kehadiran sangat2 la di luar jangkaan sampaikan organisers pn risau takut x cukup makanan.mantap!kepada student2 AUT, kredit utk korang sbb organise dengan jayanya.

ada beberapa permintaan utk aku jawab beberapa soalan yg aku letak dlm previous entry tu.aku pn x pandai dalam al-ahkam ada lebih dpd 6 page pasal soal jawab, jadik bole klik direct kat sini la kalo sapa2 ada kemusykilan.dekat top left of that page ada link untuk download e-book soal jawab utk menyenangkan sume, sy sediakan jawapan yg saya amek dpd al-ahkam tu okeh, menggunakan dalil Quran dan Hadith

soalan 1.
ikut solat bersama orang arab,saya dapati ada perbezaan antara cara menunaikan solat tarawikh.kalau di negara kita antara rakaat2 solat tarawikh,selalunya bilal akan berselawat diikuti oleh makmum.tetapi berlainan dengan orang arab,imam meneruskan solat tanpa diselangi selawat.Minta pandangan tuan2 dalam perbezaan ini.mengapa wujud perbezaan ini dan cara mana yang disepakati ulama`?Minta juga disertakan hadith2 rujukan.
jawapan : klik sini

soalan 2: Adakah batal puasa dengan suntikan ubat di bulan puasa ?klik jawapan

soalan 3 : puasa dan haid . jawapan

faliq yg terlalu dahaga(sabar2)

syafiq meniru idolanya,musa.

member dpt makanan lupa aku - kata tawfiq

lebihan makanan yg jadik impian ramai.heheh

sorila xleh nak jawab.kalo jawab pn sama ngan jawapan copy paste dpd al-ahkam gak.

sekian saja laporan,kembali ke bilik berita

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Oh warga Auckland.............


dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Mengasihani

kepada saudara saudari warga Auckland, sekadar ingin memaklumkan kepada kalian sume Sabtu ni ada buke pose + tayangan video Soal jawab agama

antara soalan2 yg ditanya dan dijawab dlm video
1)makruh ke kalo mandi
2)batal puasa ke kalo pakai ubat lelah
3)batal pose ke kalo kene injection
4)kene pose ke kalo musafir
5)banyak lagi soalan2 lain

kebanyakan soalan2 ni akan dijawab mengikut dalil2 Quran dan Hadith. jom datang sume!hilangkan segala kemusykilan pasal puasa2 kita.kan Islam tu agama yang mudah.kan?kan?

len kali sambung

p/s : poster adalah ihsan blog Beca and flowersofislam. trima kasih banyak2

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Ramadhan, Bulan Puasa


in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

8-9 days ago was the last time I posted something here.I could not possibly update sooner due to many reasons(real ones!).

so, 5 more days to Ramadhan huh?

Rasulullah,the Prophet himself had the opportunity of going through 9 Ramadhans. Ramadhan was implemented on the 2nd year of Hijrah. To the many of us, this probably would be our 9th-12th ramadhan probably. to those who will turn 24 this year, is our coming 11th ramadhan(assuming you reached puberty at 13) going to be a better than the Prophet's 9 ramadhans? Certainly not, but Rasulullah left us the guidelines to meet the objectives of Ramadhan.

Ramadhan, as indicated by this verse,

"Hai sekalian orang yang beriman! Diwajibkanlah puasa atas engkau semua sebagaimana yang diwajibkan atas orang-orang yang sebelum engkau semua itu,"

'Orang yang beriman'. does this imply all Muslims? why did not Allah use 'hai sekalian orang Muslim'? A believer(orang yg beriman) is definitely a Muslim, but a Muslim is not necessarily a believer. Not suprisingly we see a minor portion of Muslims do not oblige this order. they do not fast and some even make this public, and proud of it!

let's change this. a reminder, our job is not only encouraging the maaruf, but to prevent the munkar. your friends who commit any wrongdoings, let them know they are wrong. be nice to your friends. you should hate their attitude, not themselves. therefore, correct them in the very best way possible. they are not gonna be mad at you, if they really call themselves your friends. at the age of 20s, you are wise enough to know friends who are with you in the times of easy and difficult.

a friend in need is a friend indeed

think of it again, how many times have we been hated(temporarily) for correcting friends in the name of Islam. you wake your friends up for Subuh prayer, they might be angry at you. u might then feel inappropriately guilty for a wrong reason. dont be. Allah says

33. Siapakah yang lebih baik perkataannya daripada orang yang menyeru kepada Allah, mengerjakan amal yang saleh, dan berkata: "Sesungguhnya aku termasuk orang-orang yang menyerah diri?"

34. Dan tidaklah sama kebaikan dan kejahatan. Tolaklah (kejahatan itu) dengan cara yang lebih baik, maka tiba-tiba orang yang antaramu dan antara dia ada permusuhan seolah-olah telah menjadi teman yang sangat setia.

41. Sesungguhnya Kami menurunkan kepadamu Al Kitab (Al Quran) untuk manusia dengan membawa kebenaran; siapa yang mendapat petunjuk maka (petunjuk itu) untuk dirinya sendiri, dan siapa yang sesat maka sesungguhnya dia semata-mata sesat buat (kerugian) dirinya sendiri, dan kamu sekali-kali bukanlah orang yang bertanggung jawab terhadap mereka.

friendly match All Blacks - Ireland 2006

I'm writing this as I'm watching the Rugby World Cup. woohoo! All Blacks vs Italy. The game would be probably have finished as u read this. No regrets coming to Auckland bro! if you were wondering the situation in NZ here, it's sufficient to say almost as good as football world cup. i know the game is so not familiar to Malaysians but try to have a go at one match. any All Blacks game would do, a Haka for sure will get u addicted to the game! forget football for this 1 week, they are only international matches anyway.

again, no more bazaar Ramadhan for me this year. last year was fun, this year will be even better. we have a bigger community now. earlier this year, we could form 4 different football teams everytime we played football. more people means more food, more food means more Malaysian food! mantap2!

okla, till next time

before I leave, dont forget to wake up for Sahur. it goes without saying sahur is good. we wanna fast as taught by Rasulullah, so make sure we start fasting in an Islamic way, and ends it in Islamic way

"Pemisahan - yakni perbedaan - antara puasa kita dengan puasanya kaum ahlulkitab -yakni kaum Yahudi dan Nasrani - itu ialah adanya makan sahur." (Riwayat Muslim)

we certainly have not helped enough our brother and sisters in Palestine. now we want to follow their teachings?

will write again,